
  • 网络sex ratio at birth
  1. 同时,对人口学专家、人口与计划生育工作者、法律专家以及社会学学者就出生人口性别比偏高问题进行专家深度访谈,了解专家对此问题的看法。

    By In-depth interviews among the experts on population , population and family planning , legal and scholars on the sociology , understand the view of the high sex ratio at birth .

  2. 计划生育政策在20世纪80年代出台,鼓励一对夫妻只生一个孩子,这一政策使得出生人口性别比上升到了一定的高度。

    The family planning policy , which was introduced in the 1980s to encourage each couple to have just one child , has pushed the sex ratio at birth up to some degree .

  3. 福建省统计局(FujianProvincialBureauofStatistics)普查中心副主任姚美雄接受澎湃新闻(ThePaper)网采访表示,预计到2020年,出生人口性别比(即出生100个女婴对应出生的男婴数)为118.9。

    There are likely to be 118.9 boys born for every 100 girls by 2020 , Yao Meixiong , deputy director of census with the Fujian Provincial Bureau of Statistics , told The Paper website .

  4. 因为一阶Rook权重矩阵反映的是直接的物理邻接,而出生人口性别比可能受到邻接区域的影响更大,如重男轻女思想的传播、胎儿性别鉴定技术的扩散等。

    Because 1st order Rook weight indicates the true physical adjacency . Sex ratio of birth may get more influence through adjacent regions , such as the spread of patriarchal ideology , the diffusion of prenatal sex identification technology . 3 .

  5. 出生人口性别比失衡的社会因素分析

    Analysis on Social Factors of Unbalanced Gender Ratio of New-born Population

  6. 关于治理出生人口性别比问题的思考

    Pondering Over the Control of the Sex Ratio at Birth

  7. 生育文明与出生人口性别比的平衡

    The Balance Between Fertility Civilization and Ratio of Sexual Distinction

  8. 出生人口性别比失调的法制因素探讨

    Legislative Factors in China 's Imbalanced Sex Ratio at Birth

  9. 新疆出生人口性别比变化的相对稳定性研究

    A Research on the Relative Stability of Xinjiang 's Sexual Birth Rate

  10. 县处级干部对出生人口性别比问题的认知&以广东省为例

    The Mid-Level Governmental Officials ' Cognition of Birth Sex Ratio in Guangdong

  11. 广东出生人口性别比偏高的现状、原因与对策

    The Unbalance of Birth Sex Ratio in Guangdong : Causes and Countermeasures

  12. 例如出生人口性别比偏高、人口老龄化等。

    These problems include the high sex ratio and the growing population aging .

  13. 广西出生人口性别比失调的经济因素分析

    Analysis of Economic Factors for Imbalance of Sex Ratio at Birth in Guangxi

  14. 安徽省出生人口性别比偏高的成因与对策

    Causes of Highly Imbalanced Birth Sex Ratio in Anhui Province and the Solutions

  15. 出生人口性别比持续偏高主要表现在二孩上;

    The high sex ratio at birth is mainly related with the 2nd child .

  16. 出生人口性别比的一种估计模型及其精度分析

    An Estimate Model of the Sex Ratio of the Birth and Its Accuracy Analysis

  17. 加强生育文明建设是解决出生人口性别比失衡问题的治本良策

    Strengthening the Building of Civilization of Birth is a Fundamental Ways on Unbalanced Sex Ratio

  18. 安阳市出生人口性别比失衡的时空分布特征分析

    An Analysis of the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Newborns ' Gender Imbalance in Anyang

  19. 家庭性别平等观念与控制出生人口性别比认知

    The Opinion On Family Gender Equality and the Cognition On Controlling the Sex Ratios of Infants

  20. 总人口性别结构趋于平衡,但出生人口性别比偏高。

    Sex ratio of total population tended to balance ; while birth sex ratio is somewhat higher .

  21. 可以说目前中国出生人口性别比失衡的程度相当严重。

    So we can say that the imbalance sex ratio at birth in China is very severe .

  22. 第三部分,考察农村居民对控制出生人口性别比的认知状况。

    The third part examines the rural residents ' cognition on controlling the sex ratios of infants .

  23. 近年来,我国出生人口性别比失衡现象日趋严重。

    In recent years , the gender disproportion problem of newly-born population is growing more and more serious .

  24. 出生人口性别比偏高是一个严重的社会问题,也是人口过快增长的一个主要原因。

    High birth sex ratio is not only a serious social problem , but a main cause of fast population growth .

  25. 因而,本研究运用社会性别视角,通过田野调查和个案研究,了解桐柏县出生人口性别比失衡的现状并分析其原因。

    Therefore , The study tries to learn current situation and reasons from gender perspective by field surveys and case studies .

  26. 文章通过实证分析方法研究了新疆的出生人口性别比相对稳定的原因。

    This paper applies positive methods to the analysis of the causes of the relative stability of Xinjiang 's sexual birth rate .

  27. 保持出生人口性别比正常,实现人口生态平衡,是社会可持续发展的基础。

    Maintenance the normal sex ratio at birth is the foundation to realize the population ecological equilibrium and the social sustainable development .

  28. 女性就业竞争力与出生人口性别比的城乡差异分析

    An Analysis of Women ′ s Employment Competitiveness and the Differences in Sex Ratio at Birth between the Rural and the Urban

  29. 并阐明了农村居民对控制出生人口性别比认知的复杂性和重要意义;

    Besides , the complexity and the significance of rural residents ' cognition about controlling the sex ratios of infants are also illustrated .

  30. 出生人口性别比的偏高有着各种深厚的原因,这种持续的失衡将会引发各种社会问题。

    This phenomenon is caused by all kinds of deep reasons . The problem continuing imbalance will cause a variety of social issues .