
jī jiàn
  • fencing;swordplay
击剑 [jī jiàn]
  • [fencing] 双方用剑对劈或对刺,是一种体育运动项目

击剑[jī jiàn]
  1. 该联合会成了美国业余击剑运动的管理机构。

    The league became the governing body for amateur fencing in the U.S.

  2. 击剑他是老手。

    He is an old hand at fencing .

  3. 他长于击剑。

    He is famous at fencing .

  4. 我在大学时偶尔玩玩击剑

    I did a bit of fencing while I was at college .

  5. B是的,击剑很好。非常迅速、烈。

    B : Yes , that 's good . It 's really fast and exciting .

  6. 你们在高中时是全国优秀学生奖学金(NationalMeritScholarship)获得者、学生会主席、击剑队队长。

    In high school you were National Merit Scholars , student council presidents and captains of your fencing teams .

  7. 对击剑运动员比赛心率、赛后血乳酸和血清CK的研究

    A Study on Fencers ' Competition Heart Rate , After-Competition Blood Lactic Acid and CK

  8. 中国唯一的一面击剑比赛金牌是在1984年获得。2006年法国人ChristianBauer受聘担任中国击剑队教练。

    China 's only gold in fencing came in1984 . France 's CHRISTIAN BAUER was hired to coach China 's team in2006 .

  9. 在这次奥运会中,瑞士获得一枚金牌(来自于MarcelFisher参加的击剑比赛),一枚银牌和三枚铜牌。

    In the2004 games , Switzerland won one gold ( from Marcel Fisher in fencing ), one silver and three bronze medals .

  10. 肋环型索穹顶是美国工程师Geiger根据Fuller的张拉整体结构思想开发的一种新型预张力结构,并最早应用在汉城奥运会的体操馆和击剑馆。

    The Geiger dome was first proposed by Geiger after developing Fuller 's idea of tensegrity and applied into the Gymnastics Arena and the Fencing Arena in Seoul .

  11. CFF所反映的中枢疲劳和BUN反映的外周疲劳不同步,中枢疲劳产生晚,恢复慢,击剑项目应重视中枢疲劳的评定。

    CFF reflexes central fatigue and BUN reflexes periphery fatigue . Their change are derangement , central fatigue emerges later , and recovers slower , in fencing we should think high of central fatigue .

  12. 马术,击剑,游泳,射击和越野跑。

    Equestrianism , fencing , swimming , shooting and cross-country race .

  13. 对我国高校击剑运动发展现状的研究

    Investigation in the Current Situation of College Fencing Training in China

  14. 那个大胆挑战整个骑兵队的击剑者是苏洛。

    The fencer who defiantly challenge the whole troops is Zero .

  15. 你知道,像是击剑,戏剧表演或什么的。

    You know , like fencing , or theater or something .

  16. 花剑比赛中运用击剑线技、战术的重要性

    The Importance of Using Line of Fencing Strategy in Foil Match

  17. 击剑教学对女学生心理素质的影响

    Influences of fencing teaching on college girl students ' psychological quality

  18. 视觉闪光融合频率在击剑运动员机能评定中的应用研究

    Application research of CFF in the evaluation of fencers ′ function

  19. 击剑比赛视频数据库管理系统的结构与应用

    Structure and Application of Video Database Management System of Fencing Competition

  20. 中央银行业务与国际象棋和击剑有许多共同之处。

    Central banking has much in common with chess and fencing .

  21. 击剑、拳击、剑术的行家。

    Is an expert single stick player , boxer and swordsman .

  22. 在击剑方面,他有很好的进攻和防守技能。

    In fencing , he has good skills in attack and defense .

  23. 贝叶斯网络在击剑训练决策支持中的研究与应用

    The Research and Application of Bayesian Networks in Fencing Training Decision Support

  24. 论击剑运动员赛前不良心理状态的调节

    Discussions on Accommodation of Bad Mentation of Fence - player

  25. 击剑者戴的一种细孔面罩。

    A fine-mesh mask worn over a fencer 's face .

  26. 我国高水平击剑运动员成才规律分析

    Analysis on General Pattern of High-level Fencer Becoming Elite Athlete in China

  27. 还要你自己带击剑?

    Where you have to bring your own fencing foil ?

  28. 击剑运动项目技战术特征的理论研究

    Theoretical Study on Characteristics of Techniques and Tactics in Fencing

  29. 陕西省中学生击剑运动发展现状研究

    Research on the Current Situation of Middle School Fencing in Shaanxi Province

  30. 优秀青少年击剑运动员选材指标的研究

    Study on Talent Selection Index of Elite Young Fencing Athletes