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gǔ diǎn shì shuāi jiāo
  • Greco-Roman wrestling;Graeco-Roman style wrestling
古典式摔跤[gǔ diǎn shì shuāi jiāo]
  1. 结果提示,大负荷运动对古典式摔跤运动员内分泌指标中的ACTH,T的升高有长时效应;而对FSH,PRL,LH和C的变化出现即刻效应。

    The results suggested that high intensity exercise has long-term effects on the increase of ACTH , T , but has instantly effects on FSH , PRL , LH and C.

  2. 男子古典式摔跤运动员腰背肌力特征的研究

    Research on Back Muscular Strength Feature of Male Greco-Roman Style Wrestler

  3. 广西古典式摔跤运动员运动损伤调查分析

    A Survey on Sports Injury of Classic Style Wrestlers in Guangxi

  4. 这个周末他要参加的在斯德哥尔摩举行的世界古典式摔跤锦标赛怎么办?

    How about this weekend 's world Greco-Roman wrestling championships instockholm ?

  5. 浅析男子古典式摔跤运动员快速力量的训练方法

    Analysis of Speed-strength Training Methods of Men 's Greco-roman Wrestling Athletes

  6. 心理调控对古典式摔跤运动员技、战术发挥的影响

    Influence of Psychological Regulation on Technique and Tactics of Greco-Roman Wrestlers

  7. 古典式摔跤的心理素质与训练方法

    Psychological Theory Of Greco & Roman Wrestling And Training Methods

  8. 古典式摔跤运动员制胜规律的探讨与研究

    Discussion on the Law of Wining of Greco-Roman Wrestling Event

  9. 从那时起,古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤都扮演着重要角色。

    Since then , Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling have both been featured .

  10. 而在古典式摔跤比赛中,卡尔·舒曼也夺得一枚金牌。

    He also won the Greco-Roman wrestling tournament in a major upset .

  11. 古典式摔跤跪撑技术的趋向

    The Trend of Ground Holding Techniques in Classical Wrestling

  12. 古典式摔跤运动员体能训练理论体系研究

    Physical training theory system of Greco-roman wrestling athletes

  13. 古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤的渊源

    Historical Origin of Graco-Roman and Free-style Wrestling

  14. 冠军泪&山西古典式摔跤名将韩玉伟写真

    Tears of Champion & A vivid portrayal of Han Yuwei , a famous classical wrestler from Shanxi

  15. 滚桥技术是古典式摔跤的技术之一,也是得分的主要手段。

    The roller bridge technology is a technology of the Greco-Roman wrestling is one of the main score means .

  16. 古典式摔跤运动员亚高原训练血红蛋白、血压、晨脉与体脂变化规律的研究

    The Research on Changing Regularity of Greco-Roman Style Wrestlers ' Hemoglobin , Blood Pressure , Morning Pulse and Skinfold during Sub-altitude Training

  17. 近年来随着古典式摔跤规则产生的新变化,反抱躯干技术理所当然的成为各级大赛中被广泛使用的重点技术。

    Following the rule 's change of Greece-Rome wrestling , the reverse enclasp body has become one of the most important technique .

  18. 所以他们原封不动地模仿古希腊和古罗马摔跤手的遗风,重现了“古典式摔跤”。

    They resurrected Greco-Roman wrestling , a style they believed to be an exact carryover from the Greek and Roman wrestlers of old .

  19. 在古典式摔跤比赛中,摔跤选手只能用双臂和上半身去攻击对手,也只能扭抱对手的这些部位。

    In Greco-Roman wrestling , the wrestlers used only their arms and upper bodies to attack . They could hold only those same parts of their opponents .

  20. 人类学家们还分析了雅典夏季奥运会中四项对抗性运动的比赛结果,它们分别是拳击、跆拳道、古典式摔跤和自由式摔跤。

    In their survey , the anthropologists analyzed the results of four combat sports at the summer games : boxing , tae kwon do , Greco-Roman wrestling and freestyle wrestling .

  21. 跪撑技术是古典式摔跤比赛中使用率和得分率较高的一项技术,跪撑技术使用的好坏直接决定着比赛的成绩。

    Kneeling technology is the Greco-Roman wrestling match , and scored higher rate of utilization of a technology , use of technology is good or bad kneeling directly determines the competition results .

  22. 结果表明,古典式摔跤运动员膝关节、腰背和肘关节力量特征,可用各关节作功时的相对峰力矩、加速时间和峰力矩角度的参数大小评价;

    The result shows that the strength feature of knee joint , back and waist muscle can be evaluated based on the parameters of relative moment of various joints , acceleration time and angle of moment .

  23. 采用测试法,跟踪监测古典式青年摔跤运动员大强度训练期间部分生化指标。结果显示:血红蛋白在训练初期明显降低,是反映摔跤训练强度和运动员产生适应的敏感指标;

    It used the method of measurement to monitor , in a following way , the classical young wrestlers ' part biochemical indexes in the intensive training phase .

  24. 公认的两种摔跤项目是古典式和自由式摔跤。

    The two recognized styles of wrestling are Greco-Roman and freestyle .