
  1. 但在香港,没有激发出一两宗分拆交易的泡沫算不上完整,而太古股份(SwirePacific)恰恰提供了这一要素。该公司本周证实,正在考虑将其地产部门单独上市。

    But in Hong Kong , no bubble is complete until it has inspired a spin-off or two . Swire Pacific provided just that ingredient , confirming this week that it was considering a separate listing for its real estate arm .

  2. 其次,阐述可转债分拆的交易结构与理论定价;

    In the second section , we illustrate the trading structure and pricing theory .

  3. 这就势必要分拆银行的交易职能和存贷职能。

    This must involve splitting the banks into their trading functions and their deposit-taking and lending functions .