
  • 网络distribution channel;Channels of Distribution;place
  1. 第一章概述了分销渠道、PEST宏观分析法、SWOT态势分析法的理论基础。

    The first chapter summarized distribution channels , PEST macro analysis , the theoretical basis of SWOT .

  2. 中国加入WTO后,金融业相互合作、相互渗透的愿望日益加强,希望对分销渠道和客户资源进行共享。

    After the entrance to WTO , financial services in China have the strong wishes to cooperate and penetrated the market . They wish to share the distribution channels and customer resources .

  3. PC企业的分销渠道冲突及管理

    Channel Conflict and Management of PC Producer

  4. PC分销渠道研究

    The Study of PC Distribution Channel

  5. 直销包括单层次直销和多层次直销(multi-leveldirectselling),多层次直销就是俗称的传销,都属于产品分销渠道。

    Direct selling includes one-level direct selling and multi-level direct selling commonly called spreading selling , both of which belong to the retail channels of commodity .

  6. 同时也期望通过对PC分销渠道管理的深入研究,为电脑行业或其他相关行业分销渠道管理提供参考和借鉴。

    By further study of this problem , the author also expected to offer reference for management of distribution channel in computer industry and other relevant industries .

  7. PC产品的自然属性、消费结构、消费方式的差异性形成了功能各异的分销渠道组织形式。

    The diversity of PC product in its natural attribute , structure , and way of consuming , makes the shape of marketing distribution channel of different functions .

  8. 在渠道策略上,G银行按照业务特色铺设网点,运用科技手段,拓展分销渠道,扩展批发商渠道。

    On channel strategy , G bank in accordance with the characteristics of business the laying of outlets , by means of science and technology , expand distribution channels , expand wholesaler .

  9. 通过对PC和家电产品的分销渠道的历史、现状的描述,分析了二者的异同点以及产生这些不同渠道形式的根本原因。

    By depicting the channels ' history and present of PC and home appliance , this article analyzes the similarities and differences of these two channels and the reasons why these occurs .

  10. 其二是通过与戴尔(dell)及其它pc制造商签订协议,来为谷歌自己的工具栏(一种引导用户使用谷歌服务的浏览器插件)购买分销渠道。

    The other has been to buy distribution for its toolbar a browser plug-in that guides users to Google services through deals with Dell and other PC makers .

  11. 因此,研究和分析汽车市场分销渠道体系的结构和管理模式,对于J公司找出为什么落伍的原因及今后改进自己的分销渠道,具有重要的实践价值。

    So , it is of great theoretical significance and practical value to research and analyze the construction and management mode of auto distribution channel for J company .

  12. FLP家庭小电器公司西部市场分销渠道管理研究

    FLP DAP Co Distribution Channel Research

  13. XX公司IT分销渠道只有以顾客为导向,不断完善流程,形成各个关键资源的共享与传播才能不断创造最大化的顾客价值。

    XX corporate IT distribution channels only customer-oriented , and constantly improve the process , a critical resource sharing and communication can continue to create maximum customer value .

  14. 市场营销是一门研究市场问题的科学,几十年来市场营销的理论不断发展,较为成熟的有4P理论,即商品、价格、分销渠道、促销手段策略。

    Marketing is a kind of science that researches market problems , the theory about marketing is developing maturely , such is 4P theory .

  15. 通过商务活动优化流通网络与分销渠道,实现供应链整体绩效最优,并以处理一份汽车订单为例说明EC交易过程。

    Optimization of aggregative benefit for SCM was realized with optimized currency network and distribution channel , taking an order form of car trade as an example , SCM and business process based on EC was introduced .

  16. 案例分析主要有以下几个部分组成:首先,作者依据科特勒的渠道功能理论回顾并总结了SONY香港有限公司进入国内市场的历程,肯定了分销渠道的重要性和必要性。

    In the case analysis , First , with the tool of Distribution channel function from Kotler , the writer looks back the history of SONY HK 's business and affirms the importance and necessity of the distribution channel .

  17. 另一方面,作为市场营销4P组合之一的分销渠道,相对于产品、价格、促销来讲,人们对其重视的程度往往不够。

    On the other hand , distribution channel , as one of the marketing 4P mix , was not attached insufficient importance by people compared to product , price and promotion .

  18. 银行保险(Bancassurance)是指寿险公司通过银行或邮局网络销售特定的保险产品,目前已成为西方发达国家寿险业普遍采用且行之有效的分销渠道。

    Bancassurance means bank either network of post office sale insurance produce of life insurance , Now it became the most popular and effective distribution way adopted by western developed country life insurance corporation .

  19. 为WH烟草公司制定了市场营销策略,包括品牌策略、分销渠道策略、促销策略、网络营销、体验营销等营销组合策略。

    Then the marketing strategy were drawed up for China Tobacco at WH , including brand strategy , distribution channel strategy , promotion strategy , network marketing , experiential marketing and so on .

  20. 分销渠道作为营销4Ps的重要组成部分,越来越受到业界的重视,强大的市场分销能力是一个企业竞争优势的重要体现。

    As an important part of 4Ps of marketing , distribution more and more get the attention of field circle . Powerful ability of distribution is an important embodiment of enterprise competitive advantage .

  21. 并对基于信息系统的分销渠道伙伴关系管理的整合机的核心技术联邦数据模型和EAI进行论述,最后建立了嵌入知识的分销渠道伙伴关系管理数据挖掘模型。

    Furthermore , the core technologies , federative data model and EAI , are illustrated for the information-based reorganizing mechanism for the management of distribution channel partners . Lastly , knowledge-embedded data mining model is established for distribution channel partner relationship management .

  22. 最后,文章从4p角度,就企业针对我国消费者实施的绿色产品策略、绿色价格策略、绿色分销渠道策略和绿色促销策略进行了系统深入的研究。

    In the end , from the traditional 4P points , the essay makes a systemic and deeply study on the green marketing strategy : green production strategy , green price strategy , green distribution channel strategy and green sales promotion strategy .

  23. 并将XX公司IT分销渠道的重构作为一个项目,应用项目管理中范围管理、进度管理的一些方法,对如何实施构建顾客价值和供应链管理的分销渠道进行研究和探讨。

    XX IT companies and distribution channels as a reconstruction project , the scope of application of project management in the management , management of the progress of some of the ways of how to build customer value and supply chain management of distribution channels to study and explore .

  24. 本文所研究的分销渠道模式已开始在企业中使用,以适应MJH公司建立渠道竞争优势的发展需要。

    The model on distributional channel expatiated in this text has been started to use in enterprise , and adapt to the development demand that MJH company establish channel competitive advantage .

  25. 兰州大学出版社图书分销渠道管理研究

    Study on Management of Books Distribution Way in Lanzhou University Press

  26. 国产软件分销渠道模式效率分析

    Analysis on the Efficiency of Marketing Channel Pattern for Domestic Software

  27. 第二部分主要探讨了分销渠道的管理。

    The second part mainly probes into the distribution channel management .

  28. 区域支行管理产品适合的分销渠道是什么?

    What is the suitable distribution channels for the WM products ?

  29. 美国卡特彼勒公司在中国市场的分销渠道分析

    Analysis of Distribution Channels of American Caterpillar Company in Chinese Market

  30. 一汽&大众专营性分销渠道管理研究

    The Research on the Management of Monopolistic Distribution Channels of Faw-volkswagen