
  • 网络Subcontractor
  1. 层次分析方法(AHP)在劳务分包单位选择中的实例应用

    The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process on the Selection of Labor Subcontractors

  2. 分包单位向总承包单位负责,服从总承包单位对施工现场的安全生产管理。

    Subcontractors shall hold themselves responsible to the overall contractor and be subject to the administration of the overall contractor concerning safe operation at construction sites .

  3. 本文介绍了层次分析方法运用的一般过程,结合实例给出了如何运用AHP对劳务分包单位进行评价和选择过程。

    This article introduces an ordinary procedure in the use of Analytic Hierarchy Process . Combining with living examples it proposes a way to evaluate and select labor subcontractor by use AHP .

  4. 禁止分包单位将其承包的工程再分包。

    A sub-contractor is prohibited from further sub-contracting its contracted work .

  5. 分包单位的营业执照、资质等级证书。

    Business license and qualificartion certificate of subcontracting unit ;

  6. 劳务分包单位选择是施工单位经常遇到的问题,通常以主观判断作出选择。

    The selection of labor subcontractor is a troublesome problem came across to construction companies .

  7. 介绍项目承包必须具备的条件、工程承包的类型和施工分包单位的选择。

    Necessary conditions and categories of project contracts , and the selection of subcontractors are discussed .

  8. 自从1974至1975年经济萧条以来,在日本使用分包单位和临时工人的情况明显地增多了。

    The use of both subcontractors and temporary workers has increased markedly in Japan since the1974-1975 recession .

  9. 总承包单位和分包单位就分包工程对建设单位承担连带责任。

    The overall contractors and subcontractors shall bear joint responsibilities to project owners for the subcontracted projects .

  10. 分包单位的主要管理人员和特种作业人员的资格证、上岗证。

    Qualification certificate and work license of key management personnel and special working personnel of subcontracting unit .

  11. 确定分包单位后,在其进场前均需与本公司签定工程分包合同。

    Once the sub-contractor is selected , it must sign project sub-contracting contract with our company before moving in .

  12. 总监工程师应按规定审查分包单位的资质,报项目管理机构。

    The chief engineer shall examine the qualification of subcontracting unit and report it to the project management organization in accordance with stipulations .

  13. 建筑工程总承包单位按照总承包合同的约定对建设单位负责;分包单位按照分包合同的约定对总承包单位负责。

    The overall contracting units shall be held responsible to project owners in accordance with the provisions of the overall contracts ; the subcontractors shall be held responsible to the overall contractors in accordance with the terms of the subcontracting contracts .

  14. 从监理管理资料、进度控制资料、质量控制资料、造价控制资料、分包单位资质和合同管理资料等方面介绍了施工阶段监理资料整理归档工作。

    This paper introduces the reduction and filing-up of the supervision documents in the construction stage from aspects of the supervision management data , schedule control data , quality control data , cost control data , subcontract unit qualification , and contract management data , etc.

  15. 他把承包工程分包给许多小单位。

    He jobbed out the contract to a number of small outfits .

  16. 如果供应商将工作分包给外加工单位,对该分包工程有什么控制做法以保证其质量?

    If the Supplier sub-contract work to external sources , are there controls to assure the quality of the sub-contracted work ?

  17. 工程项目安全绩效的提高需要项目参与各方&项目业主、总承包商、分包商和设计单位等的共同努力。

    Some construction firms focus more on management than leadership , which limits the improvement of their performance of work safety .

  18. 承包单位有前款规定的违法行为的,对因转包工程或者违法分包的工程不符合规定的质量标准造成的损失,与接受转包或者分包的单位承担连带赔偿责任。

    The contractor which has violated the above clause and the subcontractor shall assume the associate liabilities for the losses incurred from the sub-par quality of the project due to subcontracting .