
  1. 分业监管体制下金融控股公司监管的法律问题

    The Legal Problem of Financial Holding Company Supervision in Separate Supervision System

  2. 分业监管体制下金融综合经营的监管

    Supervision of Cross-Sector Financial Operation under a Separate Regulation System

  3. 金融控股公司的发展给我国现行的分业监管体制带来了巨大的挑战。

    Therefore , the development of financial holding company has brought huge challenges to our existing separation operation .

  4. 在我国目前的分业监管体制下,加强金融监管的协调合作有其现实必要性。

    There are its realistic necessities to strengthen the coordinated cooperation of China 's current financial sector supervision .

  5. 多元化金融集团复杂的内部结构和持股关系,以及其特殊的风险特征使得传统的分业监管体制面临挑战。

    The trend toward financial conglomeration poses challenges to the regulatory and supervisory authorities that watch over financial institutions .

  6. 当前的金融分业监管体制适合我国现阶段的金融业发展状况。

    But in a long time , the system of financial industries managed and supervised respectively suit for the financial developing situation .

  7. 与其高度发达和混业的金融市场不对称的是其仍旧是旧体制下的分业监管体制。这种不对称可以看作是此次金融危机发生的缘由之一。

    By contrast to the developed and mixed financial market , the united States adopt a sectional supervision . The asymmetry is regarded as one of the cause of the financial crisis .

  8. 这是完善我国金融业分业监管体制的重大举措,是我国金融体制改革迈出的非常重要的一步。

    This is a great action of perfecting the specialized regulatory system of finance industry in our country , and a very important step that the reform in banking system of our country is taken .

  9. 目前,中国金融控股公司仍处于初步发展阶段,并且我国金融业实施分业监管体制,对金融控股公司监管真空的状态会对整个国民经济产生巨大的安全隐患。

    Recently the development of financial holding company has been still in the initial stage , and China financial industry has been regulated by separate supervision . This kind of " regulation vacuum " can create the huge danger to the whole national economy .

  10. 虽然在五十多年的发展过程中,取得了一些成绩,包括分业监管体制逐步完善、金融法制建设成效显著、监管手段不断完善、监管力度加大以及金融计划稳步实施等。

    In the past 50 years , our development on banking supervision has got some achievements , such as the advancements on the system of supervision , financial legal system , measures of supervision , the improvement of the aspects of the supervision and the steady execution of financial plans .

  11. 严格分业的监管体制很难对行业交叉业务进行有效的监管。

    Cross-industry business is hard to supervise efficiently by institutional supervision system .

  12. 中国目前的分业经营监管体制与混业经营模式相矛盾,实践中暴露出中国金融立法的滞后性和现行金融监管法律制度的缺陷。

    Chinese current regulatory system of separate operation is in contradiction with the mixed operation mode , the practice exposes the posteriori of Chinese financial legislation and the deficiencies in current financial supervision legal system .

  13. 目前由于立法缺位、金融创新和法律规避、分业监管的监管体制等因素的影响,房地产资金信托面临风险。

    At present because of law 's vacancy , financial innovation and evasion of the law , supervising separately , REITs faced with risk .

  14. 不可否认,金融集团化是金融业突破分业经营和监管体制,为客户提供多元化、一站式金融服务的必然选择,也是市场竞争的必然结果。

    No doubt , financial trend of forming groups is the certain choice of financial institutions to break through traditional respective operation and supervision system and to supply various and convenient services for their clients , and also the choice of market .

  15. 因此,加强在分业经营、分业监管体制下实现对金融控股公司有效监管显得日益重要。

    Consequently , it is become more important to strengthen the effective supervision of financial holding company under the " separate operation " system .

  16. 银监会的成立,标志着中国形成了银行业、证券业和保险业分业经营、分业监管的体制。

    The establishment of the China Banking Regulatory Commission ( CBRC ) symbolized that China has formed an divided operation and supervision system among Banking , Securities business , Insurance industry .

  17. 建立了对银行业、证券业、保险业的分业经营、分业监管的管理体制。

    The mechanism of segregated operation and augmented supervision to banking , securities and insurance business and has been put in place .

  18. 我国电力行业政府管制与放松管制研究建立了对银行业、证券业、保险业的分业经营、分业监管的管理体制。

    A Research on Government Regulation and Deregulation of Chinese Power Industry ; The mechanism of segregated operation and augmented supervision to banking , securities and insurance business and has been put in place .

  19. 多年来,我国始终实行分业经营、分业监管的金融体制,商业银行被限制向投资银行业务领域发展。

    At present , since our country always exerts the financial system of ' minute industry management , the divide industry management ' , our commercial banks have limitation in developing the services in the field of investment bank .