
  • 网络section;subdivisional work;item project;kinds of construction
  1. 则该工程或分项工程应被视为已通过了这些竣工后试验。

    Then the Works or Section shall be deemed to have passed these Tests after Completion .

  2. 每个分项工程的相关百分比应是合同中规定的该分项工程的价值百分比。

    The relevant percentage for each Section shall be the percentage value of the Section as stated in the Contract .

  3. 基于RBF神经网络预测的分部分项工程费蒙特卡罗仿真方法

    Sub-engineering fee monte-carlo simulation method based on RBF neural network forecast

  4. 对于重要分项工程和重要工序,则以主体楼板的施工和工艺管道的焊接为例,分别运用QC小组活动和模糊综合评价的方法对其影响因素进行分析,进而制定出相应的质量控制措施。

    For some important sub-projects and processes , such as the construction of main floor and welding of crafts piping , the method of QC group activities and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation is used to analyze the process of quality control to formulate control measures .

  5. 桩基工程是建筑工程中一项重要的分部分项工程。

    Pile foundation project is an important part in construction .

  6. 谈分项工程质量检评的重要意义

    The importance of quality inspection and evaluation of separated projects

  7. 所有分项工程开工前均做安全技术交底。

    Safety technical disclosure must be done before commencement of all sub-divisional works .

  8. 完成了建筑施工系统中的分部分项工程模块。

    Completed construction system of partial module . 4 .

  9. 各分项工程应有负责方对其进行确认。

    Each work element shall have the responsible party identified for that work element .

  10. 桥梁分项工程施工质量的控制

    The Quality Control of Bridge Branch Engineering Construction

  11. 分部分项工程施工细部处理研究

    Research of detail treatment of part-to-item project construction

  12. 分项工程质量检评对整体工程质量评优的影响

    Effect of the quality inspection of the separated projects on appraising superior of the whole

  13. 建筑工程分项工程质量评定与验收中存在的问题及改进建议

    Existing Problems in Quality Assessment and Acceptance Check of Construction Work Subelement and Improvement Recommendations

  14. 抗震区框架梁柱施工中钢筋分项工程质量控制

    Quality Control of Reinforcing Work in Construction of Frame Girders and Columns in Earthquake Area

  15. 分项工程造价按直接费由高到低排序;

    Subitem project cost is arranged from the high to the low according to the direct expense .

  16. 本文通过对分部分项工程的优良率建立数学模型,运用概率分析中的二项分布,从理论上阐明在施工中只要均衡施工,每个环节抓好质量的重要性;

    Applying binomial distribution of probability , setting up a mathematical made of partioned building project quality grade .

  17. 交底的内容是否涵盖了该分部、分项工程或关键工序的所有工作。

    Contents of clarification have covered all work for divisional , sub-divisional works or key processes or not ;

  18. 论建筑安装工程监理项目按分部、子分部、分项工程的划分

    Discussion on Classification of Supervision Project by Divisional Work , Subdivisional Work and Items in Building Installation Engineering

  19. 但在执行中,由于分部分项工程量清单项目名称描述缺陷引起的争议越来越多。

    However , more and more dispute happened because of unable describing the subsection project name accurately in practice .

  20. 浅谈建筑工程分部分项工程量清单的编制

    On the compilation of sub-project BOQ in building engineering It 's imperative to impel the engineering quantity list in cost accounting

  21. 该分项工程的顺利实施是南锚碇基础成功建设的关键。

    The smooth implementation of the sectional works is the key to the successful construction of the anchorage foundation of the Bridge .

  22. 根据地质灾害的危害对象、危害程度和期望价值损失率对分项工程建设场地的危险性及适宜性进行评估,并分类、分项提出地质灾害防治措施。

    Then , the corresponding prevention and control measures of the geological disasters are put forward for different subentry project construction sites .

  23. 文章简要阐述了分项工程质量检评对整体工程质量评优的影响及分项工程质量检评的具体内容和要求。

    This article analyzes briefly the effect of the quality inspection of the separated project on the evaluation of the whole project .

  24. 鉴于此,提出在公路施工中实施统一单位、分布、分项工程编码的建议,具有一定的参考意义。

    Whereas , some advice for coding of uniform units , distributing and subentry engineering is presented , which have much reference in highway construction .

  25. 如何科学、客观地确定施工进度计划中各分部、分项工程的持续时间是施工进度计划具有合理性和可行性的保证。

    In that case , ensuring the construction term of the construction schedule reasonably and impersonally would be the guarantee of the whole construction procedure .

  26. 建设工程的起重吊装是施工活动中的一个极其重要的分项工程,它具有独特的技术特点,同时也有相当的风险性。

    The lifting construction projects is the construction activities in a very important sub-projects , it has unique technical characteristics , while also considerable risks .

  27. 小清河北岸污水干管工程是济南市污水收集系统的分项工程,施工中采用了高压射水沉井及泥水平衡顶管等先进施工工艺。

    The project of sewage main pipes in north bank of the Xiaoqing River is a subsidiary engineering of sewage collection system of Jinan City .

  28. 空间立体桁架的多对口对接、平面桁架的翻身过程稳定性是该分项工程的重点和难点。

    Therefore , the multiport-butt of 3-D truss , as well as the stability of turning over 2-D truss were the difficulties of the lifting project .

  29. 钢筋工程是房屋建筑工程中一个非常重要的分项工程,其施工的正确性和质量好坏直接影响结构的安全。

    Steel building construction project is a very important sub-project , the construction quality of a direct impact on the accuracy and safety of the structure .

  30. 搞好分项工程质量检评是抓好工程质量、一次达标的重要手段。

    It is an important means of ensuring the quality of the project and reaching a set standard once that the quality inspection of the separated projects .