
fēn dài lǐ
  • Sub agent;subagent
  1. 挑选海外分代理并与之签订合同从而打入国际市场

    Selected and contracted with overseas sub-agents to achieve international market penetration

  2. 代理方(软件产品销售单位)与被代理方(软件产品开发者或生产者)之间,总代理与分代理之间应签订书面代理合同。

    Agency agreements in written form shall be signed between agents ( sellers of software products ) and principals ( developers and producers of software products ), and between general agents and sub - agent .

  3. 一种新的视频代理方案&分块代理

    Partitioned Proxy : A New Caching Method for Video-on-Demand System

  4. 根据组织行为学的学习分类理论,案例培训拟分为代理性和亲验式案例分析。

    Based on the learning classification of organizational behavioral science , case-training should be classified into agent and personal case analyses .

  5. 根据进程对中不同进程的功能,模型分为代理传输层和用户接口层。

    According to the function of the different process in Process Pair , the model is divided into Agent Transfer Layer and User Interface Layer .

  6. 文章将房地产中介行业的代理问题分为代理关系的产生、代理机制的分析与比较、代理价格分析、代理的激励分析、代理业务的选择5个方面来分析。

    The paper narrates the agency problems of the realtor from 5 perspectives : Generation of agency relationship , Comparison of agency mechanism , Analysis of agency price , Analysis of agency incentives and Choices of agent business .

  7. 就仲裁员与当事人的关系而言,主要有特殊身份说、准合同说和合同说三种观点,而其中的合同说又分为代理合同、服务合同、仲裁员或授权合同和特殊合同四种。

    As far as the relationship between the former two is concerned , law scholars and practitioners have three theories : special status , quasi contract and contract which consists of agency contract , services contract , arbitrator 's contract or contract of institute and contract of sui generis .

  8. 控制结构分为区域代理和本地代理上下两层。

    The control structure has two layers : areal agent and local agents .

  9. 软件主要设计思路是通过模块化的开发方式,分模块对代理进行开发。

    Main design idea is to software development through a modular way , sub-module of agent development .

  10. 从公司融资角度来看,公司的代理问题分为股权代理问题和债权代理问题。

    From the financial point of view , corporate agent problem is divided into equity and debt agency problems .

  11. 所设计实现的系统分为客户代理、服务器代理和通信三大模块。

    The system includes three modules : the client agent module , the server agent module , and the communication module .

  12. 国际商业代理可分为直接代理、间接代理、隐名代理,在大陆法系和英美法系下,它们各有不同特点。间接代理制度在英美法系和大陆法系的差异非常明显。

    International commercial affairs agent system can be divided into direct agent , indirect agent , and sleeping agent . They have different features under the systems of mainland , Britain and America respectively .

  13. 六是集中在个人、公司和家庭的微观面板数据比宏观层面上的同类变量可能被更准确地估计。其次,本文采用聚类分析方法,把样本公司分为高代理成本和低代理成本组。

    Six is focused on individual , company and home of micro panel data on the macroscopic level than similar variables may be more accurate estimation . Secondly , this paper uses clustering analysis method , the sample companies into high agency cost and agent cost is low .

  14. 该系统分为浏览器端代理(BSB)和服务器端智能代理(SSA)两个物理部分,从而无须改动Web服务器或者浏览器的设置,便于系统部署。

    The system is composed of two physical parts : one is Browser Side Broker ( BSB ), another is Server Side Agent ( SSA ), so the system need not change the settings of Web server or browser , and is easy to be deployed .

  15. 移动代理的安全问题分主机安全与代理安全两类,综述了后一种安全问题。

    The security of mobile agent can be classified into two catalogs : host security and agent security .

  16. 本公司有权自主决定将其与委托方签订的服务合同的全部或部分分包给任何代理或分包商。

    The Company shall be entitled at its discretion to delegate the performance of the whole or any part of the services contracted for with the Principal to any agent or subcontractor .

  17. 在此基础上,本文将中介和客户之间的委托代理关系分为单边委托代理和双边委托代理两种模式,对三种佣金制度下中介和客户方发生道德风险的概率进行讨论。

    On this basis , this article divides the relationship between clients and broker into two kinds : unilateral and bilateral principal-agent , and discusses the probabilities of moral hazard problem that may occur by clients and brokers under three different kinds of commission systems .

  18. 第二部分对研究所涉及到的股权分置改革、代理冲突、债务治理等领域的国内外研究文献进行综述,并简要评论了这些文献,在此基础上提出了本文将要研究的问题。

    The second part of the research related to the non-tradable share reform , agency conflicts , debt governance of domestic and foreign research literature review , And briefly comment on these documents , on this basis raised the questions will be studied of the issue .