
  • 网络exemption application;Waiver Application
  1. 现实运用中,垄断协议的表现纷繁复杂,豁免申请却很少提起。

    In the performance , the type of monopoly agreements is varied and its content is complex , but the exemption application is rarely mentioned .

  2. 如果在下一日历年之前支付合同款项,承包商应在支付任何合同款项前更新豁免申请并提交业主。

    If payments under the contract are carried forward to the subsequent calendar year , the Contractor shall have the exemption application renewed and submit it to the customer before any payments under the contract are made .

  3. 与该项新规定相关的新条款还规定,即使该配偶不在澳大利亚,豁免申请也可能获得批准。

    Associated with this new discretion , a new provision enables the approval of such applications where the spouse is outside Australia .

  4. 为保障税收,税务局向有清晰界定认可团体的慈善地位及如何批准其豁免缴税申请的原则及标准。

    There have been clearly established principles and criteria for granting of tax exemption status to eligible charitable institutions for revenue protection purpose .

  5. 美国国务院表示,为了争取戴维斯获释,国务院将提交使他获得外交豁免的正式申请。

    The State Department says it will present a formal petition for diplomatic immunity in an effort to win his release .

  6. 如果你是一个小公司,你有资格可以申请减费,同时你也有资格申请豁免有关首次上市申请的费用。

    If you are a small business , you may qualify for reduced fees , and you may also qualify for a waiver of the fee for your first Premarket Application .

  7. 该项豁免由处长或注册官作出。注册非牟利机构豁免入场费申请表

    Application for Waiver of Admission Charges for Advanced Booking by Registered Non-profit-making Organization