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huò rán
  • suddenly;open and clear;openly;suddenly enlightened;open up with a flash of understanding
豁然 [huò rán]
  • (1) [suddenly enlightened;open up with a flash of understanding]∶一下子彻底晓悟;开阔;顿时通达

  • (2) [openly]∶坦荡

  • 待人豁然

豁然[huò rán]
  1. 于是,豁然明白了说容易,做太难。

    So , suddenly see said easy , do too difficult .

  2. 国家取消以前的福利分房制度之后,商品房的市场豁然打开。

    Cancel the welfare of the nation before time system after the market opened , commodity house suddenly .

  3. 街道豁然变宽,成为一个小广场。

    The street opened out into a small square .

  4. 荧光灯闪了几下,接着屋子里豁然大亮,刺得人睁不开眼。

    Fluorescent lights flickered , and then the room was brilliantly , blindingly bright

  5. 然后他豁然明白了,可以用创造奇迹的办法弄些火柴。

    Then it dawned upon him that miracles were possible even with matches .

  6. 各个细部似乎都豁然一亮,悠悠荡荡地变成了现实。

    Each detail glowed , became quiveringly real .

  7. 我对问题豁然揩浪。

    I 've got an into the problem .

  8. 最后的一个细节也豁然清晰了。

    The last detail had clicked into place .

  9. 新机遇之门豁然敞开

    And new doors of opportunity have swung open

  10. 树篱、篱笆等上的豁口洞口在他面前豁然而开。

    An opening in a hedge , fence , etc The hole yawned before him .

  11. 一个深坑在我们脚前豁然展开。

    A gulf yawned at our feet .

  12. 他发现,这些讨论常常使他注意到自己忽略了的要点,并对似懂非懂的内容豁然开通。

    He found that these discussions often highlighted aspects that he had neglected or not fully understood on his own .

  13. 那扇神奇世界的大闸门豁然洞开,在那个影响我立下决心的狂想里,无穷尽的大鲸列阵而来,

    the great flood-gates of the wonder-world swung open , and in the wild conceits that swayed me to my purpose ,

  14. 在老师的影响下,我的眼界豁然开阔,畏惧消失了,未知成为可知。

    Under the influence of my teacher , the horizons sprung wide and fear went away and the unknown be come knowable .

  15. 空气中孕含着电流,乍起的风把夏日的清爽吹得豁然大开。

    There was electricity in the air and then the sharp crispness of a summer day being blown wide open as the winds rushed in .

  16. 而我室友说,她非常高兴能拥有面对门的那张床,因为门一开便豁然而亮。

    My roommate then told me that she was very pleased to have the bed facing the door , because it was bright when the door was open .

  17. 如今面对着这个“静”字,我豁然意识到:我只是在本能地忙碌,却很少真正静下心来思考:忙了些什么?为什么忙,忙得怎么样

    Now faced with this " quiet " word , I realized : I just instinctively busy , but very few actually stop and think : what busy ? Why busy , busy * how well

  18. 今天,有幸不美旁观了了唐云增教员的《班主任都要学会培植班集体》讲座视频后,我豁然开畅。

    Today , lucky watched Tang 's cloud increase a teacher of 《 the form master all want to master construction a class collective 》 academic chair video frequency after , I become clear suddenly .

  19. 就连牛奶里也有股鱼味儿!这就有点让我百思不得其解了。直到早晨散步时我看见奶牛在吃鱼骨头时,心中才豁然。

    There was a fishy flavor to the milk , too , which I could not at all account for , till one morning happening to take a stroll along the beach among some fishermen 's boats ,