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  1. 用于PCR实验的毕赤酵母基因组DNA制备方法的比较

    Comparison of Four Methods to Prepare Pichia Genomic DNA for PCR

  2. 人羧肽酶A1的毕赤酵母可溶表达

    Soluble expression of human carboxypeptidase A1 active center in pichia pastoris

  3. 结论:克隆、构建、筛选出高效表达rhKPI/AβPP的毕赤酵母工程菌,并建立了稳定的发酵和纯化工艺。

    ( Conclusion rhKPI / A β PP ) can be expressed in Pichia pastoris on large scale . A stable fermentation and purification technology is successfully set up .

  4. 目的:构建表达人干燥综合征抗原A(SSA)的毕赤酵母分泌型表达载体。

    Objective To construct a secreted expression vector on human Sjogren ′ s syndrome antigen A ( SSA ) in Pichia pastoris .

  5. 人纤溶酶原kringle区缺失突变体的毕赤酵母表达、产物纯化及鉴定

    Expression , purification and identification of kringle domain deletion mutant of human plasminogen in Pichia pastoris

  6. 该剧演员们近日出现在中央公园的毕士大平台拍摄婚礼的场面,这次比上一次Blair和王子的婚礼场面要小。

    The cast gathered at the Bethesda Terrace in Central Park to shoot the wedding scene , which is considerably smaller than Blair 's royal wedding last season .

  7. 【目的】①克隆并构建广东分离株截短型人乳头瘤病毒58(HPV58)L1的毕赤酵母分泌型表达载体。

    [ Objective ] ① To clone the truncated human papillomavirus 58 ( HPV58 ) L1 gene in Guangdong area and construct its Pichia pastoris secretion expression vector .

  8. 分泌表达rhOPG-HSA融合蛋白的毕赤酵母菌株的构建

    Construction of Pichia pastoris yeast strain with high-efficient expression of HSA-OPG

  9. 32岁的毕玻来渥太华的目的是申请护照。

    The 32-year-old has come to Ottawa to apply for a passport .

  10. 蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声后就熄灭了。

    The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out .

  11. 亲爱的毕蒂,你多么漂亮啊!

    But dear Biddy , how smart you are !

  12. 人视黄醇结合蛋白基因的毕赤酵母表达载体构建

    Construction of the Pichia expression vector of the human retinol binding protein gene

  13. 中国的毕先生训练的爱猫便便发明猫咪专用的冲厕器。

    Chinese man called Mr Bi has trained his cat to use his toilet .

  14. 亲爱的毕蒂,我说,你有世界最好的丈夫。

    Dear Biddy , I said , you have the best husband in the whole world .

  15. 从公园熟食店买的毕翠丝•莉莉,额外加了你喜欢的料。

    It 's the Beatrice Lillie from Park 's Deli , including the extra ingredients you enjoy .

  16. 天文学家通过培训哈勃望太空远镜观测附近的毕宿星团来确认富含硅元素的岩石物质。

    Astronomers identified the silicon-rich rocky material by training the Hubble Space Telescope on the nearby Hyades star cluster .

  17. 石蜡靠加上软化剂发生变化。蜡烛发出轻轻的毕剥声后就熄灭了。

    The beewax were changed by adding softeners . The candle gave a few faint splutters and then went out .

  18. 表达胰岛素的毕赤酵母生长动力学及诱导策略

    Studies of the growth kinetics and induction strategy with a strain of recombinant yeast Pichia Pastoris expressing the human insulin gene

  19. 我亲爱的毕蒂,我从来不能忘记她,不过,那都是梦想,一切成为过去!

    My dear Biddy , I can never forget her . But that was all a dream , which has passed !

  20. 在英国伦敦一家广告公司担任美术总监的毕尔,接到维京大西洋老板理查德.布兰森亲自打来的电话。

    Beale , an art director at an advertising agency in London , England , received a phone call from Virgin Atlantic boss Richard Branson himself .

  21. 在已建立的毕氏酵母发酵过程结构模型基础上,进行了甲醇流加阶段恒定比生长速率控制研究。

    Based on the structured model for Pichia pastoris proposed earlier , a set point control of the specific growth rate during the methanol growth phase was studied .

  22. 澜沧等地的毕苏人经过识别,已于1990年归入拉祜族,勐海的毕苏人则尚未确定族属。

    The Bisu people of Lancang have been identified as the Lahu people in1990 . However , the Bisu people of Menghai have not been identified its ethnic genera yet .

  23. 本文根据导师布置的毕设课题《小型风力发电机组动力结构设计》中的要求,探索小型风力发电机动力结构的设计。

    This paper is based on the requirements of The Power Conformation of Small Wind Turbine to explore the method for design and manufacturing process of small wind turbine using of composite materials .

  24. 在彝族社会,以祖灵信仰为核心的毕摩文化已成为具有社会规范性质的一种势。

    In Yi society , taking grandfather 's clever faith as the core to is it rub culture is it have society standardize a kind of " tendency " of nature to become already to finish .

  25. 凉山彝族女性总体而言,相对男性群体处于弱势,在社会结构中从属于男性,而根植于父系家支组织的毕摩教对女性成长有不容忽视的影响。

    The female group is inferior and subject to male group in social structure of Yi in Liangshan so Bimo Religion which took root in patrilineal families is sure to shape women in their whole life .

  26. 她站在门口听了一会儿,在那个房间里,现在只剩了灯花的毕剥声,她来到桌前,看瓦朗蒂娜是否已将药水喝下。

    She stopped in the doorway , listened for a moment to the flickering of the lamp , the only sound in that deserted room , and then advanced to the table to see if valentine 's glass were empty .

  27. 首先,以云南彝族图腾文化中的毕摩绘画为主要的研究对象,对彝族图腾文化和毕摩绘画的关系进行论述,并对毕摩绘画的题材、工具材料、色彩以及载体的概述。

    Totem culture of the Yi Nationality in Bimo painting as the main object of study , discussed the relationship between the Yi totem culture and painting Bimo and Bimo painting themes , tools , materials , color and vector overview .

  28. SARS-CoVS1基因的巴斯德毕赤酵母表达及阻断多肽的研究

    SARS-CoV S1 Gene Expression in Pichia Pastoris AND Study on Inhibitory Peptides

  29. 事实上,分组话音充分利用话音的启毕(on-off)特性能有效地提高带宽利用率。

    In fact , packet voice can efficiently exploit voice on off activity to improve bandwidth utilization .

  30. 报告了中国首次分离的辛德毕斯病毒XJ-160株的感染性全基因组cDNA克隆的构建与鉴定。

    We reported the full-length infectious cDNA clone of XJ-160 strain of Sindbis virus firstly isolated in China .