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  1. 用激光散光法测有中心裂纹拉伸板的应力强度因子KⅠ

    Measurement of Mode I Stress Intensity Factors of Central Crack Sheets by Scattered-Light Photoelasticity

  2. 研究了交变载荷的应力比、频率、材料所吸收水份和湿热老化作用,以及水环境对YB-3和YB-4航空有机玻璃耐疲劳裂纹扩展性能的影响。

    The effects of the absorbed water , and the water environment , and the elevated temperature and humid air aging , and the stress ratio and the frequency of test on the fatigue crack propagation properties of two kinds of acrylic sheets ( PMMA ) were studied .

  3. 应用光弹性方法研究颅骨在受力后的应力分布

    Stress distribution on the skull a study by the photoelastic technic

  4. 锅炉受压元件的应力分类及强度设计分析

    On the Stress in the Shells of Boilers and Stress Classification

  5. 强夯加固深度的应力波分析法初探

    A Study on Reinforce Depth of Dynamic Consolidation Using Stress Wave Method

  6. 对该材料蠕变-疲劳交互作用下的应力松弛现象及应变-寿命规律进行了研究。

    The relaxation phenomena and the strain - life laws are investigated .

  7. 非线性粘弹体在周期应变条件下的应力与能耗

    Stress and dissipation in the nonlinear viscoelastic materials under periodic strain loading

  8. 环氧胶层的应力&应变特性

    Stress - strain characteristic of the Epoxy Adhesive Layer

  9. 岩土材料滑移线场理论中的应力间断线

    The stress discontinuity line on the slip line field theory for geo-technical materials

  10. 陶瓷/金属梯度耐磨涂层的应力分析

    Stress Analysis of Ceramic / Metal Gradient Wear-Resistant Coating

  11. 带矩形槽半平面在自重下的应力场和位移场

    Stress and displacement fields caused by body force for half plane with rectangular groove

  12. 因此,在今后工作中的应加大对乡村级卫生人员的培训力度,提高基层免疫服务质量。

    Therefore , the training of EPI staff in village level should be strengthen .

  13. 由起潮力反演含油(水)层的应力变化

    Inversion of change of stress in oil ( water ) bearing formation by tide generation force

  14. 用三单元法确定三维光弹模型逐点的应力张量

    Use Three Element Method to Determine the Stress State of the Points in Three Dimensional Photoelastic Model

  15. 由模型计算可得到沿桥纵向的应力分布,求得剪力滞系数。

    The stress distribution and shear lag coefficients can be concluded from the results of finite element calculation .

  16. 分析了甘蔗种植机机架在弯曲和扭转组合工况下的应力和应变分布。

    The stress and strain of the vehicle frame when bearing bending loads and bending-torsion loads are analyzed .

  17. 犬肝外胆管的应力&应变性扩张及其在胆道损伤重建术中的应用

    Application of Stress and Complaisance Distention of Extrahepatic Bile Ducts in Reconstruction of Biliary Tract Injury in Dogs

  18. 应力在终板和椎间盘上又集中左侧后部和右侧前部,外层的应力大于内层;

    The stress distributed in the left-posterior part and the right-anterior part of the endplate and lumbar disc .

  19. 文章通过对裸洞隧道病害形成的应力场分析,对病害产生的原因进行了研究;

    By analyzing the stress field of an unlined tunnel with defects , the causes of them were studied .

  20. 随着摩擦因数由0.1到0.5逐渐增大,各点最大应力增加了33%,且涂层表面的应力变化最明显,这对固体润滑涂层的强度提出了很高要求。

    When the friction coefficient increasing from 0.1 to 0.5 , the maximal press increases with the value of 33 % .

  21. 利用裂纹尖端的应力强度因子、损伤局部化区的长度确定了节理扩展和贯通的力学条件。

    The mechanical conditions of joint propagation are determined by stress intensity factor and the length of damage and strain localization zone .

  22. 理论分析结果表明,法兰截面尺寸对壳体中的应力分布及法兰变形起着重要的作用。

    The theoretical results show that the size of flange section is essential for stress distribution in the shells and the deformations of flanges .

  23. 环向钢筋的应力主要受冻结压力控制,而竖向及径向钢筋的应力主要受温度影响;

    The stresses of the tangent-directional steel bars were mainly controlled by the freezing pressure , while those of the others were induced mainly by temperature .

  24. 通过建立三维线性有限元模型来分析在集中载荷作用下小腿肢体残端的应力分布,且分析了不同边界条件对肢体残端应力分布的影响。

    This paper developed a three dimension finite element model to analyze stress distribution on residual limb of crus under lumped loads with different displacement constraint conditions .

  25. 分析了剪胀和软化程度对球孔扩张时的应力、位移、塑性区半径及极限扩张压力等方面的影响,并将大、小应变理论的结果进行了比较。

    The influence of softening extent on stress , displacement and the radius of plastic zone during expansion as well as the extreme expansion pressure are studied .

  26. 应用大变形理论对刚性锥压缩作用下橡胶类材料半空间锥尖附近的应力奇异场进行了分析.研究揭示,奇异场由两个区构成;

    For rubber-like material half space compressed by a rigid cone , the stress singular field near the tip of the rigid cone is analyzed by large strain theory .

  27. 作用在骨骼细胞上的应力包括压-拉应力和剪切应力,剪切应力是骨骼细胞能感受到的主要应力作用。

    Forces acting on the bone cells include compressive tensile stress and shear stress . The shear stress is the main force which can be sensed by the bone cells .

  28. 文章详细介绍了在国内外首次采用逆焊接温差处理制造压应力新工艺,以及成功修复加氢反应器产生的应力腐蚀裂纹的过程。

    The new process of producing pressure stress by counter welding temperature difference treatment and its first successful application in China in repairing stress corrosion cracking of hydroprocessing reactor were detailed .

  29. 结果表明,剪力盒壁摩擦力将会影响试验土样中的应力分布和剪切面上的正压应力值。

    The results show that the frictions caused by the wall of shear box will influence the distributions of stresses in specimens and the normal pressure stresses on the shear plane .

  30. 工程实践表明:提升过程的应力监测作业简便,与液压提升控制相配合,是控制提升节奏,保障施工安全的有效措施。

    It is proven to be a simple and convenient , and therefore effective method in cooperating with the hydraulic lift system to control the progress of lift and ensure construction safety .