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měi měi
  • often;chaotic
每每 [měi měi]
  • (1) [often]∶常常;不止一次

  • 他们每每一谈就是半宿

  • (2) [chaotic]∶混混沌沌的样子

  • 每每员舆正。--〔英〕赫胥黎著、 严复译《天演论》

每每[měi měi]
  1. 他们每每谈到深夜。

    They often talked late into the night .

  2. 每每听到这话,妈妈总是笑个不停。

    Often heard these words , my mother is always laughing .

  3. 他们常在一起,每每一谈就是半天。

    They often got together , and when they did , they 'd chat for hours .

  4. Coming前一阵子不知何故,总是逃跑外出,但每每只是五分钟又回来了。

    Some days before , Coming always ran away And come back after five minutes everytime without reasons .

  5. 法国可能会寻求欧盟(eu)伙伴国的帮助,但正如美国每每指出的那样,所有欧洲国家都在缩减国防预算。

    France might look instead to its EU partners , but defence budgets are shrinking all over Europe as the Americans never fail to point out .

  6. 多年以来,摩根大通(JPMorganChase)这家世界上最冒险的银行每每总能涉险过关。

    For years , JPMorgan Chase ( JPM ) , perhaps the riskiest bank in the world , got a pass .

  7. 在Piazza平台,每每开设大班学习课程时,我们总能看到学生们自发组成学习小组。

    At Piazza , we see spontaneous peer group formation every time we run large online classes .

  8. 标普资本智商公司(S&PCapitalIQ)首席股票策略师山姆・斯托瓦尔(SamStovall)表示,“我每每想到这件事,就忍不住纳闷,‘这会不会就是随机性的呢?’”

    I always look at this stuff and wonder , ' Is it randomness ? " says Sam Stovall , chief equity strategist with S & P Capital IQ .

  9. 虽然苹果对于其秘密的保守比中央情报局还要严格,但是新一代iPhone——自2011年以来,每每都会诞生于九月或十月——则是一个一定能赢的赌注。

    And while Apple is tighter with its secrets than the CIA , a new generation of iPhones -- which have been birthed every September or October since 2011 -- are a safe bet .

  10. Callahan每每谈及此事她都一脸自豪,她的新宠物是如此的英勇。

    Callahan was stunned when she found out about her new pet 's valiant actions .

  11. 每每在危难的关头,我们都能感受!

    Whenever at verge of danger , we can feel that .

  12. 人们每每谈到我们苏北老区总是感慨万分。

    People often talked about our old Subei always feeling great .

  13. 汽车及卡车发生碰撞几乎每每爆炸起火。

    Cars and trucks that crash will almost always burst into flames .

  14. 这就是为何老练的平庸几乎每每胜过才华。

    That 's why experienced mediocrity almost always trumps talent every time .

  15. 每每令我心痛得淌泪。

    Girl , each time I try I just break down cry .

  16. 每每眼神相接,你们彼此都感受得到。

    When your eyes meet , you both feel it .

  17. 他每每会尽力跑上去抽击网球。

    You see him doing his best to chase after the ball .

  18. 为此,每每提及中国动画,不免会有人叹息。

    Therefore , often mention China animation , unavoidable meeting somebody sigh .

  19. 每每这个时候,她的精神似乎又复活了。

    There moments help keep her spirit every much alive .

  20. 小红和小陈每每对窗玩闹,日久生情。

    Xiao Hong and Xiao Chen gradually fell in love .

  21. 所以,他每每一有机会就和他混在一起。

    So he played with him every time he got a chance .

  22. 我们每每看到类似新闻在发生。

    We see examples of this all the time in the news .

  23. 每每进超市,你都被操控。

    Every time you enter the supermarket , you 're being manipulated .

  24. 但每每在我面对死神的时候

    Yet always when I look death in the face ,

  25. 每每看到招聘广告上关于工作经验的要求,大学生们总忍不住暗自沮丧。

    COLLEGE students might get depressed reading the work experience requirements of job ads.

  26. 每每总是小布什提出的立法议案占去了两院的精力。

    It was Bush 's legislative agenda that occupied the energy of both houses .

  27. 你每每拥有清晰的头脑去思考和解决难题,又不易犯错。

    You think and make a solution precisely , and hardly make stupid mistakes .

  28. 我每每所想所说的都是一种肯定。

    Every single thought I have and every sentence I speak is an affirmation .

  29. 每每信誓旦旦要减肥,却总是草草了事。

    Often vowed to lose weight , but it always has been too hasty .

  30. 每每到了周末,一个人就突然没了方向。

    As each weekend is approaching , the one gets lost in a sudden .