
  • 网络cheltenham;Cheltenham Town
  1. 1854年,切尔滕纳姆女子中学成为第一所女子公学。

    In 1854 , Cheltenham Ladies ' College became the first girls ' public school .

  2. 起初这种新文化传播缓慢,用了200年的时间才到达今天英国西部的切尔滕纳姆(Cheltenham),但是在后续的50年中,它迅速东扩到了北部的阿伯丁(Aberdeen)。

    The new culture spread slowly at first , taking 200 years to reach modern-day Cheltenham , in the west , but over the following five decades it penetrated as far north as Aberdeen .

  3. 经济复苏从2008年的崩盘后才刚刚开始,在远离类似格洛斯特和切尔滕纳姆(Cheltenham)之类的地方,市场还不太稳定。他说。

    The recovery [ from the 2008 crash ] was just getting going by then and , away from places like Gloucester and Cheltenham , the markets did falter , he says .

  4. 切尔滕纳姆曾是个拥有1500人口的小集镇。

    Cheltenham had been a small market town with a population of1500 .

  5. 今年的切尔滕纳姆赛马节会从明天开始,周五结束。

    This year 's Cheltenham Festival begins tomorrow and lasts until Friday .

  6. 我们去切尔滕纳姆作矿泉疗养。

    We go to Cheltenham for the waters .

  7. 迪努.查普曼出生于1962年,伦敦,杰克.查普曼于1966年出生在英国南部的切尔滕纳姆。

    Dinos Chapman was born in London in 1962 and Jake Chapman was born in Cheltenham in 1966 .

  8. 你父亲的私人助理告诉我你从切尔滕纳姆女校转学过来

    Oh . So ... your father 's PA tells me you 're joining us from Cheltenham Ladies ' College .

  9. 在切尔滕纳姆文学节上,这位87岁的超模告诉一位观众,她很享受在T台上摆姿势的过程。

    The 87-year-old told an audience at the Cheltenham Literature Festival that she enjoyed the experience of posing on the runway .

  10. 柳树溪联合会有4700所海外会员教会;而切尔滕纳姆市古板的英格兰镇的一次会议最近吸引了将近3000人。

    The Willow Creek association has 4700 member churches abroad ; a meeting in the staid English town of Cheltenham recently attracted almost 3000 people .

  11. 在今年年初举行的切尔滕纳姆科学节上,鲁克教授还建议,当婴儿吐出奶嘴后,母亲应该舔干净并直接塞回婴儿嘴里。

    Speaking at Cheltenham Science Festival earlier this year , he advised that when a baby spits out its dummy , a mother should lick it clean and put it back in the infants mouth .

  12. 官员们表示,汤普森将与业界开展合作,打击网络犯罪,而位于切尔滕纳姆的中心将监测并反制网络攻击,向企业提供有关威胁性质的宝贵数据。

    Mr Thompson will work with industry to combat cyber-crime , officials say , while the Cheltenham centre will monitor and counter cyber attacks providing valuable data to companies on the nature of the threat .

  13. 所以,在明天(3月15日)的切尔滕纳姆赛马节上,如果观众因为邂逅赛马莫尔斯特德而驻足,也就情有可原了,因为那匹赛马将穿着自己的一整套粗花呢亮相——包括衬衫、领带和定制的帽子。

    So race-goers at tomorrow 's Cheltenham Festival will be forgiven for stopping in their tracks if they come across race horse Morestead , who has a tweed ensemble all of his own - complete with shirt , tie and customised cap .