
zhāo lái
  • solicit;solicit(customers);canvass
招徕 [zhāo lái]
  • [canvass; solicit(customers)] 招揽

  • 招徕顾客

招徕[zhāo lái]
  1. 新式商品招徕了众多顾客。

    Goods of new style solicit a lot of customers .

  2. 为了从供应商那招徕报价,最佳价格采购过程取决于招标邀请书,也被叫做投标邀请函,投标邀请书或密封投标。

    To solicit offers from providers , the best-price purchase process relies on an Invitation to Bid ( ITB ), also known as Invitation to tender ( ITT ), Invitation for Bids ( IFB ), or Sealed Bids .

  3. Twitter正在努力招徕更多新用户,同时留住老用户。

    Twitter is working to attract many more new users and keep the ones it has .

  4. 日本投行野村证券(nomura)将负责招徕潜在投资者。

    It will be the job of Nomura , the Japanese bank , to convince potential investors .

  5. 一家由前MySQL雇员开的公司,抓住机会通过一封公开信从Oracle那里招徕顾客。

    SkySQL , a company run by former MySQL employees , has seized the opportunity to try and poach some Oracle customers via an open letter .

  6. 路易威登(LouisVuitton)正在一个从未有西方品牌进驻的地点招徕消费者:中国国家博物馆。

    Louis Vuitton is making a pitch to consumers in a spot no Western brand has ventured before : the National Museum of China .

  7. 苹果(Apple)聘请博柏利(Burberry)CEO安吉拉•阿伦德负责零售及在线业务,为苹果招徕了一名时尚达人、数字传道者和千禧一代的营销大师。

    In recruiting Burberry ( burby ) CEO Angela ahrendts to head its retail and online unit , apple ( AAPL ) is acquiring a design fanatic , a digital evangelist , and a master of millennial marketing .

  8. 冯国纶指出,它们受到来自沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)等大型大盒子连锁公司的竞争,这些连锁公司往往将玩具亏本售出,以招徕父母,希望他们能抓起一些利润高的商品。

    Mr Fung notes that they are pitted against large big-box chains , such as Wal-Mart , who often use toys as loss-leaders to draw in parents whom they hope will snap up their higher-margin goods .

  9. 这种扭曲的制度让试图招徕听众的数字平台日子很不好过;仅以潘多拉(Pandora)为例,它收入的一半以上都用于支付音乐版权费。

    This skewed system has made life painful for digital platforms trying to build an audience , such as Pandora , which pays out more than half of its revenue in music royalties .

  10. 核心业务几乎就是招徕顾客的特价品。

    The core activity is almost a loss-leader to attract customers .

  11. 要提防以薪高佣厚作招徕的推销工作。

    Beware of sales jobs with good salary and high commission .

  12. 来这里的中国人越来越多,那个招徕顾客的人说。

    More and more Chinese are coming , the tout said .

  13. 商业品牌可以利用这一点招徕顾客。

    Brands can capitalize on this , ' he added .

  14. 广告宣传为这部影片招徕大批观众。

    The advertisements for the movie fetched in large audiences .

  15. 大象是马戏团的主要招徕力。

    The elephants were the chief attraction at the circus .

  16. 让我们再努力招徕些生意。

    Let 's try to drum up some more business . 3.Mr .

  17. 他们将尽力为其公司招徕生意。

    They will do their best to beat up customers for their company .

  18. 出租汽车为招徕顾客在珠江路上缓慢巡行。

    The taxi cruise off down the zhujiang road .

  19. 好几个人站在场外,为正在演出的各类杂耍招徕观众。

    Several men stood outside the ground , touting for the various sideshows .

  20. 另一位滑稽秀明星吉姆•加菲根也在网上招徕观众。

    Jim Gaffigan , another stand-up star , is also targeting his audience online .

  21. 使商业广告充满性感内容以招徕顾客。

    Sex up commercial advertisements to attract customers .

  22. 一个招徕顾客的人喊道,进来吧,姑娘们很愿意玩玩。

    Come inside , the girls are happy to play , cried a tout .

  23. 而且,艾姆斯市是招徕自己支持者投票的地方。

    Moreover , Ames is a bring-your-own-voters affair .

  24. 这家公司用广告招徕许多客户。

    The company secured many customers by advertising .

  25. 买一送一,招徕众多顾客。

    Two for one solicits numerous customers .

  26. 夸大广告耸人听闻的或大肆宣传的广告广告宣传为这部影片招徕大批观众。

    Sensational or clamorous advertising . The advertisements for the movie fetched in large audiences .

  27. 西方的公司敏锐地察觉到班加罗尔的新富们对更加渴望得到财富,也更加渴望改变生活方式,因此,他们设计出了精明的行销活动来招徕顾客。

    Western companies-keenly aware of the growth * designed clever marketing campaigns to woo customers .

  28. 这些电影用男人被女人捆绑或殴打的场面来招徕观众。

    The films featured scenes of men in bondage or subjected to beatings by women .

  29. 公司雇你招徕新业务,你就做你的事好了。

    You were hired to drum up new business , so go and do it .

  30. 好的照片放在网上就可以招徕全球的买家。

    Good photographs posted on the web now reach potential buyers all over the world .