
  • 网络Demarcation standards;division criteria
  1. 库恩和拉卡托斯模糊了划界标准,使之成为相对标准;

    Kuhn and Lakatos blur the criteria and make it relative .

  2. 我们如何拒斥伪科学?&从绝对到多元的科学划界标准

    How to reject pseudo-science ? & from absolute to plural demarcation criteria

  3. 关于科学与非科学的划界标准;

    Third Scientific and non-scientific criteria for the demarcation can evidence false ;

  4. 科学划界标准的历史源流与价值评估

    The evolution and evaluation of delimitation of Science

  5. 文章回顾并研究了科学与伪科学的划界标准。

    The paper reviews demarcation criteria .

  6. 经济学是一门科学吗?&基于科学划界标准的审视

    Is Economics a Science ? & A Survey Based on the Criterion of the Demarcation of Science

  7. 重建科学划界标准

    Reconstructing Scientific Demarcation Criteria

  8. 费伊阿本德从其相对主义与非理性主义的立场,提出消解划界标准;

    From his point of view of relativism and irrationalism , Feyerabend tries to dissolve the demarcation problem .

  9. 另一方面,划界标准是波普尔理解理论的内在根据。

    On the other hand , the standard of demarcation is the basis of Popper 's understanding theory .

  10. 从知识形态、探索活动和社会建制三个方面考察的结果表明:科学和技术是从属关系;不存在科学与技术平行、对等的划界标准。

    From examining three aspects , which are knowledge-modality , exploring activity and societal organizational system , results indicate that science and technology are hypotaxis , in which there is not an upsides parallel circumscribing criterion .

  11. 所以,强行以西方的划界标准来界定中医的科学性是有失公允的。从某个角度上说,科学就是探索并实现将来的事实的一种手段。

    Therefore , the demarcation of force by Western standards to define the scientific nature of Chinese medicine is forsaking the fair . A certain point said that science is to explore and realize the fact that in the future .

  12. 当然,无论是证实主义还是证伪主义作为科学划界的标准都存在缺陷,对包括经济学在内的社会科学尤其如此。

    However , there are serious drawbacks whether positivism or negativism is taken as the criterion of the demarcation of science , especially for social science including economics .

  13. 简单回顾了医学对健康和疾病的认识与划界,重点分析了生物医学模式的划界标准、前提,以及它在医学认识与实践中面临的困境。

    To make a briefly review of concept and differentia about health and disease in medicine . It puts great emphasis on the premise and criterion of delimitation of bio-medical model , and examine the predicament that bio-medical model has been confronted in medical cognition and practice .

  14. 首先给出了科学划界问题的由来,并在此基础上论述了科学划界标准的辩证性以及现阶段中国讨论与解决它的必然性。

    Based on this , the paper mainly talk about the standard dialectical of the problem of science division and inevitable in chain people discussing it .