
  • 网络Allocated funds;transfer funds;allocation of funds
  1. 英国可以不必再向欧盟划拨资金,用以补贴农民收入或较贫困地区。

    The country would no longer have to transfer funds to the EU to subsidise farm incomes or poorer regions .

  2. 该委员会为各大学划拨资金。

    The Committee allocates funds to universities .

  3. 在为银行划拨资金的同时,我们将负责任地结束伊拉克战争。

    We will fund this bank as we bring the war in Iraq to a responsible close .

  4. 19世纪60年代以前,划拨资金到国外,只能签发个人支票或者使用银行汇票。

    Before 60s of 19th century , transnational capital allocation can only be accomplished through personal cheques or bank drafts .

  5. 目前,美国政府正在为一些计划划拨资金从而帮助讲中文的人获得教师资格证书,同时各州也正在不断完善各自的教学环境。

    To fill in these gaps , the federal government is pouring money into programs to help Chinese speakers get certification , and states are working to standardize their requirements .

  6. 对政府来说,他们必须投资培训知识工人,这意味着政府预算为技能发展和教育划拨资金。

    For governments they are going to have to invest in , and develop , knowledge workers . This is going to mean that government budgets must allocate funds for skills development and education .

  7. 这笔钱将来自已经划拨的资金。

    The loans would come from already-appropriated money .

  8. 基金会最近划拨的资金将用于“禁烟运动”的宣传广告。

    The funds from the foundation 's latest commitment are expected to go toward advertisements in an anti-smoking campaign .

  9. 她说,从2006年说服政府划拨更多资金以来,英国队就享受到了“最优厚的资助”。

    Since persuading the government to hand over extra money in 2006 , the U.K. team has enjoyed ' optimal funding , ' she said .

  10. 最终,由沙特阿拉伯划拨的大量资金弥补了这一差额。

    In the end , a substantial transfer from Saudi Arabia closed the gap .

  11. 政府应该划拨适当的资金提高农民的生活水平。

    The government ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants'lives .

  12. 此次疫情暴发后,向疫源地迅速划拨了专项资金,运送了有关物资,并派出了专家。

    After this outbreak , special funds , supplies and experts were quickly dispatched to the affected area .

  13. 应该划拨适当的资金提高农民的生活水平;

    They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants ' lives .

  14. 计算机技术和网络技术运用到银行业务中,产生了一种新的支付方式,通过电子资金划拨系统完成资金转移,解脱银行书面工作的负担。

    The application of computer and network technology to banking , a new form of payment , processing fund through electronic fund transfer systems , relieve banking institution of the burden of having to move mountains of paperwork .

  15. 应该划拨适当的资金提高农民的生活水平;应该邀请农业专家向农民介绍他们的经验,知识和信息,这些将有助于发展农村经济。

    They ought to set aside an appropriate fund for improvement of the standard of peasants ' lives . They ought to invite some experts in agriculture to share their experiences , information and knowledge with peasants , which will contribute directly to the economic growth of rural areas .

  16. 计算机技术的产生与发展为国际支付带来了划时代的变革,国际货物买卖与国际金融交易已经在越来越大的程度上依靠商业性电子资金划拨系统来调拨资金和清偿债务。

    The development of computer technology has caused a revolution in the international payment .

  17. 从全世界的情况看,本国划拨给结核病的资金份额上升到2012年的86%。

    Worldwide , the share of domestic funding allocated to TB rose to86 % for2012 .

  18. 这一点非常重要,因为在工作开展过程中,政府和合作伙伴要做出多项重大决策,尤其是关于资金划拨地区和如何划拨资金的决策。

    And that is very important , because as you go forward , the government and partners will take many big decisions , especially on where to allocate the money and how to channel it .