
  1. 创业绩效水平在企业性质上、股权结构上、行业类型上、初创投资规模上没有显著性差异;

    EP had no significant difference cross multiple firm ownership , shareholder structure , and industrial category and venture size .

  2. 今年7月,他的基金会ChanZuckerbergInitiative给一家名为Andela、已经成立两年的初创公司投资几百万美元。该公司的业务主要是培训非洲的软件开发者,然后帮助他们在国际企业找到全职工作。

    In June , his foundation -- the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative -- made a multi-million dollar investment in Andela , a two-year-old startup that trains African software developers and gives them full-time roles at international companies .

  3. 然而,ebx称,它将在2010年至2014年间向油气、能源和采矿行业的初创公司投资150亿美元。

    However , ebx says it will invest $ 15bn between 2010 and 2014 in start up companies in the oil and gas , energy and mining sectors .

  4. 两人会面不到15分钟,梅耶尔就承诺向佩里的初创公司投资。

    And within 15 minutes of the two women meeting , Mayer committed to invest in her startup .

  5. 为了促进创新,戴尔将在未来几年向初创公司投资3亿美元。

    To cultivate innovation , the company is investing $ 300 million over the next several years in startups .

  6. 惠特曼表示,互联网创新加速的根源,是初创企业投资新热潮。

    The root cause of this acceleration in online innovation , according to Ms Whitman , has been a fresh boom in start-up investment .

  7. 考虑到初创企业投资市场的不断扩容,要实现企业家和投资者的完美匹配,需要的不只是一宗金融交易。

    Consider the growing startup investment market , where a good fit for both entrepreneurs and investors requires much more than just a financial transaction .

  8. 中国电信集团小米将把印度市场放在比本土市场更优先考虑的位置,并将向印度初创企业投资10亿美元,以此寻求在竞争激烈的本土市场以外的加速增长。

    Chinese telecoms group Xiaomi will prioritise India over its home market and invest 1 billion dollars in the country 's start-ups as it looks to accelerate growth outside of its highly competitive home market .

  9. 李开复现在正运营着一个名为创新工场的公司,致力于初创企业投资。他此前曾经在苹果公司、微软公司工作过,并且在2005年至2009年期间担任谷歌公司大中华区副总裁。

    Lee is currently running his own company called Sinovation Ventures that invests in startups and he previously held jobs at Apple Inc and Microsoft Corp , and served as Google Inc 's Greater China vice president from 2005 to 2009 .

  10. 但是他反驳道,包括Facebook和Twitter在内,任何投给面向消费者的科技初创公司的投资,在最初都是比较盲目的。

    But he counters that any investment in a consumer-facing tech startup , including Facebook and Twitter , is less obvious in the beginning .

  11. 谷歌的风投业务已经令人望而生畏,而包括康卡斯特(Comcast)和时代华纳(TimeWarner)在内的大型传媒公司也在提升对初创公司的投资规模。

    Google built up has a formidable venture capital practice , and large media companies from Comcast to Time Warner have also ramped up their startup investing .

  12. 特洛特于今年早些时候成立了BDTCapitalPartners,为家族企业和初创企业提供投资和咨询。据知情人士透露,该公司仍在寻求更多资金承诺。

    BDT Capital Partners , the venture Mr Trott founded earlier this year to invest in and advise family-run and entrepreneurial businesses , continues to seek additional commitments , people familiar with the matter said .

  13. 他表示,对传统企业和初创企业的投资改善了行业的商业环境。

    He said that capital investment into both traditional companies and start-ups has improved the business environment for the sector .

  14. 他们有理由担心,错误的监管将阻碍对人工智能初创企业的投资。

    They are , with justification , worried that misinformed regulation would slow down investment in start-ups that focus on artificial intelligence .

  15. 它在海外收购了几家技术公司,还设立了一支5000万美元、专门投资以色列高科技初创企业的投资基金,计划很快设立第二支基金。

    It has made several overseas acquisitions and launched a $ 50m investment fund targeting technology start-ups in Israel , with plans to establish a second fund soon .

  16. 结果是,许多投资者急切地向这样一些初创企业大举投资&它们看上去拥有一样技术或一个商业点子,能至少部分构成这美丽新世界。

    As a result , plenty of investors are eager to throw money at start-ups that look as if they possess a piece of technology and a business idea that will form at least part of the brave new world .

  17. 除此之外,天使投资人更倾向于投资新项目或首轮种子期融资项目,然后才会向旧项目或在第一轮种子期融资期间成为“烂尾楼工程”的初创企业追加投资。

    Moreover , many angel investors would rather invest in that shiny new car or first seed round then add more capital to a used car or startup that did not " get there " on its first seed financing .

  18. 加速器将为初创企业进行早期投资,特别是为三星产品开发软件的开发商。

    It will make early-stage investments in startups , especially developers of software for Samsung devices .

  19. 规模较小的公司,包括一家初创企业,成为投资中国股票市场的开路先锋,向美国和欧洲投资者提供了能够直接投资于中国国内上市公司股票的产品。

    Instead , smaller companies , including a start-up , have blazed the trail to launch products providing US and European investors with direct exposure to locally listed equities .