
  • 网络committed capital;Commitment Capital;capital commitment
  1. 戈沙尔格评估了225家私募股权公司,代表1000多支基金、逾万亿美元的承诺资本。

    Gottschalg evaluated 225 private equity firms , representing more than 1,000 funds with more than $ 1 trillion in committed capital .

  2. 鉴于此,需要找一支规模较大的基金(承诺资本超过2亿美元)作为早期领投者,除了提供首轮融资外,更重要的是能有相当数量的资金用于后续投资。

    In light of this , a larger fund ( > $ 200 million in committed capital ) should be sought as an early lead to both provide seed dollars but more importantly to reserve a significant amount of capital for follow-on investment .

  3. 向私募股权投资公司提供资本的投资者一般承诺其资本投资长达10年,远远长于公开市场的参与者。

    Investors who provide capital to private equity investment firms commit their capital for10 years , much longer than public market participants .

  4. 如今,马英九承诺将允许资本的自由流动。

    Ma is pledging to allow free capital flows .

  5. 向公司投入在章程中承诺投入的资本,实际履行了出资义务或向转让股东履行了交纳股款义务;

    Invests to the company in the regulation pledged the investment capital , has fulfilled the investment duty actually or to transfers the shareholder to fulfill has paid the share of stock duty ;

  6. 政府最好还是应该承诺向任何资本比率降至一定水平之下的银行注资,这样,投资者才有申请银行贷款所需的信心。

    The government should pledge as well to recapitalise any bank whose capital ratios fall below a certain floor , so that investors have the confidence they need to fund lending through banks .

  7. 合资双方仅在其承诺对公司注册资本缴付的出资范围内承担公司的风险和亏损。

    The Parties shall share the risks and losses of the Company only to the extent of its commitment to contribute to the registered capital of the Company .

  8. 但其是否强制命令货币市场基金,这种大型的银行融资渠道,停止向投资者承诺完好归还其资本还不得而知。

    But it is far from clear that he will force money-market funds , a major source of bank funding , to give up their promise to return their capital to investors intact .

  9. 此类投资者或投资机构往往承诺提供相当的资本(>10万美元),并在科技界或你的目标行业内享有盛誉(例如,成功的时尚人士投资一家与时尚界相关的初创企业)。

    These are people or institutions who commit significant capital ( > $ 100k ) and are respected in the tech community or in the specific industry you are going after ( e.g. , successful fashion people investing in a fashion-related startup ) .