
chū liàn
  • first love;first lover;just fall in love
初恋 [chū liàn]
  • (1) [just fall in love] ∶初涉恋情;初次相恋

  • (2) [first lover]∶第一位恋人

初恋[chū liàn]
  1. 我的初恋难以忘怀。

    My first love was unforgettable .

  2. 他仍然忠于他的初恋。

    He remained true to his first love .

  3. 初恋完全是一场虚幻的美梦。

    Falling in love the first time is all froth and fantasy .

  4. 一个人的初恋是最难以忘怀的。

    One can never forget one 's first love .

  5. 他们老两口儿还像初恋那会儿那样亲昵。

    The old couple still dote on each other just as when they first fell in love .

  6. 维瑟甚至能说出这些“录像带”开始录像的时间:2000年12月15日。那天他在最好朋友的16岁生日晩会上遇见了初恋女友。

    Veiseh can even put a date on when those tapes started recording : 15 December 2000 , when he met his first girlfriend at his best friend 's 16th birthday party .

  7. 在那个女演员的自传中,她写到了自己苦乐掺半的初恋。

    In her memoir , the actress wrote about the bittersweet memories of her first love .

  8. 苹果(Apple)是乔布斯的初恋,他白手起家创立了这家公司,后来又从悬崖边上把它拉了回来并打造成为全球最有价值的公司。

    His first love , Apple , he built from nothing and then dragged back from the brink to make it the most valuable company in the world .

  9. 饶了她吧PJ斯宾塞可是她的初恋

    Give her a break , p.J. Spencer was teddy 's first love .

  10. Java编程和面向对象是许多程序员的“初恋”,我们对待它就像对待Bindi一样尊重和完全的爱慕。

    Java programming , and object-orientation , was the first love for many programmers , and we treat it with the same respect and outright adoration I gave to Bindi .

  11. 席拉(Shira):Shira在《冰河世纪4:大陆漂移》中亮相,她是黑心肝船长的手下,也是他的前初恋女友。

    Shira appear in Ice Age : Continental Drift , She is part of Gutt 's crew , and the captain 's former first mate .

  12. 我的初恋是在高中的时候。

    My first love was when I was in high school .

  13. 你初恋时候的样子,一定很可爱。

    When you look first love , must be very cute .

  14. 伊斯坦布尔是一个初恋与葬礼发生的地方。

    Istanbul as a place of first loves and last rites .

  15. 直到临死前还挂念着自己的初恋。

    Holding on to their first love until their last breath .

  16. 《初恋五十次》主要在夏威夷取景。

    Fifty First Dates was mainly filmed on location in Hawaii .

  17. 蒂娜-王于2008年春天与初恋男友结婚。

    Tina Wang married her first boyfriend in the spring of2008 .

  18. 保罗是黛安的初恋对吗

    Paul was Diane 's first love , wasn 't he ?

  19. 初恋情结,有时会影响一个人一生的爱情观。

    First , sometimes will affect one 's view of life .

  20. 我的初恋谢谢你。教会我那么多。

    My first love , thank you taught me so much .

  21. 深情如初恋,带着悔恨的狂热。

    Deep as first love , and wild with all regret .

  22. 这是我的初恋,你知道吗?

    It 's the first time for me , you know .

  23. 曼尼的初恋女友是个开野马的高三女生。

    Manny 's first girlfriend is a senior with a Mustang .

  24. 我认为没有人能够真正的忘掉他的初恋。

    Don 't think anybody really gets over his first love .

  25. 我们从每个女孩初恋开始。

    We begin where every girl starts with her first crush .

  26. 兜兜转转又回到初恋身边

    and then find their way back to their first love .

  27. 他们喜欢当女人的初恋情人。

    They prefer to be the woman 's first love .

  28. 谁会为了找初恋情人而做警察?

    Who becomes a cop to find a first love ?

  29. 人们总说,初恋是难以忘怀的。

    They say that you never forget your first love .

  30. 但是我从来没想过要去获得另一个初恋。

    But I 'm never gonna get another first love .