
  • 网络Profit Sharing Plan;Profit-Sharing Plan
  1. 浅析利润分享计划在我国企业员工激励中的应用

    On the Application of Profit-sharing Plan in Personnel Encouragement of Enterprises

  2. 在创建初期,宝洁公司就开创了某些传统,比如缩短每周工作时间,为员工制订利润分享计划等。

    Early in its history , the company pioneered traditions like a short workweek and a profit-sharing plan for employees .

  3. 公司施行利润分享计划。

    The company operates a profit - sharing scheme .

  4. 关于我们奖励员工的各种计划-新的利润分享计划,奖金等等。

    Woman : Something on our various schemes for rewarding staff - the new profit-sharing scheme , bonuses and so on . Man : Right .

  5. 作为一个房地产开发公司的高级行政人员,彼得森的年薪是20万美金,还有丰厚的奖金,拥有股票买卖权和利润分享计划。

    A senior executive in a real estate development firm , Petersen 's $ 200K job paid a generous bonus , offered stock options and a profit-sharing plan .

  6. 6起未决诉讼的原告名单涵盖了各类机构投资者,包括基金会、捐赠基金、利润分享计划以及所有类型的养老金。

    The roster of plaintiffs across the six pending lawsuits covers the spectrum of institutional investors , including pensions of all stripes as well as foundations , endowments and profit-sharing plans .

  7. 雇员们从利润分享的计划中受益。

    The employee have benefit from the profit-sharing scheme .