
  • 网络golden handcuff
  1. 金手铐是不让员工离开公司的一套经济刺激方案。

    Golden handcuffs are a system of financial incentives designed to keep an employee from leaving the company .

  2. 使之在这个不断发展变化的资本市场上,成为真正连结管理层和股东的金手铐。

    In the development of the capital market changes we let it become a " golden handcuffs " that real links the management and the shareholders .

  3. 在电视行业,如果一个主播与一个电视网签订了“金手铐”协议,那么他就不能再为任何其他与该电视网相竞争的频道主持节目。

    In television , if a host has signed the'golden handcuffs'deal with the network , it means they cannot appear on any other rival channel .

  4. 当谷歌用这么多现金或股票套牢你的时候,你真的很难再放下这个金手铐。

    The downside of receiving that much cash and / or Google stock as compensation for your time is that it is going to be very hard to let go of those golden handcuffs .

  5. 技术公司在提供“金手铐”般束缚员工的工作福利这方面臭名昭著:比如像提供免费的午餐和洗衣服务这种奇特的福利,以此让员工在长时间待在办公室里。

    Tech companies are notorious for offering job " perks " that function like gilded handcuffs : fancy benefits like free meals and laundry that keep you tied to the office for long hours .