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  • gold standard system
  1. 通过金本位制的确立,日本不仅顺应了世界资本主义由自由资本主义向垄断资本主义过渡的发展趋势,提高了在欧美世界的信用度,而且,还增强了日本向亚洲各国进行殖民扩张的金融实力。

    After establishment of gold standard system , Japan not only conformed to the transition trend from laissez-fair capitalism to monopoly capitalism , but also raised Japanese credit degree in Europe and America , at the same time , Japan also enhanced financial force to expand colony in Asia .

  2. 2000年4月,瑞士通过全民公决废除了金本位制,黄金非货币化的程度进一步加深。

    Switzerland abolished gold standard system through referendum in April 2000 , and the extent of gold demonetization has been further extended .

  3. 数百年来,英国央行(bankofengland)一直支持着黄金市场的发展,最早于1717年确立了金本位制。

    The Bank of England had for centuries supported the development of the bullion market ; the first gold standard was set in 1717 .

  4. 文章结合反映国际资本流动的“FH之谜”,着重考察了金本位制下不可能三角的组合情况。

    In the light of FH puzzle , the paper emphasizes on the gold standard regime particularly .

  5. 他以拥护自由市场和私营企业的优越性著称,但不会呼吁废除美联储(Fed)或者回到金本位制。

    He is a man known for espousing the merits of free markets and private business – but is not calling for the abolition of the Federal Reserve or a return to the gold standard .

  6. 英国的物价在1920之后不断下降,直至美国总统富兰克林•罗斯福(FranklinRoosevelt)最终在1933年讨论汇率稳定的伦敦会议上破坏了金本位制。

    Prices in Britain fell steadily after 1920 until President Franklin Roosevelt finally wrecked the gold standard at the London Conference on exchange rate stabilisation in 1933 .

  7. 但至少世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)正设法平息风波。他呼吁各国探讨建立一个以经过改良的以金本位制为核心的全球货币新体系。

    But at least , Robert Zoellick the World Bank president , is trying to pour oil on troubled waters by calling for a debate on a new global currency system with an modified gold standard at its heart .

  8. 黄金价格飙升至每盎司1400美元上方,再创名义价格历史新高。此前世界银行(worldbank)行长罗伯特佐利克(RobertZoellick)表示,主要经济体应考虑以改良版金本位制来指引汇率变动。

    Gold prices surged above $ 1,400 a troy ounce , setting a fresh nominal all-time high after Robert Zoellick , World Bank president , said leading economies should look at a modified global gold standard to guide currency movements .

  9. 在这三种金本位制下,还有数十种不同的衍生制度,有些国家甚至采用了混合制度。

    There are dozens of different sub-species , hybrids , etc. , etc.

  10. 这是掩藏在福利经济统制者们反对金本位制的演说中的卑劣秘密。

    This is the shabby secret of the welfare statists'tirades against gold .

  11. 尼克松让美元脱离金本位制之后,美元大幅下跌。

    The dollar collapsed after Nixon took it off the gold standard .

  12. 他向投资者保证维持金本位制。

    To investors he promised maintenance of the gold standard .

  13. 我们是否会回归金本位制?

    Are we going back to the gold standard ?

  14. 过去有些国家的货币制度是金本位制的。

    The monetary system of some countries used to be based on gold .

  15. 货币数量学说①是金本位制的基础理论。

    The quantity theory of money was the foundation of the gold standard .

  16. 欧元区本应是典型金本位制的升级版。

    The eurozone was supposed to be an updated version of the classical gold standard .

  17. 1933年的今天,弗兰克林·D·罗斯福宣布美国将放弃金本位制。

    1933-President Franklin D.Roosevelt announces that the United States will be abandoning the gold standard .

  18. 这种稳定的汇率被认为是实行金本位制的国家增加贸易所必须的。

    Such stable exchange rates were considered a necessity to increasing trade among gold standard nations .

  19. 因此,金本位制导致各参与国之间形成固定汇率制。

    Thus , the gold standard resulted in a system of fixed exchange rates among participating nations .

  20. 从来都没有一个充分自由的银行系统以及始终坚持的金本位制存在过。

    A fully free banking system and fully consistent gold standard have not as yet been achieved .

  21. 一直以来,劳动价值论在金本位制下的价格总水平变动问题上有很好的解释力。

    Under the gold standard system , Labor Value Theory always well explains the general price changes .

  22. 换言之,提议回归金本位制也许几乎是不可想象的。

    It might seem almost unthinkable to propose a return to a gold standard , in other words .

  23. 在美国历史上,几代政治家都支持美国货币的金本位制。

    American history has seen generations of politicians argue in favor of a gold standard for American currency .

  24. 当一个国家宣布进入战争状态时,通常情况下,它做的第一件事就是宣布金本位制失效。

    The first thing a country usually does when it declares war is to go off the gold standard .

  25. 即使是在1971年美国放弃金本位制以后,仍然有一些投资者崇奉黄金。

    Even after America left the gold standard in 1971 , some investors continued to revere the yellow stuff .

  26. 由于当时实施的是金本位制,这家银行最初的权力非常有限。

    To begin with , the powers of this bank were limited because the currency was backed by gold .

  27. 直到第一次世界大战前,通过金本位制,英国在行使这项职责。

    Britain had done this job up to the first World War , through the mechanism of the gold standard .

  28. 要在日本、中国和美国实行金本位制,价格将超过每盎司9000美元。

    To implement that standard in Japan , China and the US , the price would be more than $ 9,000 .

  29. 一战还摧毁了19世纪经济的两大基础:自由贸易和金本位制。

    The first world war also destroyed the foundations of the 19th century economy : free trade and the gold standard .

  30. 原因在于,放弃金本位制使它们得以自由推行扩张性政策;而且越早推行扩张政策效果越好。

    This was because abandoning the gold standard liberated them to pursue expansionary policies ; and the sooner this happened the better .