
  • 网络The Dollar Standard
  1. 在美元本位制下,美元供给具有独特的特点,其对世界经济的运行也造成了较大的影响。

    Under the dollar standard , the dollar supply has unique characteristics , and it also has great impact on the world economy .

  2. 由此引发了国际货币体系改革的讨论,虽然美元本位制暂时难以推翻,但是国际货币体系改革的趋势已不可逆转。

    This triggered a discussion of the international monetary system reform . The dollar standard system being difficult to reverse , but the trend of the international monetary system reform is irreversible . Currently , there are three ideas of international monetary system reform .

  3. 随后,本文研究了美元本位制下的美元供给机制,从基础货币和流通货币两方面详细分析了其运行机理。

    Subsequently , this paper studies the U.S. dollar supply mechanism , analyzing its operation from the base currency to the circulation currency .

  4. 美元本位制的演化过程,也正是国际货币体系对全球经济再平衡调节能力不断弱化的过程。

    Dollar standard evolution is also the process in which the international monetary system continually weakened its ability to rebalance the global economy .

  5. 协会的主席卡罗多佛说,数十个临时索偿要求已拒绝或者被减少到“美元本位制上的便士”因为这些企业远离溢出地点。

    The association 's president , Carol Dover , said dozens of interim claims have been rejected or reduced to " pennies on the dollar " because the businesses are far from the spill site .

  6. 最后,文章从金融创新和金融监管的关系、虚拟经济和实体经济互动以及美元本位制与国际货币体系改革这三个方面,得出启示并提出相应的政策建议。

    Finally , the paper gives out relevant suggestions from three aspects , those are the relation between financial innovation and supervision , the interaction between the fictitious economy and entity economy , as well as the reform of international monetary system .

  7. 尼克松让美元脱离金本位制之后,美元大幅下跌。

    The dollar collapsed after Nixon took it off the gold standard .

  8. 事实上,在上世纪60年代以前美元仍采用金本位制的时候,人们普遍认为,黄金是人世间最好的保值工具。

    Indeed , before the 1960s , when the American dollar was employing the gold standard , it was widely assumed that gold was the best store of value available to mankind .

  9. 1971年,美元与黄金正式脱钩,国际货币体系从此进入美元本位制的时代。

    In 1971 , the U.S. dollar officially separated from gold . Since then , the international monetary system entered the era of the dollar standard .