
  • Food Court;Food Plaza
  1. 商场的美食广场有什么不好?

    What 's wrong with the food court at the mall ?

  2. 我看到了一个超帅的男孩在商场的美食广场工作

    I saw the cutest guy working at the mall food court

  3. 美食广场的实验项目只是开始。

    And the food court 's pilot program is just the start .

  4. 儿童节之美食广场和跳蚤市场。

    Children 's Day Food Fair & Flea Market .

  5. 欢迎光临世界最大购物中心的美食广场。

    Welcome to the food court at the world 's largest shopping centre .

  6. 却只想去商场里的美食广场?

    And you want to have it at the food court at the mall ?

  7. 美食广场通风系统的技术分析

    Analysis in ventilating system of gastronomic plaza

  8. 就像互联网出现前的人们在美食广场里呆坐着一样。

    the same way that the pre-internet generation did sitting around in the food court .

  9. 来客可以凭经美食广场内商家认定的票子免费停车3个小时。

    Visitors may park free for three hours with ticket validation from businesses in the food court .

  10. 设计未来将军澳地铁站上盖将建有低密度高尚住宅,地铁站前将建一个美食广场。

    On top of the Tseung Kwan O MTR Station participants proposed to build high-class low-density residential buildings .

  11. 但当他将一家当地美食广场的总管打得落花流水时,在那十分钟内,他就是上帝。

    Narrator : But Ricky was a god for10 minutes when he trounced the maitre of a local food court .

  12. 美食广场位于奥体大街与乐山路的交界处,与地铁站相望。

    Located in the juncture of Olympics Street and Leshan Road , Food Square faces metro stations , with tree leisure square outside .

  13. 它带有商店以及美食广场,而且火车会安静的驶入驶出站点而且准时准点。

    It had shops and a food court and the trains would silently pull in and out of the station perfectly on schedule .

  14. 开家酒吧,在美食广场开一家素食店,邀请千禧一代和嬉皮士们来吃吃喝喝,

    Put in a bar , like , put vegan food in the food court and invite millennials and hipsters to come and drink and eat ,

  15. 在美食广场,一男子握手吉拉德的手,并宣布:“我不洗了一个星期的手。”

    In the food court , one man shook Gillard 's hand and declared : " I won 't wash that hand for a week . "

  16. 在每一个实验中,参与者被要求参加一项活动,活动内容多种多样,可能是参加一个公车之旅,也可能是到一个美食广场吃饭。

    In each experiment , individuals were asked to participate in an activity - which ranged from going on a bus tour to eating in a food court .

  17. 在这个美食广场风格的市场里,挤满了贩售各种东西的小商铺,从鲜花到烤玉米饼,再到手工芝士与新鲜出炉的面包,应有尽有。

    Under the High Line this food hall style market is chock full of stalls selling everything from flowers to tacos to artisanal cheeses and freshly baked breads .

  18. 酒店一楼设有银行、商场,相邻的大东海明珠广场有大型的美食广场和百货商场。

    The first floor is complete with bank and shops , while by the Pearl Square next to the hotel there are large fine food eateries and department stores .

  19. 北侧是塞万提斯广场,一个大型的两层高的空间,内有休闲区、美食广场和电影院,并一直通往公园。

    At the north end is Cervantes Plaza , a large double-height space leading into the park , where the leisure areas , food court and entrance to the cinema are located .

  20. 大多数在外面买的预加工食品都会被人们拿到路边小摊上或者是美食广场去让那里的师傅给煮熟了吃,比如去老巴刹或者牛顿食物中心,而不是真正的餐馆里。

    Most prepared food bought outside the home is eaten at hawker centres or food courts , examples of which include Lau Pa Sat and Newton Food Centre , rather than at actual restaurants .

  21. 在摊贩中心或美食广场可以快速了解新加坡的泛亚洲口味,食客可以品尝到辣酱汁炒蟹、姜炖鸡,以及搭配超辣咖喱酱汁的烤肉等简单菜肴。

    Hawker centers , or food courts , are a quick introduction to Singapore 's pan-Asian palate , allowing diners to sample dishes like crab fried in chili sauce , chicken poached with ginger , and roti served with a fiery curry sauce .

  22. 吃海南鸡饭最好的去处是新加坡无处不在的户外“摊贩中心”。这里就像美食广场一样,全是各种美味而接地气的咖喱面条和烤肉小摊,而不是安妮阿姨脆饼店或朱丽叶斯橙汁那样的连锁店。

    The best place to enjoy chicken rice is in one of Singapore 's ubiquitous open-air " hawker centers , " which are like mall food courts , but packed with amazing curried noodle and roti stands instead of Auntie Anne 's Pretzels and Orange Julius .

  23. 大型拱廊市场Markthal即将在10月份开张,内部将展示许多3D美食照片,是荷兰第一家室内美食广场。

    Come October , the massive arch of the Markthal , whose interior displays 3-D food photographs , becomes the country 's first indoor food hall .