
  1. 利率工具的时滞效应非常明显,这表明我国的利率传导机制的阻塞较大。

    The time lag is very obvious ;

  2. 如果用利率工具来控制通胀,那么用它们来支持部分金融体系就比较危险。

    If interest rates control inflation , it is dangerous to use them to support parts of the financial system .

  3. 欧洲央行非常明确地表示了利率工具和非传统工具(如在二级市场购买债券)用途的不同性。

    The ECB has been very explicit about its separation principle since the launch of its non-conventional tools including covered bond purchasing program and also SMP .

  4. 随着近年来中国金融市场创新不断深入,各种金融衍生利率工具的不断推出,加快对利率期限结构的研究更加具有现实意义。

    With the development of the financial market and the introduction of different financial derivatives , it is very urgent and significant to speed up the research on the term structure .

  5. 他们承认存在这种可能性,即美联储未来可能不得不改变做法,动用利率工具,或者更可能的是采取其他高级调控措施,来抑制不断膨胀的泡沫。

    They are open to the possibility that the Fed might have to adopt a different approach in future , deploying either interest rates or more likely enhanced regulatory powers to put the brake on emerging bubbles .

  6. 瑞银施许怡敏表示,客户对“普通期权、股票挂钩票据、双币与利率工具的兴趣显著复苏”,并且,由于一些对冲基金与私人股本公司暂停赎回,他们也更加重视流动性。

    MS Shih of UBS reports " a marked revival of interest in plain vanilla options , equity-linked notes , and dual currency and interest rate instruments " , and an increased focus on liquidity in response to the suspension of redemptions by several hedge funds and private equity firms .

  7. 剖析在利率衍生工具定价中使用Black-Scholes模型的局限性。

    Analyses the limitation of Black Scholes model for the pricing of interest rate derivative products .

  8. 我国利率衍生工具市场发展的状况与完善措施

    On the Development of China 's Interest Rate Derivatives

  9. 关于利率衍生工具定价的研究

    Studies on pricing models of interest rate derivative products

  10. 第三,创新适合我国特色的利率管理工具。

    Third , the innovation suits our country characteristic the interest rate management tool .

  11. 我国宏观调控利率政策工具滞后有效性计量检验

    The Econometric Test of the Effectiveness behind the Interest Rate Policy Tools in the Context of China 's Macro-control

  12. 运用和拓展利率互换工具是我国银行业发展的必然选择也是可行选择。

    It 's an inevitable and feasible choice for China 's banking development to exploit and develop interest rate swaps .

  13. 最后,本文简要分析利率衍生工具、财务再保险、加强寿险公司内控等防范利率风险的措施,以及这些措施在中国寿险业利率风险防范中的应用

    At last , the other measures for life insurance interest rate risk management such as financial re-insurance and enforcing inner control of company were analyzed in this paper

  14. 国债是利率衍生工具和其他金融工具的定价基础,作为货币政策和财政政策的重要内容直接影响到货币政策和财政政策的传导机制和效率,因而对国债定价的研究具有重要的意义。

    It is the pricing foundation of the interest derivatives and other financial instruments . As important component of monetary policy and fiscal policy , it affects the transmission mechanism and efficiency of both policies directly . Thus the study of pricing of treasury bond is very significant .

  15. 第三部分在对传统三种利率风险度量工具敏感性缺口、久期缺口、VaR进行解释分析的基础上,阐述了三种主要的利率风险管理方法,进攻型管理、缺口管理以及套期保值管理。

    In the third part , based on the traditional interpretation of the three interest rate risk measure sensitivity gap , duration gap , VaR , on three main interest rate risk management methods , aggressive management , gap management and hedging management .

  16. 技术对策是防范利率风险的工具和方法,包括资产负债表表内管理和表外管理。

    Technical tactics is tools and methods to control interest rate risk , including In-Balance-Sheet method and Off-Balance-Sheet method .

  17. 目前无论是银行间市场还是交易所市场,在目前都缺乏有效的回避系统利率风险的工具。

    Now for either inter-bank market or exchange market , there are few of efficient instrument available to hedge off the systematic interest rate risk .

  18. 必须创新利率风险防范工具,规范相关利益主体经济行为,实现个人住房贷款证券化,建立住房金融保险体系。

    We should create the means to guard the risk , standardize economic behavior of relative interests , and establish financial insurance system for it .

  19. 但该计划得到的响应并不令人鼓舞,因为对外国企业而言,市场内缺乏管理人民币汇率风险和利率风险的工具。

    But the take-up was not encouraging as the market lacked the tools for foreign traders to manage their renminbi currency and interest rate risks .

  20. 我国还应积极研究国债期货和住房抵押贷款证券这两种利率风险管理工具在我国商业银行利率风险管理中的运用可能性。

    And our commercial banks also should study the possibility of employing interest rate futures and mortagages-backed securities to hedge interest rate risk in balance sheet .

  21. 委员会审议了一份讨论文件,其内容是探讨以储备比率规定作为减少香港利率波动的工具的利弊。

    The sub-committee considered a paper setting out the arguments for and against using reserve requirements as a tool for reducing interest rate volatility in Hong kong .

  22. 新的职权还会鼓励美联储在运用政策利率和其它工具之间找到正确的平衡,以此解决过剩问题。

    The new mandate would also encourage the fed to deal with excesses by striking the right balance between deploying its policy interest rate and other tools .

  23. 国债衍生产品由于具有很好的分散风险和回避风险的功能,在国外经常被用来作为利率风险管理工具来控制利率风险,在国内却运用很少。

    Bond derivative , which can decentralize and avoid risk , is often used to control rate risk in developed countries , but seldom used in China .

  24. 此时最初作为管理利率风险的工具&资产负债管理就成了寿险公司资金投资的有效管理工具。

    Meanwhile as the tools of the managing interest rate risk initially & Asset Liability Management becomes the effective managing method of funds investment of life insurance companies .

  25. 因此,本文引入我国现有的表外利率风险管理工具,并借鉴国际使用金融衍生工具的经验,指导商业银行进行利率风险管理。

    Therefore , this paper introduced our existing interest rate risk management tools of out-of-balance sheet and used learning from international experience in financial derivatives to guide commercial banks to manage interest rate risk .

  26. 另外,从货币供给和利率两类工具对比来讲,货币供给对股票市场的扰动更大,会增加股票市场的波动,而利率则具有较稳定的操作效果。

    In addition , in view of the two type tools of monetary policies , money supply will disturbs the stock market greater , and will increase the volatility of the stock market , while interest rates have a relatively operating effect .

  27. 尽管美国金融集团将继续获准在其银行中交易利率掉期等工具,但外国银行美国分行将被迫把衍生品活动转移到自家银行以外的附属机构。

    Though US financial groups will continue to be allowed to trade instruments such as interest rate swaps out of their banks , foreign banks ' US branches will be forced to move all of their derivatives activities to affiliates outside the bank .

  28. 本文首先简要阐述了传统的Macaulay久期模型,Macaulay久期模型是度量利率风险的重要工具,但由于其假设条件与现实不符而严重制约了其有用性和精确性。

    Macaulay Duration is an important tool of measuring interest rate risk , but its assumptions with reality has seriously hampered its usefulness and accuracy .

  29. 你拥有利率这一政策工具,但是一旦利率达到零点,你便失业了。

    You 've got this policy tool of interest rates but once it hits zero you 're out of business .

  30. 久期缺口技术是商业银行调整资产负债表结构,防范利率风险的重要工具。

    The duration gap ( DGAP ) management is a vital technique in adjusting the structure of balance sheet to be immunized of interest rate risk .