
  1. 董事与公司间的利益相反交易规制是董事忠实义务制度的内容之一。

    Regulations on conflicting interests transactions between director and corporation are parts the director 's loyal duty system .

  2. 确立利益相反交易的批准或许可制度,可将其危害性控制在最小程度。

    By establishing the ratifying and permitting system of conflicting interests transactions , the harm might be reduced to minimum .

  3. 在利益相反交易中,公司利益与董事利益相互冲突,因而董事具有损害公司利益的潜在危险性。

    In transactions with conflicting interests with the corporation , the director is subject to infringing the corporation 's interests .

  4. 人不能为了一己之利而损坏人类共同利益,相反,我们应该维护全人类的利益。

    One should not kill human beings for personal benefits but take care of them .

  5. 在研究中我们发现,美国外交政策中的文化价值观决不会超越美国的自我利益,相反成为实现美国政治、经济和安全等利益的一种手段。

    In the study , we found that the cultural values in the United States foreign policy will not go beyond self-interest , on the contrary , they have become the means which help to achieve political , economic and security interests .

  6. 与自己的利益或者福利相反。

    Contrary to your interests or welfare .

  7. 报告也指出,与发达国家中要求既得农业利益的呼声相反,这些国家的农业将不会收到伤害。

    It also shows that agriculture in developed countries will not be decimated , contrary to claims of vested farm interests in those countries .

  8. 整合式谈判是指谈判者的利益并不完全相反,他们可能会通过交换,来增加可分配资源的数量,从而最终达到对彼此都有益的结果。

    Integrated negotiation is the interests of the negotiators is not exactly the opposite , they may increase the number of resources through exchange , and ultimately achieve results beneficial to each other .

  9. 与原棉不同,废棉的出口对农民没有任何利益可图,相反,该材料可用于制造经济实用型的纺织项目给有需要的人们。

    Unlike raw cotton , export of waste cotton did not benefit the farmers in any way ; rather the material was used to manufacture economical textile items for needy people .

  10. 买方利益与卖方利益是截然相反的。

    The interests of buyers and sellers are diametrically opposed to each other .

  11. 在知识上建立知识产权法治的目的是出于社会公共利益的宗旨而赋予个体利益,而不是相反。

    The purpose of establishing the rule of law of intellectual property over knowledge mainly focuses on social and public interests by securing individual interests , not the opposite logic .