
lì xī chénɡ běn
  • interest cost
  1. 除了传统的筹资利息成本和非利息成本之外,还存在着筹资的流动性成本和利率风险成本。

    In addition to traditional interest cost and non interest cost , there are liquid cost and interest rate risk cost in funding .

  2. 举例来说,富国银行利用这两种方式将2011年的利息成本同比消减了14亿美元。

    Wells Fargo , for example , used both strategies to pare its interest cost by $ 1.4 billion from 2010 to 2011 .

  3. 伯恩斯坦研究公司(BernsteinResearch)表示,利息成本应当追随国内生产总值(GDP)增长率。

    Interest costs track gross domestic product growth rates , according to Bernstein Research .

  4. 假定上述国家在总债务与GDP的比率为80%的情况下,能以可承受的利息成本向私人市场借款。

    Assume that these countries could borrow affordably in private markets at a gross debt ratio of 80 per cent of GDP .

  5. 这些债务每年的利息成本将超过美国的国防预算和整类可自由支配开支(discretionaryspending)。

    Annual interest costs on it would exceed the US defence budget and the whole category of discretionary spending .

  6. 在此之前,西班牙能够在等待的同时负担高利息成本。

    Spain can afford to pay high yields while waiting .

  7. 这将进一步提高利息成本,如此往复,陷入恶性循环。

    That would increase interest costs further , and so on in a vicious circle .

  8. 那将有助于压低利息成本只是政府也需延长融资期限。

    That would help keep interest costs down except governments also need to extend their funding .

  9. 此举会增加联邦赤字规模,使联邦债务的利息成本增加。

    That 's going to increase the federal deficit and increase interest payments on the federal debt .

  10. 但股市上涨意味着客户将资金从定期转为活期,降低了工行的利息成本。

    But frothy equity markets mean that customers shift from term to demand deposits , which cost the bank less .

  11. 这造就了一种爆炸性的债务动态模式:主权债券的收益率一旦上升,其对利息成本的影响就会被放大。

    That makes for an explosive debt dynamic : any rise in sovereign yields is amplified in its effect on interest costs .

  12. 最终,在债券发行期内的利息成本总额等于支付的利息减溢价金额。

    As a result , the total interest cost over the life of the bonds is equal to the interest paid minus the amount of the premium .

  13. 如果中国在接下来几年每年增长6%至7%,新债务的利息成本不应比这个水平高出很多&只要分配达到合理的高效率。

    If China grows at 6-7 per cent for the next few years , new debt ought not to cost much more – so long as it is dispensed reasonably efficiently .

  14. 如果中国在接下来几年每年增长6%至7%,新债务的利息成本不应比这个水平高出很多——只要分配达到合理的高效率。

    If China grows at 6-7 per cent for the next few years , new debt ought not to cost much more - so long as it is dispensed reasonably efficiently .

  15. 受庞大利息成本的拖累,未来经济将无法增长;同时,除非整顿好财政状况,否则我们根本不会拥有投资于未来的关键资源。

    A future economy burdened by massive interest costs cannot grow and the critical resources we need to invest in our future will simply not be there unless we get our fiscal house in order .

  16. 但是,由于流动性偏好理论的假设前提(有效市场假设)与现实不符,致使“国债期限越短,利息成本越低”的观点在实践中不一定成立。

    However , due to the unrealistic hypothesis of effective market , the view point of " the shorter period , the lower the state debts interest cost will be " is not realistically right .

  17. 应收账款问题不仅关系企业坏账的多少,而且关系到企业利息成本的高低,现实生活中其实后者比前者更加重要,但并不引人注目。

    Account receivable issue concern enterprise amount of bad account , concern enterprise interest high or low prices of cost , actually the latter is more important than the former in actual life , but inconspicuous .

  18. 国际航空运输协会预计,按照计入重组和利息成本的净利润来衡量,2007年全球航空业将实现自2000年以来的首次扭亏为盈,结束持续6年的亏损局面。

    At a net level including restructuring and interest costs , the airline industry is forecast by IATA to return to profit in 2007 for the first time since 2000 , ending six successive years of losses .

  19. 偿付能力是利息成本的函数,一国能够借贷的利率(而不仅是私人市场愿意放贷的利率)决定着其债务是否可持续。

    Solvency is a function of interest cost , and it is the rate at which a country can borrow , not just what private markets are willing to lend at , that determines whether its debt is sustainable .

  20. 分别从新增借款、债务期限、借款类型、利息成本等这四个债务契约的重要方面,研究其与盈余质量的相关关系,更加全面地评价银行的识别能力。

    Respectively in terms of four important aspects in the debt contract , namely new loans , debt maturity , loan types and interest rate , the paper studies the relationships between earnings quality and them , so as to evaluate the identification ability more comprehensively .

  21. 英国今年计划发行价值1690亿英镑(折合美元2770亿的债券来弥补亏空,并付清即将到期的490亿英镑的债务。低利息成本将会使以后削减赤字更加容易。这(对英国经济来说)

    Britain plans to issue £ 169 billion ( $ 277 billion ) of bonds this year to cover the deficit , and to pay off £ 49 billion of debt that is coming due . Lower interest costs will make cutting the deficit a little easier in future years .

  22. 利润和利息是投资成本的补偿而不是剥削。

    The profits and interests are the compensation of the investment cost rather than the exploitation .

  23. 欧洲债券的收益率降低之后,借款利息的总体成本将会下降,从而缓解这些国家的预算压力。

    Since the total interest costs would fall because of low rates on the Eurobonds , the pressure on their budgets would recede .

  24. 提出了可转换债券融资的资金成本是由筹资费用、票面利息和隐性成本三项构成,并给出了成本计量的方法;

    This paper suggests that the financing cost of the convertible bond financing consists of fund raising cost , face interest and conceal cost .

  25. 大型货船每天的运营成本在8000到9000美元,再加上超过2万美元的利息以及其他成本,但现在的租金只有大约4000美元。

    Large freighters that cost $ 8000 to $ 9000 a day to operate , plus $ 20000 or more a day in interest payments and other ownership costs , are now leasing for about $ 4000 .

  26. 支付债务利息所产生的成本将拖累未来的增长。

    The cost of servicing that debt would depress future growth .

  27. 利息-借债的成本&随时间的推移而自然增长。

    Interest the cost of borrowing accrues with the passage of time .

  28. 但在2008年,美国国会允许美联储向准备金支付利息来降低这种成本。

    But in 2008 Congress allowed the Fed to mitigate this cost by paying interest on reserves .

  29. 诺亚可以利用自己的富有投资者客户网络,为开发商提供资金,这些开发商愿意支付比银行利息更高的成本。

    The company can tap its network of wealthy investors to supply money to developers , who are prepared to pay more than what banks would usually charge .