
  • 网络Bad News
  1. 来自美国的利空消息对我国股市造成了直接的冲击,表现出了强的关联性。

    Bad news from America shocks our shares market directly , which shows strong relevance .

  2. 如果没有重大利空消息,下周股指延续上行趋势不变。

    If without critical bad news , the index will continue to rise up next week .

  3. 从研究结果来看,市场指数整体呈现上涨格局,由此纠正了普通投资者所认为的优质大型公司IPO是利空消息这一错误推断。

    The empirical results show that index takes a rising trend thus correcting the wrong view that IPO of large company is a bad news to the market .

  4. 国内成品油价格的走势受国际、国内市场两大因素的影响,利好、利空消息参半。

    Domestic and international markets will drive domestic oil product prices toward relative stability .

  5. 投资者目前正在密切关注股市的利好或利空消息。

    Investors are now scouring the horizon for events that drive the markets up or down .

  6. 市场正担心利空消息将继续发展,所以交易者们和投资者们都在使短期收益变现。

    The market is worried that bad news will continue to develop so traders and investors are capturing short term profits .

  7. 连续两天的回调,如果周末没有实质性的重大利空消息,下周一将出现强力反弹。

    Where callback for two consecutive days , next Monday will be strong rebounce time , if no major bad news at weekends .

  8. 那么,选择在自己减持后再宣布利空消息似乎也是自然而言的事了。

    Seems natural to release news that will be bad for shares on a day when you are holding less of those said shares .

  9. 国外成熟市场的研究表明,利空消息对股市波动的影响大于同等程度利好消息,这种现象被称为杠杆效应。

    Studies of foreign mature markets have shown that influence of bad news on the stock market fluctuations is greater than one of the same degree good news .

  10. 股票市场的非对称反应是指同等程度的利好和利空消息对股市波动的影响程度不同。

    Asymmetric reaction of the stock market refers to that good and bad news of the same degree make influence of different degree on the stock market fluctuations .

  11. 第三,充分了解与股市相关的信息,明确评估利好或利空消息的影响。

    Third , all of the individual investors need to folly know the relevant information about the stock market , a clear assessment of bull or bear policy news .

  12. 英镑短期上涨说明周三预算公布前对英镑的抛空并不是市场的普遍行为,而进一步下跌也不太可能出现,因为利空消息已经被市场消化。

    Sterling bulls may argue that recent selling has been widely ahead of Wednesday 's Budget and any further losses are unlikely because the bad news is priced in .

  13. 本文的主要发现是:(1)基于利好消息的交易通常会使交易强度增大,而基于利空消息的交易通常会导致较长的交易持续期;

    One interesting point that emerges from the analysis is that good-news-based trading will generally lead to increased trading intensity , while bad-news-based trading will generally contribute to longer durations .

  14. 他预期,投资者将关注美元的其它利空消息,包括对美国财政状况和美联储定量放松计划作用的担忧。

    He expects investors to focus on other negatives for the dollar , including worries over the US fiscal position and the effects of the Federal Reserve 's quantitative easing programme .

  15. 整体来看,现在的利多利空消息是你来我往,应接不暇;而目前多空双方又正好在1900点-2100点这条狭路上相遇了。

    Overall , the benefit is more bad news to you , to me , too busy ; now Straddle both sides in1900 and just point at-2100 that meet the narrow road .

  16. 的解仅适用于股市的常规情形(无利好或利空消息,等),因此,A。

    Has been shown to be suited only for normal cases ( no profit , or lost profit news , etc. ) of stock market , so the same range is suited for A.

  17. 他又说,在目前不利的环境下,正面的经济数据和其他利多消息往往遭到忽视,而最轻微的利空消息也会大受注意。

    He added that in the current unfavorable circumstances , positive economic data and other profitable news were often likely to be neglected while much attention would be paid to minor unprofitable news .

  18. 而杠杆效应的结果都很一致,都是市场对坏消息更敏感,利空消息更能导致市场波动加剧。

    And the result of the leverage effect is consistent , all is the market for " bad news " is more sensitive , namely more bad news can lead to market volatility worse .

  19. 在样本期内,无论是房市,还是股市,利好消息对市场波动的影响,均要大于利空消息对市场波动的影响。

    During the sample period , whether in the real estate market or the stock market , the influence of good news to the market fluctuation is on average greater than that of bad news .

  20. 这种短线的机会还是很多的,因为利空消息还会源源不断地袭来,救市措施也会络绎不绝地出台,这就是短线赚取差价的机会啊。

    This is still a lot of opportunities for short-term , because an endless stream of bad news will hit , the rescue package will be flooded out , and this is short-term profit opportunities ah .

  21. 金融市场的波动有许多特点,股票市场波动的非对称性是指同等程度的利好消息与利空消息对股票市场波动的影响不相同。

    There are a lot of characteristics in the volatility of the financial market . Asymmetric impact of stock market is that the equal degree good news and bad news have different impact on the stock market volatility .

  22. 因此本文认为股市波动非对称效应不等同于杠杆效应,波动非对称性应为利好消息与等同程度的利空消息对股市波动产生不一样的效果。

    Therefore this dissertation considers volatility asymmetric effect of stock market is not equal to the leverage effect . Volatility asymmetric of stock market should be the same scale of good news and bad news produce the different effect .

  23. 本文认为,投资者对利好消息的过度反应,对利空消息的反应不足,以及中国股市独特的庄股操作,都可能在一定程度上导致不同组合中期内不同的收益趋势。

    We believe that investors ' overreaction to good news and underreaction to bad news , together with the unique behavior of the banks in China stock market , may contribute to the different return trends of different portfolios .

  24. 负的冲击要比正的冲击对创业板收益率波动性的影响更大,也就是创业板投资者的行为极易受到利空消息的影响,从而加剧股市的波动。

    GEM refers to the negative impact than positive impact on the greater impact of volatility , the behavior of GEM investors vulnerable to the impact of bad news , thus increasing the volatility of the stock market . 2 .

  25. 拉贾拉特南和他的同伙们当时是利用了内幕消息进行投资&在从董事会和其他非公开渠道获得利好/利空消息后,买入/卖出相关股票。

    Rajaratnam and his Confederates were using insider information to bet on sure things & buying stocks that would rise after news they gleaned from boardrooms and other nonpublic sources , selling those that were about to take a big hit .

  26. 无论是在深市还是沪市,都存在杠杆效应,且利空消息比利好消息对市场的影响要大。

    The expect to stable stock market was not realized ( 2 ) Whether it is in Shenzhen or Shanghai , there are " leverage effect ", and the effect of " bad news " is larger than " good news " .

  27. 指出:个体投资者的风险承受能力过低,以及投资者存在的多头偏好、过度恐惧和损失厌恶心理导致了其对利多消息反应不足、对利空消息反应过度。

    Point out : the individual investor 's ability to undergo the risks is too poor , and the investors have " long preference ", " over-panic " and " loss aversion " psychology which lead to the under-reaction to good news , but over-reaction to bad news .

  28. 所谓常规情形是指无政治、政策、利好、利空等消息影响,投资者依据价位、价位变化率等资料作出买卖决定。

    The so called normal case means no influence due to politics , policy , profit , lost profit news , and means the decision of buying and selling made by an investor according to the price , the change rate of the price , etc.