
  • 网络villa;second home;fu-gugo;individual karma;bieec nyeel
别业 [bié yè]
  • [villa] 别墅

  • 依依西山下,别业桑林边。--唐. 高适《淇上别业》

  1. 其三则是以贵族文化为基础的别业文化。

    The villa literature based on aristocratic culture .

  2. 随着古典隐逸别业逐步发展成熟为世俗化的明清私家园林形式,“园林模仿绘画”的观念也成为造园实践中的定规。

    With classical villa developing into secular Ming-Qing dynasty private garden , the regulations of garden imitating painting had become the principle of garden making .

  3. 婚姻与《霍华德别业》的联结主题

    Marriage and the Theme of " Tie " in Howards End

  4. 论唐代园林别业与文学的关系

    On the Relation between Garden Art and Literature creation in Tang Dynasty

  5. 《霍华德别业》:本土的殖民救赎

    Howards End : Colonial Redemption at the Native Land

  6. 跨越藩篱&论《霍华德别业》的联结主题

    Over the Hedge : On the theme of " Connect " in Howards End

  7. 我不忍心让她同我隔开十英里路;讲到柏卫别业,那所假三层实在太糟了。

    I could not bear to have her ten miles from me ; and as for Purvis Lodge , the attics are dreadful .

  8. 另外,科举的兴盛、别业的繁盛、佛禅的大兴也起了一定的作用。

    In addition , the rise of imperial examinations , prosperity of villas , the prosperity of Buddhism and Zen also play their certain roles .

  9. 第四章和第五章指出了隋唐时期长安城南地区的历史文化应该包括园林别业、宗教景观、世家大族等方面。

    Chapter 4 and Chapter 5 that the Sui and Tang Dynasties period Chang ' an southern region the history and culture should include other industry landscape , religious landscape , aristocratic families , and so on .

  10. 在唐代成为文人官员躲避都城长安官场的隐逸之所,不少文人在辋川及周边地区营建自己的别业或者别墅,如宋之问,王维及钱起等。

    Civilian officials from the capital of Chang-an official of the Tang dynasty hermit , wangchuan ' many scholars and building their villas in or around the Villa ' such as song Zhiwen , Wang Wei and money .

  11. 先就EVA的基本概念及其影响因素进行了介绍,并和案例相结合,分析有别于制造业的水电施工企业在价值创造过程中会面临到的各项重要影响因素。

    This chapter firstly introduces the basic concept of first EVA and its influencing factors and analyzed the important factors in the enterprise in the value creation process hydropower construction .

  12. 目前对于产业集聚的研究主要集中于制造业,对餐饮产业集聚研究甚少。而作为服务业的餐饮产业集聚显然有别于制造业集聚。

    Studies on business clusters are currently concentrated on those of manufacturers and few touches upon the clusters of catering businesses , which , as part of the service industry , are apparently quite different from clusters of manufacturers .

  13. 关于黄冈市大别山地区旅游业发展的思考&以黄冈市红安县为例

    On the Development of Dabie Mountain Tourism Industry of Huanggang City & Taking Hong'an County as an Example

  14. 这是香格里拉有别于其它酒店业同行的关键,同时也是香格里拉赢得世界级酒店集团荣誉的基础。

    This is just the key element that distinguishes Shangri-La from other hotels , which is also the foundation of Shangri-La 's winning the reputation of the World-class Hotel Group .