
  • 网络Beslan
  1. 别斯兰人质事件中有336人身亡,但这位俄罗斯总统在电视演讲中极少提到受害者所受的痛苦。

    After 336 people died in the Beslan tragedy , the Russian president in a televised speech dwelt little on their suffering .

  2. 以新报(NovoyeVremya)为例,其老板原效力于一家大型日报,因为其在2004年别斯兰学校人质事件中过于直白的报道而遭开除。

    Take Novoye Vremya ( The New Times ) a new magazine whose boss was sacked from a big daily paper for his too-frank coverage of the Beslan school siege in2004 .