
cān yǐn hánɡ yè
  • catering trade
  1. 人员的跳槽率过高又反映了餐饮行业从上到下普遍的浮躁情绪。

    Job-hopping rate of personnel too high reflect general impetuous mood of catering trade .

  2. 大量的福建移民开始加入餐饮行业,尽管他们在粤式餐馆的厨房并不常显眼。

    Large numbers of Fujianese immigrants have joined the catering trade , although they are often inconspicuous in the kitchens of Cantonese restaurants .

  3. 欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的消费者餐饮行业分析师伊丽莎白•傅兰德称:“过去五年里快餐业表现出令人难以置信的强劲增长,”同时强调,这个成绩是在经济衰退的背景下取得的。

    " Fast casual has had an incredibly impressive five years , " says Elizabeth friend , a consumer foodservice analyst at Euromonitor International , noting that they did well even in the recession .

  4. PAWS的经理JohnLipp声称,他最大的技能是他在餐饮行业中学到的关于倾听技巧。

    According to John Lipp , executive director , PAWS ( Pets Are WonderfulSupport ), the greatest skill he learned in the restaurant business wasthe importance of listening to people .

  5. 据派杰公司(PiperJaffray)分析师尼科尔·米勒·雷根称,在整个餐饮行业,送货上门食品的收费比店内用餐的同类食品平均要高出20%。

    Across the entire restaurant industry , delivery checks are on average 20 % greater then their dine - in counterparts , according to Piper Jaffray analyst Nicole Miller Regan .

  6. 衡阳市餐饮行业于2007年4月正式成立。

    Food industry Hengyang City in April 2007 formally established .

  7. 火锅餐饮行业室内天然气管道设计探讨

    Discussion on Design of Indoor Natural Gas Piping in Chaffy Dish Restaurant Trade

  8. 武汉市餐饮行业农民工卫生知识、态度和行为调查

    KAP about sanitation knowledge of rural - workers in restaurant industry in Wuhan

  9. 电子商务在餐饮行业中的应用

    Industry He application of E-commerce in catering tarde

  10. 没错,我发现餐饮行业就是如此。

    I have certainly found that to be the case in the hospitality sector .

  11. 随着社会的发展,餐饮行业散发着新的生命活力。

    Along with social development , food industry is full with new life vitality .

  12. 每一个行业都存在竞争,但餐饮行业的竞争尤为激烈。

    Every industry has competition , but the culinary world can be especially vicious .

  13. 现代社会出现了餐饮行业的各种组织形式。

    Now many various organizations of the food industry have appeared in modern society .

  14. 心路历程&食物餐饮行业的法律保护

    Law Protection in Food & Beverage Industry

  15. 对于餐饮行业而言,也在潜移默化中感受到无线网络的无穷魅力。

    For the traditional industry , also in imperceptible feel a wireless network infinite glamour .

  16. 此次组建餐饮行业工会联合会的,正是这些非公经济单位。

    The catering trade unions formed the Federation , it is these non-public economic units .

  17. 民以食为天,作为具有悠久饮食历史文化的国家,我国餐饮行业发展迅猛,对国民经济贡献巨大。

    Restaurant industry in China has made rapid development and huge contribution to national economy .

  18. 餐饮行业是一个古老的行业,但却是一个不可或缺的行业。

    Food industry is an old industry , but it is essential for our life .

  19. 十年间餐饮行业消费额翻了一番达到2500多亿美元

    Spending on restaurant food more than doubles to over 250 billion dollars in decade .

  20. 然而与此同时,他们也做到了颠覆本地的餐饮行业。

    But along the way , they have also managed to disrupt their local restaurant industry .

  21. 什么是在零售和餐饮行业运用最多的三种食品预处理方法?

    What are the three food preparation processes most often used in retail and food service establishments ?

  22. 但云南省餐饮行业的发展中还存在着许多问题。

    However , the development of Yunnan Province in the catering industry there are still many problems .

  23. 餐饮行业的特点决定了餐饮管理研究应属于应用研究。

    The research of restaurant management must belong to applied research due to the characteristics of restaurant industry .

  24. 连锁经营作为一种新型的经营方式,在餐饮行业已快速发展,并形成了一定的规模。

    As a new method of management , chain management develops very quickly and has formed a certain scale .

  25. 餐饮行业由于其加工方式存在复杂性和多样性,因而给餐饮食品安全带来很多不确定因素。

    As the process of catering trade is complexity and diversity , it brings a lot of indetermination factors .

  26. 到2006年全国餐饮行业营业总收入突破一万亿,而辽宁省达到330亿。

    The national dining profession business gross income breaks through to 2006 1,000,000,000,000 , but Liaoning Province achieves 33,000,000,000 .

  27. 中国的餐饮行业是一个十分庞大的市场,具有广阔的前景,有很大的发展潜力。

    China 's catering industry is a huge market and has broad prospects , have great potential for development .

  28. 罗斯•林•萨摩亚6年前来到中国,她以时装模特的身份工作并在餐饮行业打出了一片天。

    Rose Lin Zamoa moved here six years ago to work as a fashion model and start a catering business .

  29. 蚂蚁金服负责的是支付宝移动支付业务,并且一直在大举进军中国餐饮行业。

    Ant Financial runs Alibaba 's Alipay mobile payment businesses and has been making a push into the Chinese restaurant industry .

  30. 为满足雅库日益发展壮大的需求,特面向全国招募酒店、餐饮行业精英人才。

    To meet the demand of the rapid development of Yakool Group , we are now recruiting worldwide hotel and catering talent .