首页 / 词典 / good

  • eat
  • food;meal
  • regular meal
  • 吃:~具。~厅。聚~。风~露宿。

  • 饭食:早~。西~。

  • 量词,指一顿饭:一日三~。


(吃饭) eat:

  • 饱餐

    eat one's fill; glut;

  • 聚餐

    dine together; have a Dutch treat;

  • 野餐

    go on a picnic; picnic


(饭食) food; meal:

  • 便餐

    light meal;

  • 快餐


  • 冷餐


  • 一顿美餐

    a delicious meal;

  • 西[中]餐

    Western [Chinese] food;

  • 午餐


  • 早餐


  • 正餐



(饮食的顿数) regular meal:

  • 一日三餐

    three meals a day

  1. 但每餐应该间隔多久呢?

    But how frequent should you eat ?

  2. We'reInotreadytoorder(yet).我们一会儿再点餐。你想好点什么了吗?我们还没定下来。

    A : Have you decided what you want to eat ? B : We 're not ready to order yet .

  3. 我要牛排和鸡组合餐。

    I 'll have the steak and chicken combo platter .

  4. 我们没有吃全餐,只喝了汤。

    We just had soup instead of a full meal .

  5. 孩子们什么时候用傍晚主餐?

    What time do the kids have their tea ?

  6. 这家餐馆不仅供应定餐,还可以点菜。

    The restaurant offers both table d'h ô te and à la carte .

  7. 孩子们被赶出餐室。

    The children were banished from the dining room .

  8. 他主餐喜欢传统的一荤两素。

    He likes the traditional meat and two veg for his main meal .

  9. 你们什么时候供应主餐?

    What time do you serve dinner ?

  10. 你什么时间吃主餐?

    When do you have dinner ?

  11. 校餐也要以其他食品的推销方法推销给孩子。

    School meals need to be marketed to children in the same way as other food .

  12. 餐后甜点吃什么?

    What 's for dessert ?

  13. 侍者把他们点的餐端了过来,格雷厄姆签了单。

    The waiter returned with their order and Graham signed the bill

  14. 泰餐特别好吃,不是吗?

    Thai food 's very moreish , isn 't it ?

  15. 热情的女招待会一再推荐,最后点的餐多到吃不下!

    Jovial ladies chivvy you into ordering more than you can eat !

  16. 尼克大声喊她来取餐。

    Nick hollered for her to pick up her orders .

  17. 在与客人喝餐前酒的时候,有人提到了这个话题。

    The subject came up during a pre-dinner drink with our guests .

  18. 餐后甜点可以用一份新鲜水果代替。

    Desserts can be substituted by a portion of fresh fruit

  19. 女侍者走上前来,“您准备好点餐了吗?”

    The waitress appeared . ' Are you ready to order ? '

  20. 点餐时可以大胆征求意见。

    Don 't be afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal

  21. 那天晚上这两个男人在威尔逊俱乐部进了餐。

    That night the two men dined at Wilson 's club

  22. 她可以打电话点餐,叫人来取要洗的衣服以及叫其他各种服务。

    She could ring for food and drink , laundry and sundry services .

  23. 对不起,您用完餐了吗,夫人?

    Pardon me , are you finished , madam ?

  24. 我们会给他们做一顿美味的意大利餐。

    We 'll cook them a nice Italian meal .

  25. 餐后要刷牙,而且每天要使用牙线清洁牙缝。

    Brush your teeth after each meal and floss daily

  26. 所有减肥餐的含糖量都很低。

    All dietetic meals are low in sugar .

  27. 我父亲每餐只许我喝一两口酒。

    My father allowed me only a sip or two of wine with each meal

  28. 在私人餐室内款待客户。

    Clients are entertained within private dining rooms

  29. 我们在最不起眼的酒吧和咖啡馆找到了最可口、最具创意的肉菜饭和餐前小吃。

    We found the tastiest and most imaginative paella and tapas in the most unprepossessing bars and caf é s.

  30. 尽量养成每天至少吃3顿小餐的习惯,而且每餐的间隔要相同。

    Try to get into the habit of eating at least three small meals a day , at equally spaced intervals .