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  1. 他冒着相当大的生命危险跳到水里去救那只狗。

    He dived in to save the dog at considerable risk to his own life .

  2. 他们说他被按到水里淹死了。

    They said he 'd been held under the water and drowned

  3. 我的右脚趾踢到水下的一块石头上了。

    My right toe struck against a submerged rock .

  4. 凯莉顺着梯子下到水里。

    Kelly climbed down the ladder into the water

  5. 将面条下到水里。

    Drop the noodles into the water

  6. 你可以看到许多古罗马的物品,包括被扔到水里用来表达对女神敬意的硬币。

    You can see many ancient Roman objects , including the coins that were thrown into the water to show respect to the goddess .

  7. 他被问到水的沸点是华氏多少度。

    He was asked for the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit .

  8. 血红蛋白也能交联到水溶性多聚体上,形成所谓的共轭血红蛋白

    Hemoglobin can also be cross-linked to solublepolymers to form so-called conjugated hemoglobin .

  9. 格雷斯搬起一只没装满水的罐子,使劲把另一个罐子推到水笼头下面。

    Grace picks up a jug that 's partially filled , shoves another one under the tap .

  10. 用FTIR和MS检测到水和CO2的脱附。

    Desorption of water and carbon dioxide was observed by FTIR and MS.

  11. 当HPMC骨架与水接触时,可以观察到水渗透进入HPMC骨架的过程。

    Water penetration into HPMC matrices may be observed when they are brought into contact with water .

  12. 该产物能够在水中分散并且能够稳定至少6h,将其加入到水性复膜胶中能够显著提高水性复膜胶的粘接性能。

    It can improve the performance of aqueous adhesives for laminated film when it was added in the adhesives .

  13. 所构建的仿真系统为编队协同作战能力(CEC)系统应用到水下防御领域的概念论证提供了依据,且为相关理论的研究提供了试验平台。

    The system provides the foundation for the conceptual demonstration of underwater defense using CEC , which also affords an experiment platform for underwater defense theory .

  14. 可能是由于BA的疏水性,在水反应体系中有吸附到水/淀粉界面的趋势,淀粉糊化后这一界面将消失,使得BA与亲水性淀粉分子接触的机会减少。

    It seems that in aqueous reaction system , the monomer BA , owing to its hydrophobicity , tend to be adsorbed at water / starch interface which is absence in the course of starch pasting , and the chance for BA to contact with starch molecules is less .

  15. 当心!钱要掉到水里了。

    Watch out ! The money will fall into the water .

  16. 我认为她们一定很需要到水里去。

    I think they probably need to be in the water .

  17. 如果我们不停止扔垃圾到水里。

    If we don 't stop throwing rubbish into the water .

  18. 他看见水牛潜到水下逐食水草。

    He saw buffaloes dive beneath the floodwater to nibble grass .

  19. 船翻了,我们都掉到水里了。

    The boat tipped over and we were all in the water .

  20. 采用额外长度的加长温控杆,延伸到水容器内部。

    Use extra length extension thermostat to extend into water storage tank .

  21. 现在把你的脸埋到水下并吐气。

    Now put your face down in the water and make bubbles .

  22. 你曾经指出在极移之后莫斯科将会沉没到水下。

    You spoke-Moscow will be shipped under water after shift .

  23. 应考虑到水对岩石的作用。

    The action of water on rock should be taken into account .

  24. 要学游泳,最好的方法就是跳到水里去。

    The best way to learn to swim is to plunge in .

  25. 绿藻液颜色太深了,已经看不到水里的鱼了。

    The green algae solution is too dark to see the carp .

  26. 黄师父:然后把它扔到水里。

    Master Huang : Then drop it into the water .

  27. 如果遇不到水,便很快枯死;

    If it finds no water , it soon dies .

  28. 为了取到水,我们转动一个把手。

    To get the water we turn a handle .

  29. 保持脚朝向,这样避免撞到水里的碎片或被卷到水下。

    Keep your feet up to avoid hitting debris or getting pulled under .

  30. 他把头低低地垂到水上,只守候着去世。

    And bowing his head towards the water , he awaited his death .