
  1. 你可以到街那头的加油站试试。

    You might try the gas station down the street

  2. 他从嘴里抽出香烟,把它扔到街上。

    He plucked the cigarette from his mouth and tossed it out into the street

  3. 在勒克瑙,成群的人们违抗宵禁令到街上去庆祝。

    In Lucknow crowds of people defied the curfew to celebrate on the streets .

  4. 他吃过晚饭,就到街上晃荡一圈儿。

    He likes to stroll on the street after supper .

  5. 圣彼得问候他:“见到你很高兴,一切都已经安排就绪。”随后,圣彼得带着他走到街上,看了看教皇的新房子。那是一栋小巧而舒适的别墅,一共有五个房间。

    St. Peter greets him and says . " Glad to see you , we 've got your place all ready . " Peter then takes the Pope down the street and shows him his new home : a small but comfortable cottage of 5 rooms .

  6. 有一天,anaverageJoe走到街上。

    One day , an average Joe was walking down the street .

  7. n.争吵,打架附近的房子都可听得到街上的争吵。

    brawl The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby .

  8. 在我们分手后,我走到街对面的惠特尼博物馆,它的正式名称是“惠特尼美国艺术博物馆”(whitneymuseumofamericanart),向那里的职员打听它的起源。

    This gets me thinking and after we part I go across the street to the Whitney , whose official name is the Whitney Museum of American art , and ask staff there about its origins .

  9. 这名叫AvaindraPratapPandey的男子接受当地电视台ZeeTV的采访时表示,他们被毒打、扔到街上后,在寒冷的夜里躺了20分钟,路过的行人和车辆都没有停下帮助他们。

    Talking to local channel Zee TV , the man , identified as Avaindra Pratap Pandey , said after they were brutalized and thrown onto a road , they were lying in the cold night for 20 minutes as no person or vehicle who passed stopped to help them .

  10. 他走到街的对面去。

    He went over to the other side of the street .

  11. 我走到街对面。

    I crossed over to the other side of the street .

  12. 安的篮球掉了,球弹到街上。

    Ann dropped her basketball and it bounced onto the street .

  13. 是走到街对面然后往东或者往西转码?

    Is it across the street then turn east or west ?

  14. 我是不想让他们到街上去

    I 'm just trying to keep them off the streets .

  15. 你必须得出去到街上吃点东西。

    You got to eat something out there on them streets .

  16. 我得马上到街对面去一下。

    I got to go across the street for a second .

  17. 不过,有一天她到街上去逛。

    But one day , after going out on the streets .

  18. 想把我丢到街上。

    Who wants to throw me out on the street .

  19. 子弹可能飞到街上。

    The round could be all the way out in the street .

  20. 请远离大楼,撤到街对面。

    Please move across the street away from the building .

  21. 我们下楼到街上去玩吧。

    Let 's get down to play in the street !

  22. 我的东西就要被扔到街上了。

    My stuff is gonna be thrown onto the street .

  23. 我踢了她一脚,挣脱开去,奔到街上。

    I kicked him and got loose and ran into the streets .

  24. 人们冲到街上,看看那儿出了什么事。

    People dashed out into the street to see what was happening .

  25. 大家都不敢走到街上。

    These people are afraid to walk down the street .

  26. 垃圾从大车上倾倒到街上。

    The rubbish from the cart emptied onto the street .

  27. 一直滚到街上,摔断脖子。

    By the time he hit 'm'street , he broke his neck .

  28. 比赛完毕后大批群众从体育馆拥到街上来。

    After the game the stadium poured its crowds into the streets .

  29. 他们将会把你扔到街上。

    They 're gonna throw you out on the street .

  30. 我到街上尿就好了。

    Uhhhh * I 'll just pee in the street .