
  • 网络Making news;Making the News
  1. Vice赚钱主要是依靠和大公司合作制作视频,但它也一直不懈地维持自己的叛逆者形象,它有带纹身的新闻记者、使用手持摄像机、制造新闻噱头,比如把前篮球运动员丹尼斯·罗德曼(DennisRodman)送到朝鲜访问之类。

    Though financing itself mostly by making videos in partnership with large corporations , Vice has assiduously cultivated an insurgent image , with its tattooed news correspondents , hand-held cameras and journalistic stunts like sending the former basketball player Dennis Rodman to North Korea .

  2. 但在某种特定的情况下,女性也能“制造新闻”。

    But women do sometimes'make the news'in a significant way .

  3. 它不仅仅是在整理知识,它也在制造新闻。

    Wikipedia is not just collating knowledge : it is making news too .

  4. 她喜欢读书,她也制造新闻。

    She 's Betty coed in college and she 's in the news again .

  5. 制造新闻:王朔话语的传播学意义

    Manufacturing Composing News : the Significance of Media in Wang Shuo ′ s Language

  6. 我们肯定希望各国政府能够制止极端分子继续制造新闻。

    We must hope governments thwart the efforts of extremist jihadis to continue to make the news .

  7. 如此充满悬念,吊人胃口的剧情似乎是特意为了制造新闻和话题。

    This kind of cliffhanger almost seems tailor-made to capitalize on some of those headlines and generate buzz .

  8. 大多数时候,朝鲜通过挑衅行为制造新闻&炮轰岛屿、击沉军舰、进行核试验。

    Most of the time , it creates news through its provocative activities – shelling islands , sinking ships and staging nuclear tests .

  9. 制造新闻是一种把新闻的真实性和形象策划的创造性有机结合的一种现代传播手段。

    Producing news is a kind of modern propaganda means with an organic combination of the truth of news and creativity of image scheme .

  10. 文章通过探询王朔话语制造新闻的动机,王朔话语在制造新闻过程中的种种表现方式,达到对其在传播学意义层面的最终阐释。

    Through expounding the motivation to compose news and his expressions in the process of composing news , this article has an intention of explaining the significance of media in Wang Shuo ′ s language .

  11. 但是一些广告制造了新闻,比如一个共和党国家委员会的广告打击了HF。

    But some ads have made news , like a Republican National Committee ad against Harold Ford .

  12. 还有些媒体为了收视率,甚至制造假新闻。

    In order to get higher ratings , some media outlets even create false news .

  13. 但是如果创建指数的目的是提高知名度,那么它就应该制造头条新闻。

    But if a purpose of an index is to raise a profile , then it ought to generate headlines .

  14. 2003年《纽约时报》制造假新闻事件引起了全世界新闻媒体的集体反思。

    The pseudo event affair made by New York Time in 2003 has brought about collective thinking to news media all over the world .

  15. 我曾工作过一些团队,他们长期进行正规的心跳回顾已经使其发生了很大的变化,但这种改变是逐步的而缓慢的,他们并没有制造头条新闻。

    I have worked with teams where running regular heartbeat retrospectives made a big difference in the long term but because the changes were gradual and slow they don 't make great headlines .

  16. 更有一些媒体为了谋取生存和发展的资本,不惜丧失社会责任和职业道德,故意制造虚假新闻、黄色新闻来吸引眼球,给社会造成消极影响。

    For taking the capita of existence and evolution , a few medium firms fall out of their social responsibility and professional ethics , and deliberately produce a great deal of false and erotic news for attracting more attention wills , but these appearances generate negative influence in our society .

  17. 图像作为一种内容丰富、表现直观、适合视觉感观的多媒体信息,其应用已包括了国防军事、工业制造、新闻媒体、医疗卫生和大众娱乐等领域。

    Image as a rich , intuitive performance , suitable vision multimedia information , its application has been included as national defense , industrial manufacturing , media , health care and public entertainment etc. How quickly and effectively to retrieve the required image from the massive image database increases important .

  18. CIOJournal栏目回顾了2013年一些全球顶级科技巨头制造的重大新闻。

    CIO Journal looks back at the most significant news generated by some of the world 's leading tech giants in 2013 .

  19. 无情地制造更多桃色新闻来平息关于你和你的恋情的任何流言。

    Quell any gossip surrounding you and your amour by ruthlessly starting more salacious rumours .

  20. 许多年来,《时代周刊》每年都会选出一位或几位在本年度制造了重要新闻的人物。

    For many years , Time magazine has recognized a person or persons who made important news during a year .

  21. 他反而是一位制造报纸头条新闻的大师-选择适当时机,以他的假新闻长时间混淆全国视听。

    Rather , he was a master at creating headlines in timing his pseudo news to distract a nationwide audience over a prolonged period .

  22. 食品安全问题可以制造引人注目的新闻,却没有充足的信息和内容,只作一半的报道实在是太容易了。

    Food safety concerns make compelling news , but without adequate information and context , its all too easy for only half the story to be told .

  23. 他深谙不断制造既有新闻价值又有实际意义的活动的必要性,并且通过邀请名单的安排来达到上述效果。

    He understands well the need to keep producing events that are newsworthy as well as worthy , and shuffles his invitation list to achieve that effect .

  24. 你们正在制造一件大新闻。

    You people are making one big story .

  25. 有意制造了一个新闻事件&车祸的现场,以新闻的手段反映了当下急速发展的社会状态。

    Dramatizes a traffic accident and uses the means of " news " to reflect the social status quo of high-speed development .

  26. 空间碎片在三月二十日那天就制造了一个新闻:一个大约十厘米大小的旧火箭马达威胁着国际空间站。

    Space debris made news on March twelfth when a part of an old rocket motor about ten centimeters in size threatened the International Space Station .

  27. 结果是,英国有可能会走出美国、中国和俄罗斯等传统奥运强国的阴影,并且还有望制造出一些头条新闻。

    The outcome is that Britain could step out of the shadows from longtime Olympic powerhouses such as the U.S. , China and Russia and make some headlines of its own .