
zhì mú
  • Molding;moulding;patternmaking
制模[zhì mú]
  1. 优秀的制模师傅所做的模具,模具分块设计简单、合理,可以照顾后期各生产工序的方方面面;

    The pattern that excellent patternmaking master place makes , the mould divides a design simple , reasonable , can take care of later period to produce the square respect range of working procedure each ;

  2. 数字化制模技术是将三维CAD模型直接转化成为铸造用模的新技术。

    Digital pattern making is a new technology that can translate 3D CAD into cast pattern .

  3. 并介绍了涂料与制模工艺。以此设计一条用PLC进行实时控制的消失模生产线。

    A production line of Lost Form Casting which is controlled with PLC have been designed .

  4. RP和电弧喷镀相结合的快速制模技术

    Rapid molding Technique through RP Combined with Electric Arc Jet Coating

  5. 大力发展快速制模和快速成形技术(RPM);

    Vigorously develop rapid tooling and rapid prototyping technology ( RPM );

  6. 用基于快速原型制模技术(RP)的等离子喷涂制模技术制造不锈钢模具。

    The stainless steel rapid mold is manufactured by RP and plasma spray technology .

  7. 结果共有27只大鼠制模成功,13只为部分PD模型,14只为完全PD模型;

    Results Successful PD models were made in 27 of 35 rats , which included 13 partial PD models and 14 total PD models .

  8. 模具表面金属化是FRP模具的发展趋势。本文详细介绍了表面喷涂金属制模的工艺技术。

    Metalization of the mould surface is a tendency for the FRP mould making process by spraying metal surface is introduced in this paper .

  9. 心肌颜色、心电图特异性改变及心肌TTC和HE染色证明制模成功。

    The changes of echocardiography , myocardium colour , TTC and HE staining proved the success of model .

  10. 快速制模技术(RT)由于具有低成本和快速响应市场的能力已成为实现新产品快速开发和抢占市场的关键技术。

    Rapid tooling ( RT ) has become more and more important for its low manufacturing cost and ability of rapidly responding to the market .

  11. 血清MIP-2在制模后3h即明显升高,在6h进一步上升。

    MIP-2 levels in serum increased at 3 hours after induction and more at 6 hours after induction .

  12. 快速模具制造(RT)在快速制造中占有重要的地位,其中基于RP的金属喷射沉积制模工艺在精度上具有独特的优势。

    Rapid Tool Manufacturing plays an important role in Rapid Manufacturing , in which metal spraying deposition process based on Rapid Prototyping has many unique advantages .

  13. 文中介绍了华中科技大学开发的HRP系列数字化制模技术的原理及制模工艺。

    This paper introduces the principle and technology of the HRP series of digital pattern making system exploited by Huazhong University of Science and Technology .

  14. 本文阐述了RP的工艺原理、特点及其在模具制造中的应用,并就各种快速制模方法进行了比较,指出了RP在模具制造中的应用前景。

    This paper expounds the processing principles , features and the application of the rapid die manufacturing , and compares the methods of the rapid die manufacturing .

  15. 与P组对比,制模后2hT组肾组织中中性粒细胞减少(P<0001),12h后肾组织中性粒细胞浸润明显减少(P<0001),2h及12h肾组织学损害均明显减轻(P<005)。

    Contrast with group P , the renal pathological changes and neutrophils infiltration were alleviated significantly ( P < 0.05 ) at 2 h and 12 h in group T.

  16. AP+tuftsin拮抗剂组在制模后6、12h中性粒细胞阳性细胞率明显减少,与AP组比较差异有显著性(P<0.01)。

    Positive rate of PMN of inhibitor of AP + tuftsin group was lower than that of AP group at 6 12h ( P < 0.01 ) .

  17. 当前国内外对于快速原型制造技术(RapidPrototypingManufacturing,RPM)和快速制模技术(RapidTooling,RT)的研究仅局限于在各个具体工艺步骤的可靠性、精度和质量的探讨上;

    At present , the domestic and international researches on Rapid Prototyping and Manufacturing ( RPM ) and Rapid Tooling ( RT ) only confine to dependability and accuracy and quality of each concrete processing step .

  18. tDCs组:制模后第3天、第5天分别输注tDCs1×106/只。

    In tDCs group , 1 × 106 tDCs were infused at 3 days and 5 days after establishment of model .

  19. 结果与C组对比,P组在制模后2h及12h肾组织学损害及肾组织中白细胞浸润明显增加(P<0001)。

    Results : Comparing with group C , the renal pathological changes and the neutrophils infiltration in the kidney were significant at 2 h and 12 h after ANP in group P ( P < 0.001 ) .

  20. 结合手机外壳压铸模具动、定模镶块的快速成型制造,探讨了SLS技术在模具快速制模中的应用。

    In this paper , the application of SLS in rapid die manufacturing is discussed by means of the RPM of cell phone cover ′ s die-insert .

  21. 介绍快速原型技术(RP)的发展史,快速原型技术常用的几种成型工艺方法,快速原型技术(RP)在快速制模技术(RT)中的应用及所取得的明显成效。

    This article particularly expatiates on the development of technique of rapid prototyping and several methods of shaped techniques , also expatiates on obvious effects of the applications in RP and RT technique .

  22. 阐述了将RP原型技术与石膏型精密铸造相结合制造石膏型快速金属模具的可行性,介绍了石膏型快速制模和浇注的工艺过程及其关键技术。

    The paper discusses the feasibility of making Plaster Rapid Metal Mould on RP Technology and Plaster Precision Foundry . It introduces the technology process and key technique of Plaster Rapid metal Mould and Casting .

  23. 结果制模后胰腺及肺损伤逐渐加重,胰腺及肺髓过氧化物酶(MPO)活性及微血管通透性逐渐升高;

    Results After SAP model was established , the injured degree of the pancreas and the lung increased gradually , accompanied with gradual increase of MPO activity and microvascular permeability .

  24. 本文以洗手盆为例介绍了一种基于CAD/CAM/RP技术的新的快速制模工艺,在产品三维CAD模型的基础上采用快速原型技术快速、准确地制出陶瓷模种,然后翻制工作模。

    A new tooling method based on CAD / CAM / RP technology is introduced in this paper . Based on 3D modeling of the product on computer , a prototype is made quickly and precisely . The working moulds can be made from this prototype .

  25. 再应用快速制模(RT)技术进行滴头快速喷涂模具的制造,用以滴头的试制,使滴头可直接用于节水灌溉实际中。

    Then rapid tooling ( RT ) technique is used to manufacture rapid spray mold of labyrinth dripper which can be used in trial production of dripper , thus , making the drippers be directly used in drip irrigation .

  26. 详细分析了制模工艺所涉及的诸多技术问题,如材料的选择、RP纸型设计、硅橡胶模的制作工艺、陶瓷型的翻制工艺及电弧喷涂工艺参数选择等问题。

    Some technological details in mould manufacturing , such as choice of material , design of RP paper mould , produce of silicon rubber mould , fabrication of ceramic mould and parameters of arc spraying , are analyzed .

  27. 于造模前和造模后24h和4周应用流式细胞仪计数各组大鼠制模前后外周血中CD34阳性细胞(骨髓干细胞表面标记)表达百分率。

    The percentages of CD34 positive cell numbers ( the surfacial antigenic markers of stem cell ) in peripheral blood were determined with flow cytometry before model establishment and 24 hours and 4 weeks after model establishment respectively .

  28. 首先分析了等离子熔射制模法应用的现状,并针对机器人在快速成形与制造应用中遇到的问题提出了以PLC与IPC实现机器人7轴成形工作转台的方法。

    This paper analyses the present status about rapid plasma spray tooling , and designing a method about the automation of the workbench for robot shaping based on the PLC and IPC to settle the matter of rapid prototyping & manufacturing using robot .

  29. 结果制模后,各组大鼠双侧SVZ和海马齿状回均出现Brdu阳性细胞,且阳性细胞数随时间递减;

    Results Brdu-labeled cells were detected in the bilateral SVZ and the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus after MCAO in each group , the number of positive cells decreased progressively .

  30. 脾切+AP组在制模后3、6h对中性粒细胞阳性细胞率无影响,在制模后12h中性粒细胞明显减少,与AP组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05)。

    Positive rate of PMN of splenectomy + AP group was lower than that of AP group at 12h ( P < 0.05 ), and had no effect at 3 6h ( P > . 05 ) .