
  • stereotype
  1. 养老院真的像人们所担心的那么糟糕吗?或者那只是人们的一种过时的刻板印象?

    Are nursing homes as bad as people fear , or is that an out-moded stereotype ?

  2. 这份报告于三月底发布后,在韩国引起了不小的震动,强化了大众的刻板印象,即“袋鼠族”是由那些人生不成功的韩国人组成的。

    The report , which was released at the end of March , caused a stir in the country , fueling the popular stereotype that the kangaroo tribe is made up of South Koreans who have failed to achieve success in life .

  3. 调查结果显示,当今的青少年有爱心、明事理,比我们因刻板印象刻画的愤怒而扭曲的形象要快乐得多。

    The survey shows us that today 's teens are affectionate , sensible and far happier than the angry and tortured souls that have been painted for us by stereotypes .

  4. 与一些刻板印象相反,大部分青少年认为他们必须容忍个体差异(虽然他们发现在拉帮结派风气盛行的高中,这并不是很容易)。

    Contrary to some stereotypes , most adolescents believe they must be tolerant of differences among individuals ( though they do not always find this easy in the cliquish environment of high school ) .

  5. 有没有人的性别刻板印象通常是显而易见的

    There is none of the gender stereotyping usually evident in school uniforms .

  6. 奥利奥是一种基于刻板印象的种族侮辱,这种种族成见是因为错误地假定聪慧、口齿清楚、整洁、礼貌都是白人而非黑人的特质而产生的。

    An Oreo is a racist wrongly assuming that intelligence , articulateness , dapperness , and manners are traits of whites and not blacks .

  7. 学者表示,这种现象通常被称为“黑狗综合症”或“黑狗偏见”。电影和书籍对于深色皮毛动物的描述根植于人们的心中,行程了他们对这些动物的刻板印象。

    The phenomenon is commonly referred to as " Black Dog Syndrome " or " Black Dog Bias , " a stereotype4 against dark-colored animals possibly ingrained in people through depictions in movies and books , according to experts .

  8. 该公司所有app的设计都避免性别刻板印象。

    Each app is designed to avoid gender stereotypes .

  9. 采用单因素被试间设计(呈现刻板印象vs无刻板印象)。

    The experiment uses single-factor between-subject design & negative stereotype vs no stereotype .

  10. 过去人们对IBM的刻板印象是一位身穿蓝色制服的文化巨人。

    In the old days IBM was stereotyped as a cultural monolith , the man in the blue suit .

  11. 地域刻板印象(regionalstereotype)是一种涉及知觉者的关于某个地区人群群体的知识、观念与预期的认知结构。

    Regional Stereotype is a cognitive structure concerns about the knowledge , attitude and anticipation toward the people who lived in a certain region .

  12. 刻板印象有正性刻板印象和负性刻板印象之分,其产生的行为也可以分为两类:刻板印象威胁(stereotypethreat)和刻板印象提升(stereotypeboost)。

    It has positive stereotype and negative stereotype , which affect behavior also has two different outcomes : stereotype threat and stereotype boost .

  13. 基于IAT和SEB的内隐性别刻板印象研究

    The Researches of Implicit Gender Stereotype Based on IAT and SEB

  14. 大学生内隐性别学科刻板印象的SEB研究

    A Study on Implicit Subject-Gender Stereotype of Undergraduates by SEB

  15. 介绍了刻板印象内容模型(SCM)的来源、理论假设和在美国与欧洲(个人主义文化)、东亚(集体主义文化)样本中的实证研究。

    The paper introduced and gave comments on the original , theoretical hypotheses and its key empirical studies of the stereotype content model ( SCM ) .

  16. 研究结果表明,SEB是一种测量内隐刻板印象的有效方法。

    The results proved that SEB is a good measurement to detect people 's implicit attitudes .

  17. 通过对大学生在三种想象条件下性别-职业刻板印象的IAT的结果的对比进行实验。

    The study compared the IAL results of the sex-occupation stereotype under 3 imagination conditions .

  18. 本研究以两个行为实验,探讨动机(motivation)和刻板印象威胁(stereotypethreat)对人际灵敏度性别差异的影响,以及女性较高水平的人际灵敏度的内在机制。

    Through two behavioral experiments this study discusses the effects of motivation and stereotype threat on gender difference on interpersonal sensitivity and also the internal mechanism of female interpersonal sensitivity superiority .

  19. 联合利华(Unilever)承诺将该公司63亿英镑的年度营销预算用于打破女性刻板印象的广告。

    Unilever has pledged to spend its £ 6.3bn annual marketing budget on ads that smash female stereotypes .

  20. SEB检测到大学生对文科专业有明显的内隐刻板印象,对理科专业没有明显的内隐刻板印象。

    SEB detect that college students have obvious implicit stereotypes to liberal arts , and donot have obvious implicit stereotypes to science students .

  21. 首先,SEB测量方法极其显著地检测到了一种内隐性别刻板印象,且这种内隐性别刻板印象没有显著的性别差异;

    Firstly , SEB showed significantly a certain kind of implicit gender stereotypes , and there was no gender difference in this implicit attitude .

  22. 克劳德·斯蒂尔(ClaudeSteele)等学者发现,黑人有时遭受“刻板印象威胁”:消极刻板印象带来的焦虑会削弱表现。

    Scholars like Claude Steele have found that blacks sometimes suffer from " stereotype threat " : Anxiety from negative stereotypes impairs performance .

  23. 1933年,Katz和Braly对大学生刻板印象的研究可谓是一经典之作。

    The experimental study of undergraduates ' social stereotype conducted by Katz and Braly in 1933 was classical .

  24. 但是,《国王与我》(TheKingandI)和《西贡小姐》被批评为重复对亚洲的刻板印象。而《爱在这里》的故事则是以菲律宾人为中心,代表了一种艺术突破和情感上的高点。

    But compared to " The King and I " and " Miss Saigon , " which have been criticized for recycling some Asian stereotypes , the Filipino-centric story of " Here Lies Love " represents both an artistic breakthrough and an emotional high point .

  25. 尝试采用以图片为实验材料及不同步骤的IAT程序测量广告中性别刻板印象的内隐效应及其操作强度。

    Using the pictures as the experimental materials and various procedural IAT programs , we tested the implicit effect and its intensity of gender stereotype in ads.

  26. IAT也可以用来测量广告中性别刻板印象的内隐效应,但当实验材料为图片时,这种工具的效度受到影响。

    IAT also can be used to measure the implicit effect of gender stereotype in advertisements , but its validity weaken when choosing pictures as the experimental materials .

  27. 研究2使用IAT和SEB这两种内隐测量方法检测被试是否具有男性比女性更擅长于数学的数学&性别刻板印象,并将这两种内隐测量方法所测量的结果进行比较分析。

    In Study 2 , We investigate whether there are implicit math-gender stereotypes that " male does better than female in math " , and give analysis to the results .

  28. 实验的结果表明,成渝两地大学生内隐地域刻板印象是存在的,并与外显地域刻板印象的趋势一致,同时也证明了GNAT技术是可以运用到地域刻板印象的研究中。

    The results showed that the implicit regional stereotype existed in the students of Chengdu and Chongqing , and verified that the GNAT technology could be applied in the study of the regional stereotypes .

  29. Oswald,Chapleau(2010)认为,自我刻板印象的积极特质可能会使一个人保持积极的自我形象,而消极特质可能对保持积极的自我形象具有潜在的威胁。

    Oswald and Chapleau ( 2010 ) argued that self-stereotyping for positive traits could allow a person to maintain a positive self-image ; however , self-stereotyping for negative stereotypes is potentially problematic for maintaining a positive self-image .

  30. 英国独立党领导人奈吉尔法拉奇(NigelFarage)高兴地接受了这些调查结果,并调侃道:我很高兴看到欧共体并没有瓦解欧洲各国给人留下的刻板印象,毕竟正是这些造就了一个个伟大的民族。

    Nigel Farage , the leader of the UK Independence Party , welcomed the findings , joking : I am delighted that the Eurocrats have failed to crush national stereotyping , which is what makes Europe a great continent .