
  • 网络avant garde;avant-garde;avant-garde art;avant garde art
  1. 高校美术专业开设前卫艺术实践课程的意义

    Significance of Offering Avant-garde Art Courses For Art Majors in Colleges

  2. 喜忧参半话前卫艺术&关于当代装置、行为艺术的价值思考

    Avant-garde & A Mixture of Joys and Worries Some Thoughts on Value of Contemporary Device Art and Action Art

  3. 因此,像烈焰红唇(TheFlamingLips)这样的乐队不仅通过前卫艺术摇滚为自己赢得了声誉,而且还创造了一些最令人难以忘怀的商品。

    Thus bands like the flaming lips can build a name for themselves not only for Avant art rock , but for creating some of the most memorable merch around .

  4. 先找一找SCAITheBathhouse,这家前卫艺术画廊所在的建筑已有几个世纪的历史,入口侧面的金属储物柜暗示着它的前身是一家公共浴池。

    Along the way , seek out Scai the Bathhouse , a pioneering art gallery where metal lockers flanking the entrance of the centuries-old building hint at its previous life as a public bath .

  5. 对肩负历史使命的前卫艺术他们也表示出不屑和反感。

    They disdain the vanguard art which supposedly shouldered historical mission .

  6. 也谈到了前卫艺术对生活的关联及影响。

    Also talked about the prior art to the life connection and the influence .

  7. 在三维路面前卫艺术是德国艺术家埃德加米勒。

    At the cutting edge of3D pavement art is german artist Edgar M ü ller .

  8. 日常生活审美化的表层化的表现形式,以及与前卫艺术的结合。

    Daily life esthetic table stratification manifestation , as well as with prior art union .

  9. 多年在地下苦苦挣扎的前卫艺术逐渐创造了神话般的商业奇迹。

    Many years of struggling in the underground avantgarde art gradually created a fabulous business miracle .

  10. 传统与现代的冲突现代前卫艺术对传统艺术审美的颠覆

    The Conflict between Tradition and Modernity

  11. 我的意思是这类事情已经发生在前卫艺术中好久了。

    I mean that kind of thing has been happening in avantgarde art for a long time .

  12. 这栋斥资6500万美元的艺术馆于2010年开放,令克罗地亚的首都成为前卫艺术的中心。

    The $ 65 million complex instantly made the Croatian capital a center for progressive art when it opened in 2010 .

  13. 在某地拥有这样一个前卫艺术作品是具有进步和变革、有创新精神的明证。

    An identification by having this avant-garde art around the place with progress and change and with a spirit of the new .

  14. 当下,时代旨趣异化艺术追求、科学技术与艺术冲突、前卫艺术庸俗化等问题显得尤为尖锐。

    Nowadays , it is obviously sharp that the times ' interest alienates the pursuit to the art , and vanguard art is vulgarized .

  15. 装置艺术是当代中国现代前卫艺术中重要的艺术样式。装置艺术的美学特征正是以对传统艺术的反诘与超越为其特征。

    Abstract Ornamental art is the important part of contemporary Chinese leading art , which is characterized by questions to and surpassing traditional art .

  16. 在英国各种前卫艺术已成为整个社会艺术发展主流之时,架上绘画的比例却在不断缩小。

    In Britain , all sorts of avant-garde art have become the mainstream of the whole society but the quantity of easel painting is shrinking .

  17. 迟鹏于1981年出生于山东省烟台市,是中国当代前卫艺术新生代中最有潜力的艺术家之一。

    Born in1981 in the Shandong Province of Yantai , Chi Peng is considered one of the most promising young artists of China 's new avantgarde .

  18. 集前卫艺术精神、后现代文化意蕴与数码技术于一炉的互联网艺术家是当代艺术批判中最为活跃的群体。

    Synthesizing the spirit of Avant-garde art , ideas of postmodern culture and digital techniques together , Internet artists represent a most active community in the criticism of contemporary art .

  19. 此时,中国的艺术圈里开始出现新媒体艺术,观念艺术,实验艺术和各种前卫艺术思潮,出现多元复杂的局面。

    At this point , the Chinese art circle began to appear in the new media art , concept art , experimental art and thoughts of avant-garde art , appear the situation of multiple complex .

  20. 第一章:从分析超现实主义在战后的传播和前卫艺术组织的活动入手,研究安部的创作经历中各种思潮的影响。其中集中分析了安部对超现实主义吸收和摒弃的表现。

    The first chapter explores the influences that various schools of thoughts had on Abe and his writing career by reviewing the post-war dissemination of surrealism , as well as activities organized by a certain avant-garde arts group .

  21. 我认为,西方前卫艺术的引导是日本当代艺术卡通化产生的条件;而日本特殊的文化环境才是这种现象产生的根本因素。

    In my view , the guidance of the Western avant-garde art created the conditions for the formation of the Japanese cartoon contemporary art and the specific cultural environment of Japan is the fundamental factor for this phenomenon .

  22. 当物质外观剧烈变动,前卫艺术、通俗艺术、媚俗艺术等现代主义艺术的面孔如此新奇,它们难免惹人追捧或怀疑。

    When physical appearance changed a lot , the faces of modernism art , such as the ones of avant-garde , pop art and kitsch , are so novel that it is no wonder it appeals to pursuit or suspicious .

  23. 猎头公司SpencerStuart领导力顾问部门负责人迈克尔·安德森(MichaelJ.Anderson)说,前卫的艺术藏品也许表明该企业鼓励创新。

    A cutting-edge art collection may demonstrate that a business encourages innovation , said Michael J. Anderson , head of leadership advisory services for recruiters Spencer Stuart .

  24. 前卫现代艺术和广告设计文化的传达

    On Modern Avant-garde Art and Cultural Convey in the AD Design

  25. 身处当代艺术之中的艺术家,向来以其前卫的艺术表达方式给人特立独行的印象。

    And Chinese contemporary artists have always been impressed with personality and independence by advance guard way of art express .

  26. 具有心理象征性的实验电影和前卫实验艺术影像的观念和风格表达强烈,对艺术的发展有着视觉引导功能。

    Psychological symbolic experimental image and the concept as well as the strong style to expression have the visual function to guide the development of art .

  27. 不过他很欣赏前卫的婚礼艺术。

    But he likes the idea of more avant-garde wedding art .

  28. 土著的前卫&大地艺术视野中的乡土聚落

    Advance Guard of Aborigines & Vernacular Settlements in the View of Land-Art

  29. 本石人专为满足唯美主义新思维装饰研制时尚、前卫、富含艺术的新产品。

    Our factory is specially developing & manufacturing style , popular new products with rich artistry for meeting aestheticism new thought decoration .

  30. 现代前卫美术与传统艺术之间的交锋,是艺术发展过程中的精彩一章。

    The confrontation between modern avantgarde art and traditional arts is a process of exciting chapter .