
qián duān shè bèi
  • headend equipment
  1. NVOD前端设备的功能及工作流程;

    The function and the working process of the NVOD headend equipment ;

  2. 有线电视前端设备运行监测软件的设计

    The Design of the Monitoring Software by for the headend Equipment of Cable Television

  3. 基于3G串流技术的多制式前端设备视频监控平台的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Front-end Equipment Video Surveillance System Based on 3G Streaming Technology

  4. DMA技术在嵌入式现场前端设备中的应用

    The Application of the DMA Technology in the Embedded On-site Front Device

  5. 监控系统的前端设备主要是指云台和摄像头,传统的设计方法将这两者分开,各自使用一个CPU,各个部件之间的连接也较多。

    The traditional design method is that the PTZ and camera were separated and each has a CPU , lots of connection between the various components .

  6. 第二章讨论系统的组成,对图像采集的前端设备,镜头,CCD传感器及图像采集卡等做了详细分析介绍。

    Chapter 2 : Discuss the configuration of my system . Introduce the front-end units , lens , CCD sensors and image acquisition card are introduced in detail .

  7. 针对这一需求,视频监控系统通过利用TCP/IP协议和VPN技术构建的一个大的网络环境中,集成所有的前端设备。

    To this demand , the monitoring system of the video , through utilizing in TCP / IP agreement and a big network environment that VPN technology structure , integrate all front equipment .

  8. NET框架环境中反射技术,完成了各种不同设备开发控件的动态加载和控制,从而实现了单一程序完成对所有视频监控前端设备进行控制操作的目的。

    NET in the frame environment , develop loading dynamically and control of the controlling part after finishing all kinds of equipment , thus realized single procedure 's finishing controlling the purpose of carrying on control operation of the front equipment to all videos .

  9. MPEG和H.26x等传统视频编码标准不能适用于误码率高、前端设备资源受限的无线网络环境。

    The traditional video compression standards such as MPEG and H.26x could not used in the wireless network with high error probability and limited resources .

  10. 本文系统阐述了淄博学院正在实施的交互式HFC电视网的系统功能,整个系统的核心&前端设备的结构及实现系统功能的可靠性。

    We mainly illustrate the systematic function of the mutual HFC CATV system , which is being put into effect and the structure of the whole system 's core - front equipment as well as the reliability of carrying out the systematic function in this paper .

  11. VSP是为了传送音视频流数据而自定义的一种协议;VAP为公共前端设备安全管理制定的,用以在各子系统内部进行交互,外接系统相连的一种通讯协议。

    VSP Protocol which is in order to send audio and video streaming data . And VAP is a communication protocol which is developed for the public safety management of front-end equipment , can be used in various subsystems interact within and connect with the external system .

  12. 介绍一些新型数字电视前端设备,例如,统计复用器,统计再复用器,带复用加扰功能的QAM调制器以及多协议的DS-3到ASI双向适配器,并且讲述如何利用这些设备构建前端。

    This article introduces some new equipment of DTV head-end , such as statistical multiplexer , statistical re-multiplexer , QAM modulator with multiplex and scramble function , multi-protocol DS-3 to ASI bidirectional adapter . It also describes how to construct head-end using these equipment .

  13. 前端设备和协议处理程序使其成为可能。

    The front-end device and protocol handlers make that possible .

  14. 目前,牛乳检测的前端设备已趋于成熟。

    At present , front-end equipment in milk testing has become more sophisticated .

  15. 该自动记录系统分为前端设备和中心设备两部分组成。

    This system is composed of front - end equipment and central equipment .

  16. 前端设备将采集的车牌号、车道流量等信息传给中心系统,中心系统对这些信息进行处理并发布。

    Forward equipment will send the information of vehicle-plate and vehicle stream to the center system .

  17. 具有以太网接口的数据采集终端是以太网数据采集系统的前端设备。

    A data acquisition terminal with Ethernet interface is a front-end equipment of the data acquisition system .

  18. 知道新上用户的容量,根据用系数为前端设备的选择、设计、规划提供依据。

    Front-end equipment can be selected , designed and planned basing on this demand factor if capacity of new customers is known .

  19. 作为状态监测与故障诊断的前端设备,数采分析仪的重要性不容忽视。

    As the front-end equipment of condition monitoring and fault diagnosis , the data acquisition and analysis instrument 's importance should not be ignored .

  20. 视频图像采集卡作为计算机视频应用的前端设备,承担着模拟视频信号向数字视频信号转换的任务,在多媒体应用中占据着重要的位置。

    As the foreside of computer video equipment , digital image acquisition card has the task of conversion from analog video signal to digital image .

  21. 另外,平台还具备远程反控功能,实现后台对前端设备的维护校准工作的管理。

    In addition , the platform also has a reverse control function , realize the background of the front-end equipment maintenance and calibration work management .

  22. 本次系统工程设计包括发射站选址、信号源选择、系统设备选型、前端设备布放、发射站设备参数选择。

    The systems engineering design includes the transmitting station location , source selection , system equipment back-up selection , front-end device laying and the transmitting station equipment parameter selection .

  23. 在服务器端选择高性能I/O处理模型以完成和前端设备的通信,统一管理所有前端监控设备。

    It selected high-performance I / O processing model on the server side to complete the communication between the front-end equipment and the server to realize the unified management of all front-end monitoring equipment .

  24. 系统主要基于C/S架构,以中心管理服务器为系统的核心,自定义前端设备与后台服务器的通信协议。

    The system is mainly based on the C / S structure . Central management server is the heart of the system . The paper designed the communication protocol between the front-end equipment and back-office server .

  25. 智能高速球形摄像机是视频监控系统中一种重要的前端设备,它集模拟视频采集、云台控制、镜头控制和远端通讯等功能于一体。

    Intelligent high-speed ball machine is one kind of the important Front-End equipments in the video surveillance system , which is a combination of analog video capture , PTZ control , lens control and remote communications .

  26. 系统设计主要围绕操作界而设计、系统功能设计、数据库设计、编码实现等内容来进行,系统为三层系统体系架构,包括总控中心、分控中心和前端设备。

    The system comprises the design of operating interface , systematic functions , database , and encryption , further categorized into three layers of systemic structure of control center , sub-control center , and head-end equipment .

  27. 介绍了闭路电视前端设备控制系统的原理和作用,着重说明了电源控制、信号切换控制的原理和电路,以及控制流程图与软件。

    The principle and the action of CATV device control system is introduced . The hardware and the software of the controller of power , how to deal with the switch method of remote signal is explained .

  28. 河北兴泰发电有限责任公司三期输煤工业电视监控系统,由前端设备、显示设备、控制系统及信号传输网络组成。

    The industrial television monitor system for the third phase of the coal handling system in Hebei Xingtai Power Genera - tion Limited Company consists of the front equipment , display device , control system and signal transmission network .

  29. 本文介绍了半导体少长针消雷器的防雷原理与安装设计,并结合江西铜业公司有线电视台的实践经验对有线电视系统中的前端设备防雷措施做了明确阐述。

    This article gives a presentation on the thunder-proof principle and fixing design of semi-conductor thunder arrester , and illustrates clearly the thunder-proof measures of front-end equipment in the cable television system combined with practicing experience of Jiangxi Copper Cable TV Station .

  30. 作为有线数字电视的前端接收设备,专业IRD负有保障卫星电视节目内容健康安全的责任。

    As the front-end DVB-S receiving equipment , professional IRD is responsible for ensure the security of the satellite TV programs .