
  1. 使用前将杯子冲洗一下。

    Rinse the cup out before use .

  2. 我回家前将顺道去看望一下利。

    I 'll stop by to see Leigh before going home .

  3. 该决定于昨天作出,在政府未有进一步指示前将一直有效。

    The decision was taken yesterday and will remain in effect until further government instructions .

  4. 对方球员必须轮流击球,在球落地前将球击过网。

    The opposing team must in turn try to keep the ball in the air before hitting it back over the net .

  5. 这些发现可能对美国国家航空航天局在2024年前将宇航员送回月球的计划非常重要。

    The discoveries could be hugely important for Nasa 's plans to return astronauts to the Moon by 2024 .

  6. 请在运行安装程序前将windows终端服务器切换到安装模式。

    Please switch the Windows terminal server to install mode before running setup .

  7. su表示,2013年至2014年前将有“20至30艘”船的订单交货。

    The company had " 20 to 30 " vessels on order by 2013 to 2014 , Mr Su said .

  8. 为了确保自动编号的id字段被恢复为相同的值,一定要在恢复表前将它们全部删除。

    To ensure that the autonumbered id fields get restored to the same value , be sure to drop all tables before you restore them .

  9. 这款被称为候选发布版1(ReleaseCandidate1)的最新版本是一个重要的里程碑,微软正忙着赶在11月底前将最终版本交到大型企业客户手中。

    Dubbed Release Candidate 1 , the latest software is an important milestone as Microsoft rushes to get the final version into the hands of its big corporate customers by the end of November .

  10. 该委员会呼吁进行意义深远的税收和支出改革,旨在到2035年前将公共债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的比例降至40%。

    The panel called for a far-reaching mixture of tax and spending reform , aiming to reduce public debt to 40 per cent of gross domestic product by 2035 .

  11. 在几周前将网页加速工具开源后,Google又发布了一个网站,意在探寻更多的方法,并推动全互联网的加速进程。

    After open sourcing Page Speed a few weeks ago , Google has launched a web site in an attempt to find ways and push the speed up process of the entire Internet .

  12. Perry引证说目前迫切需要一种能在进入大气层前将烟雾中的二氧化碳清除的实用技术。

    Perry cited a critical need for practical technology to remove carbon dioxide from flue gases before it enters the atmosphere .

  13. 为了避免这样做,需要通过定制脚本实际启动容器,并在启动容器前将sbin/init重新标记为vs1exect。

    To prevent this , you actually want to start the container through a custom script and relabel sbin / init to vs1_exec_t before starting the container .

  14. 然而,在英国首相戴维愠芸伦(DavidCameron)2013年访华后提出的、在本届议会任期届满前将英国汉语普通话学习者的数量增加一倍至40万人的目标面前,奥斯本的5000人目标相形见绌。

    However , Mr Osborne 's modest 5000 increase pales in comparison with David Cameron 's aspiration - made after a trip to China in 2013 - to double the number of Mandarin learners to 400000 by the end of this parliament .

  15. 由于乳剂稀释法制备的姜黄素脂肪乳剂是采用临用前将药物PEG400溶液和空白脂肪乳剂混合,上述两种浓度的稳定时间完全可以满足临床给药的需求。

    Due to the preparation of curcumin lipid emulsion prior to use , the stability time of the two concentrations absolutely meets the clinical use .

  16. 野村首席运营官柴田拓美(takumishibata)昨日在东京表示,该行在明年3月前将再聘用300名美国员工。

    Takumi Shibata , Nomura chief operating officer , yesterday said in Tokyo that the bank would hire an additional 300 US staff by March .

  17. 韩国高中生LeeYun-soo六个月前将她那部褪色的旧翻盖手机换成了智能手机,对此她有些后悔。她喜欢用手机在推特上发布有趣的照片,跟朋友相互发信息,玩在线游戏。

    Lee Yun-soo has some regrets that she replaced her faded old clamshell phone with a smartphone six months ago . The South Korean high-school student enjoys tweeting funny photos , messaging friends and playing online games .

  18. 勒那希望在年底前将铍电极安装在LPP那台试验性的聚变反应堆上,这个反应堆设置在米德尔塞克斯市的一处库房里,那个地方原本堆满了箱子和家具。

    He hopes to install them by the end of this year in his experimental fusion reactor , which Lerner operates at the Friendly Storage premises in Middlesex , a place otherwise full of surplus boxes and furniture .

  19. 明仁天皇现年82岁。1989年,他继承战时的天皇——父亲裕仁天皇的皇位。根据NHK的报道,明仁天皇告诉身边的助手,他有意在离世前将皇位传给自己的儿子——现年56岁的皇太子德仁。

    According to NHK , the public broadcaster in Japan , Emperor Akihito , 82 , who in 1989 succeeded his father , the wartime Emperor Hirohito , told close aides that he intended to pass the throne to his son , Crown Prince Naruhito , 56 , before he dies .

  20. 这些备选主题在主题确定前将被加以考虑。

    These will be taken into consideration before topics are assigned .

  21. 出门前将煤气和电关掉。

    Shut off the gas and electricity before you go out .

  22. 您的账户在完成激活前将无法使用。

    Your account will stay inactive until you confirm your registration .

  23. 在下一轮会议前将有一个短的休会期。

    There will be a short recess before the next meeting .

  24. 他们在逃跑比前将所有的文件付之一炬。

    They set all the papers and documents on fire before fleeing .

  25. 照片中的好孩子正在采摘蔬菜,她要在日落前将采好的菜带回家。

    Good kid helping to harvest vegetables to bring home before sunset .

  26. 我答应周末前将余款汇去。

    I promised to remit the balance by the weekend .

  27. 若源水中含有三价砷,可在混凝沉淀前将其氧化。

    If arsenite existed in source water , it was oxidated before coagulation_precipitation .

  28. 听着,我们得在她发现前将他给带走。

    Look , we gotta get him out of here before she finds us .

  29. 全部重写,并在存档前将草稿送交上级审查。

    Rewrite it in full and submit your draft to higher authority before filing .

  30. 你必须在吃东西前将你黏乎乎的手洗一下。

    You 'll have to wash those gluey hands of yours before you eat .