
lì xué
  • mechanics
  • study hard
力学 [lì xué]
  • [study hard] 努力学习

  • 力学不倦

  • [mechanics;dynamics] 自然科学的一个分支,研究能和力以及它们与固体、液体及气体的平衡、变形或运动的关系

  1. 量子力学和混沌理论都表明世界永远处于不断变化中。

    Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux .

  2. 他专攻运动力学。

    He specialises in the mechanics of locomotion .

  3. 他的想法就是将几何学应用在力学上。

    His idea was to apply geometry to dynamics .

  4. 他没有学习过力学和工程学。

    He has not studied mechanics or engineering .

  5. 想要参加这个项目的学生需要了解现代流体力学的基本原理。

    Students who want to take part in this project should know the fundamentals of modern fluid mechanics .

  6. 力学为我们提供了许多有意义而又形象的例子。

    Mechanics provides us with meaningful and readily visualizable examples .

  7. 量子力学本身就存在着许多不能直接测量的概念。

    In quantum mechanics itself there are many constructs that we cannot measure directly .

  8. 这是一门力学课程。

    This is a course in mechanics .

  9. 断裂力学的应用,将直接引出无损检验技术的应用。

    Applications in fracture mechanics lead directly to applications to the nondestructive testing of structures .

  10. 通常可用线弹性断裂力学进行钢桥裂纹分析。

    The analysis of cracking in steel bridges can usually be accomplished by using linearelastic fracture mechanics .

  11. 他从我这儿借了一本力学方面的书。

    He borrowed a mechanical book from me .

  12. 量子信息学是近几年迅速发展起来的一门新兴交叉学科,它是量子力学和信息科学相结合的产物

    What is called quantum information science is substantively to research information science encoding with quantum states .

  13. 织物悬垂系数与FAST力学性能的灰色关联分析

    Analysis of Grey Relationship Between Drape Coefficient of Fabric and Mechanics Property of FAST

  14. 并利用通用有限元软件ANSYS建立其力学模型并求解。

    Utilized general FEM software ANSYS to establish mechanical model and solve .

  15. 利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)对共混及掺混材料的界面形态进行了观察,并讨论了界面形态与力学性能的关系。

    The relationship between interfacial morphology and mechanical properties of polymer blends is discussed .

  16. Q3黄土力学各向异性特性的初步试验研究

    Test Investigation on mechanical anisotropy of q_3 loess

  17. HDPE基木塑复合材料力学性能的研究

    Research on the Mechanical Properties of Wood-Plastics-Composite Based on HDPE

  18. 新型SBS热熔胶的动态力学性能研究

    The Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of a New Hot-Melt Adhesive

  19. 利用有限元法(FEM)建立力学分析模型是人工材料椎间盘髓核设计的有效手段之一。

    Finite-element modeling for mechanical analysis is becoming one of the most important methods to design the artificial nucleus .

  20. 研究了TiN含量对Ti(C,N)/NiCr金属陶瓷微观结构与力学性能的影响。

    The effects of TiN additions on microstructures and mechanical properties of Ti ( C , N ) / NiCr cermets were investigated .

  21. 膨胀阻燃剂对EVA阻燃和力学性能的影响

    Effect of Intumescent Flame Retardant on Flame Retardancy and Mechanical Properties of Intumescent Flame Retardant EVA Copolymer

  22. Pd/Al2O3催化剂表面上甲烷化反应动力学的统计力学研究Ⅰ甲烷化反应动力学参数的统计力学计算

    Statistical Mechanics Study of Methanation Over Pd / Al_2O_3 Catalyst I. Statistical Mechanics Calculation of the Kinetic Parameters of Methanation

  23. 原位增强TiB2/Al-4.5Cu复合材料的组织与力学性能

    Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of In-situ TiB_2 / Al-4.5 Cu Composites

  24. Sc与Zr对Al-Mg-Mn合金力学性能和剥落腐蚀性能的影响

    Effect of Sc and Zr on Mechanical and Exfoliation Corrosion Properties of Al-Mg-Mn Alloys

  25. PCD刀具加工强化复合地板中磨损行为的断裂力学研究

    Fracture mechanics analysis on wear characteristics of polycrystalline diamond tools when machining high pressure laminated flooring

  26. 随着纤度的降低,纤维的力学性能迅速增加,有色远红外PP纤维仍能保持优良的力学特性。

    The mechanical properties improved rapidly with the decrease of denier . For this reason , the coloured far infrared PP fiber kept good mechanical properties .

  27. 利用SEM、XRD等手段分析了多孔材料的组织结构与相组成,测量、分析了不同制备工艺下空心球多孔材料的力学性能。

    By means of scanning electron microscopy ( SEM ), X-ray diffraction ( XRD ), the microstructure , phase composition and mechanical property of alloys were investigated .

  28. 发展了三维不连续变形分析(DDA)与有限元(FEM)耦合计算的力学模型。

    A numerical model that coupled three dimensional discontinuous deformation analysis ( 3D DDA ) with finite element method was presented .

  29. 弹性力学中Fredholm积分方程组解法的表达通式及其讨论

    General expression of Fredholm integral equations method on elastic mechanics and its discussion

  30. 利用XRD,SEM,力学性能测试等手段,研究了物理活化和化学活化粉煤灰对硅酸盐水泥强度及其浆体结构的影响;

    The influence of physical activated and chemical activated fly-ash on the strength and paste structure of portland cement was studied by XRD , SEM and measuring strength etc.