
  • 网络Mechanical system;Dynamic system;MEMS & Micro Machine
  1. Loop代数上一种Toda力学系统的求解问题

    Study of Solving a Toda Dynamic System with Loop Algebra

  2. 变质量可控力学系统中的Nielsen算子和Euler算子

    The operators of Nielsen and Euler in controllable dynamic system with variable mass

  3. 非完整非保守力学系统在相空间的Lie对称性与守恒量

    Lie Symmetries and Conserved Quantities of Nonconservative Nonholonomic Systems in Phase Space

  4. 非保守力对广义力学系统Lie对称性的影响

    Effects of non-conservative forces on Lie symmetries of a generalized mechanical system

  5. 大系统加权V函数方法与力学系统的稳定性

    Methods of Large-Scale Systems with Weighted V Functions and Stability of Mechanical Systems

  6. 具有可积微分约束的力学系统的Lie对称性

    Lie symmetries of mechanical system with integral differential constraints

  7. 具有单面完整约束的有多余坐标力学系统的Lie对称性与守恒量

    Lie Symmetries and Conserved Quantities of Mechanical Systems of Remainder Coordinates with Unilateral Holonomic Constraints

  8. 研究了变质量非完整可控力学系统的形式不变性与Lie对称性。

    The form invariance and Lie symmetry of variable mass nonholonomic controllable mechanical system are studied .

  9. 关于变质量非完整力学系统的Hamilton原理

    On the Hamilton 's Principle for Non-holonomic Variable Mass Systems

  10. 完整力学系统的高阶Hamilton正则方程

    Higher order Hamilton 's canonical equations of holonomic mechanical system

  11. 提出了阻尼最小二乘可行方向法,对一般的N自由度力学系统的物理参数进行了最优选择。

    In this paper , a damped least square feasible direction method is presented , the physical parameters for general n-degree-of-freedom mechanical systems are optimally selected .

  12. 经典李代数Dr上推广的Toda力学系统

    Generalized Toda Mechanics Associated with Classical Lie Algebras D_r

  13. Lagrange函数等效变换对力学系统对称性和守恒量的影响

    Effects of Equivalent Transformations of Lagrange Functions on Symmetries and Conserved Quantities of Mechanics Systems

  14. 研究Hamilton力学系统在相空间的形式不变性及与Lie对称性的关系。

    The relationship between the form invariance and Lie symmetry of Hamilton systems in phase space is studied .

  15. 给出高维增广相空间中广义力学系统的Lie对称定理及其逆定理。

    In this paper , the Lie 's symmetrical theorem and its inverse of generalized mechanical systems in dimensional extended phase space are given .

  16. 完整与非完整力学系统的积分变分原理的Riemann形式

    The Integral Variational Principle in Riemann Form for Holonomic and Non-holonomic Dynamical System

  17. 研究非保守力学系统Nielsen方程的形式不变性。

    A form invariance of Nielsen equation of nonconservative mechanical system is studied .

  18. 高阶可控力学系统的相对论性广义Nielsen方程

    Relativistic generalized Nielsen equations for high order controllable

  19. 准坐标下的非完整非保守力学系统的Noether理论

    Noether 's theory of nonholonomic nonconservative dynamical systems under quasi - coordinates

  20. 具有单面完整约束的力学系统的Noether理论

    Noether 's theory for mechanics systems with unilateral holonomic constrains

  21. 变质量完整力学系统的形式不变性与非Noether守恒量

    Form Invariance and Non-Noether Conserved Quantity for Holonomic Mechanical Systems with Variable Mass

  22. 利用时间不变的无限小变化下的Lie对称性,研究变质量非完整力学系统的一类新的守恒量。

    Using the Lie symmetry under infinitesimal transformations in which the time is not variable , we studied a new conserved quantity for the nonholonomic mechanical systems with a variable mass .

  23. 相空间中力学系统的非Noether守恒律的几何基础(英文)

    Geometric Foundations of A Non-Noether Conservation Law for Mechanical Systems in Phase Space ;

  24. 可控力学系统的Jourdain原理和Nielsen方程

    Jourdain 's Principle and Nielsen 's Equations of controllable mechanical Systems

  25. 变质量力学系统的高阶万有DAlembert原理

    Higher Order Universal D'Alembert Principle for Mechanical System of Variable Mass

  26. 约束力学系统的Noether对称性

    Noether Symmetries of Constrained Mechanical Systems

  27. 首先,根据运动微分方程在无限小变换下的不变性建立完整非保守广义力学系统Lie对称的确定方程。

    Firstly , according to the invariance of differential equations of motion under the infinitesimal transformations , the determining equations of the Lie symmetry of the holonomic non conservative generalized mechanical systems are established .

  28. Marc软件的高度非线性功能对本文的复杂力学系统进行了一系列的计算机仿真模拟研究,为复杂地层套管破坏机理研究提供了简便、可行的方法。

    Marc software with high nonlinear function , thus providing a simple , convenient and feasible method for studying the casing damage mechanism in complex formations .

  29. 基于动力学函数在无限小变换下的不变性,建立了相对论性力学系统的Mei对称性的定义和判据;

    The definition and criterion of Mei symmetry for the relativistic mechanical system are established , which are based upon the invariance of dynamical functions under infinitesimal transformations .

  30. 导数空间非完整力学系统的Appell型方程及广义的D'Alembert原理

    A New Appell Equation and Generalized D'Alembert Principle for Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems in Derivative Space