• power;strength;ability;capacity
  • energetically;strenuously;vigorously
  • do all one can;make every effort
  • 人和动物筋肉的效能:~气。~量。

  • 一切事物的效能:视~。生产~。控制~。

  • 物理学上指物体之间相互作用,引起运动加速或形变:~学。作用~。保守~。

  • 用极大的力量:尽~。~挫。~挽狂澜。

  • 姓。


(力量; 能力) power; strength; ability; capacity:

  • 眼力


  • 生命力


  • 号召力

    public appeal;

  • 人力


  • 财力

    financial power;

  • 物力

    material resources;

  • 创造力



{物} (改变物体运动状态的作用) force; energy; power:

  • 磁力

    magnetic force;

  • 张力


  • 水力

    hydraulic power;

  • 离心力

    centrifugal force


(专指体力) physical strength:

  • 膂力过人

    physically stronger than other people;

  • 大力士

    a man of great strength; beef;

  • 筋疲力尽

    utterly exhausted


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 力广

    Li Guang


(尽力; 竭力) energetically; strenuously; vigorously:

  • 力谏

    try all one can to remonstrate;

  • 力求上进

    strive vigorously to improve oneself [to do better];

  • 力争上游

    endeavor to gain the upper hand


(努力; 尽力) do all one can; make every effort:

  • 办事不力

    not do one's best in one's work; not pull one's weight

  1. 开快车会让人觉得自己有一种主宰之力。

    There is a feeling of power that comes from driving fast

  2. 卢布的实际购买力骤然下降。

    The real purchasing power of the rouble has plummeted .

  3. 他以超常的克制力强压住怒火。

    It took an almost superhuman effort to contain his anger .

  4. 她为放弃这个计划提出了一些具有说服力的理由。

    She put forward some cogent reasons for abandoning the plan .

  5. 他们是最富感染力的现场表演摇滚乐组合之一。

    They were one of rock 's most impressive live acts .

  6. 我费了九牛二虎之力才找到你。

    I 've had a devil of a job finding you .

  7. 我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。

    We had no end of trouble getting them to agree .

  8. 购物中心承受了全部爆炸力。

    The shopping centre took the full force of the blast .

  9. 她决心坚持下去,显示出了很大的意志力。

    Her decision to continue shows great strength of will .

  10. 我们力行中立的政策。

    We have tried to pursue a policy of neutrality .

  11. 爆炸的全部破坏力都集中在这所学校。

    The school took the full force of the explosion .

  12. 我们得加强对市场的控制力。

    We need to tighten the grip we have on the market .

  13. 他们的论据我听起来都觉得有点儿缺乏说服力。

    Their arguments all sound a little thin to me .

  14. 这种测试是判断阅读理解力的好方法吗?

    Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension ?

  15. 在冬天跑步是需要很大的自律力的。

    It takes a lot of self-discipline to go jogging in winter .

  16. 气囊用来减轻汽车碰撞的冲击力。

    Airbags are designed to soften the impact of a car crash .

  17. 披头士乐队的感染力经久不衰。

    The Beatles have never really lost their appeal .

  18. 该比赛项目既是对体力也是对心理承受力的考验。

    This event tests both physical and mental endurance .

  19. 他英俊漂亮,具有魔鬼般的迷惑力。

    He was handsome , with a devilish charm .

  20. 他在讲话中感谢大家各尽其力。

    In his speech , he thanked everyone for all their hard work .

  21. 爆炸的震动力把所有窗户都震碎到屋里。

    All the windows were blasted inwards with the force of the explosion .

  22. 这种缆索的断裂应变力为140公斤。

    The cable has a 140kg breaking strain .

  23. 他们把一群未经训练的新兵组织成了一支有战斗力的部队。

    They had welded a bunch of untrained recruits into an efficient fighting force .

  24. 他有很高的音乐欣赏力。

    He has very good taste in music .

  25. 是的,那是个有说服力的论据。

    Yes , that 's a good point .

  26. 亚历克斯对服装毫无鉴赏力。

    Alex doesn 't have any dress sense .

  27. 这提议太有诱惑力,使人难以拒绝。

    The offer was too enticing to refuse .

  28. 她有非凡的意志力。

    She has a remarkable inner strength .

  29. 他为自己工作是不会有什么成就的——他毫无自制力。

    He 'll never get anywhere working for himself ─ he 's got no discipline .

  30. 他是一个说话很有说服力的人。

    He 's a very persuasive talker .