
quē xiàn
  • defect;deficiency;flaw;shortcoming;fault;faultiness;disability;inadequacy;draw back;vitium
缺陷 [quē xiàn]
  • [defect;draw back;flaw;shortcoming] 瑕疵;缺点;欠缺;不完美

  • 生理缺陷

  • 视力缺陷

  • 他的计划中最大的缺陷是没有预测成本

缺陷[quē xiàn]
  1. 口吃很可能是一种遗传性缺陷。

    Stammering is probably an inherited defect .

  2. 这个小姑娘先天视力有缺陷。

    The little girl was born with a sight defect .

  3. 这种熨斗如有工艺缺陷可保修一年。

    This iron is guaranteed for a year against faulty workmanship .

  4. 商品如有缺陷,可要求退款。

    Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty .

  5. 博物馆有专门设备供失明和视力有缺陷的参观者使用。

    The museum has special facilities for blind and partially sighted visitors .

  6. 这些儿童充分体现了教育制度的缺陷。

    These children personify all that is wrong with the education system .

  7. 有严重缺陷的汽车已被制造商召回。

    Cars with serious faults have been called in by the manufacturers .

  8. 经检查,她的听力有点缺陷。

    Her hearing was found to be slightly defective .

  9. 这次调查承认司法制度有缺陷。

    The inquiry acknowledges failings in the judicial system .

  10. 计划中有一个致命的缺陷。

    There was a fatal flaw in the plan .

  11. 简尽管有生理缺陷,却能够保住一份全职工作。

    Despite her handicap , Jane is able to hold down a full-time job .

  12. 我们所有的廉价商品都稍有缺陷。

    All our sale items are slightly imperfect .

  13. 他是个感情有缺陷的人。

    He 's an emotional cripple .

  14. 相对于母本DNA,基因畸变往往更多地与父本DNA上的缺陷相关。

    Genetic abnormalities are more often associated with faults in paternal DNA than in maternal DNA .

  15. 一些有听障的儿童可能需要花更大的力气来克服这一缺陷。

    Some hearing-impaired children may work harder to overcome their handicap .

  16. 体制中存在的缺陷为金融丑闻的出现提供了土壤。

    Flaws in the system have created a breeding ground for financial scandals

  17. 尽管有缺陷,这部电影还是迅速成为了一部经典作品。

    For all its faults , the film instantly became a classic .

  18. 他做了手术来弥补自己的面部缺陷。

    He had surgery to correct a facial disfigurement .

  19. 报告说两艘船存在的设计缺陷也促成了这场悲剧的发生。

    The report says design faults in both the vessels contributed to the tragedy

  20. 没有精神缺陷的病人可以拒绝治疗。

    Patients with no mental incapacity can refuse treatment .

  21. 环保主义者称这个条约存在根本性的缺陷。

    Environmentalists say the treaty is fundamentally flawed .

  22. 维护民主的唯一办法是对其缺陷大声提出意见。

    The only way to preserve democracy is to raise hell about its shortcomings .

  23. 我的身体缺陷令我很苦恼。

    I was obsessed by my physical imperfections .

  24. 这种药有一个严重缺陷:它的药力只能持续6个小时。

    This drug has one important limitation . Its effects only last six hours .

  25. 唯一的缺陷就是按键时反应略显迟缓。

    The only flaw is the slightly slow response times when you press the buttons .

  26. 整个过程都有缺陷,因为问题背后的逻辑太过简单了。

    The whole process is flawed because the logic behind the questions is too simplistic .

  27. 零售商可以退回有缺陷的商品。

    Retailers can return defective merchandise .

  28. 亚历克斯智力上有缺陷。

    Alex was mentally handicapped .

  29. 染病家庭的女孩们也可以检查一下,看看是否携带这种缺陷基因。

    Girls in an affected family can also be tested to see if they carry the defective gene .

  30. 没有确凿证据证明,摄取维生素A会导致出生缺陷。

    There was no positive evidence that any birth defects had arisen as a result of Vitamin A intake .