
  • 网络lack depth
  1. 他的想法缺乏深度。

    His ideas lack depth .

  2. 两部改编电影的研究虽小有成果,但总体缺乏深度严谨性。

    The two experiences have achieved preliminary success , however , as a whole , they lack depth and coherence .

  3. 这部小说因人物缺乏深度而受到批评。

    The novel was criticized for its two-dimensional characters .

  4. 他缺乏深度和分析的精确性。

    He lacked profundity and analytical precision .

  5. 他的音乐缺乏深度。

    His music lacks depth

  6. 他的发言缺乏深度。

    His speech lacks depth .

  7. 当然,由于条件的限制,对RF公司开展的管理人员远程培训只是一次培训管理创新尝试,对效果、推广模式还缺乏深度的分析。

    Due to limited condition , this training is just an innovation experiment on the training management , the training effect and the model for extension still need further and deeper study .

  8. 没有经过应有的努力就达到;缺乏深度。

    Arrived at without due care or effort ; lacking depth .

  9. 他早期的专辑很受人欢迎,但缺乏深度。

    His earlier albums were very popular but lacked depth .

  10. 缺乏深度是当代修辞研究的主要症结&兼论修辞研究数量化、形式化问题

    The Main Sticking Point is Short of Profundity in Temporary Rhetoric Research

  11. 不可避免地,这个关于企业失败的有限调查是缺乏深度的。

    By necessity , this modest survey of corporate failures is superficial .

  12. 不过它最大的代价就是,缺乏深度。

    The greatest cost of breadth , however , is lack of depth .

  13. 骈体文的形式绚烂但内容缺乏深度。

    It was gorgeous in form but lacked depth .

  14. 演员孙海英再三批评他的作品缺乏深度。

    Actor Sun Haiying time and again lambasted his work for being crass .

  15. 家校合作内容狭隘,缺乏深度。

    Fifth , the content of home-school co-operation is narrow and lack of depth .

  16. 香气很微妙但缺乏深度

    More subtle fragrance , but it hasn 't got the depth . Mmm .

  17. 纵观近年来的相关研究,虽然内容宽泛,但缺乏深度,尤其对高校合并后人力资源开发管理尚无系统性的研究。

    Especially there is no systemic research on the human resources development after university combination .

  18. 如果只有其中一种,设计就缺乏深度和力度。

    If only one or the other exists , then the design lacks depth and strength .

  19. 第一,从受众角度来说,受众缺乏深度报道需求;

    First , from the angle of audience , they lack the demand for the In-depth reports ;

  20. 第三,研究大都停留在理论层面,缺乏深度及说服力。

    Thirdly , most researches focus on theoretical level and they are less convincing to some extent .

  21. 当然,科幻动作片面临的通病是缺乏深度。

    Of course , a common problem with action-packed sci-fi movies is their short on intellectual weight .

  22. 这本小说缺乏深度。

    The novel lacks depth .

  23. 其中很多公司会让管理人员在各个子公司之间轮换,这导致高管们缺乏深度经验。

    Many of them rotate their managers between their subsidiaries , so the top executives lack in-depth experience .

  24. 小时候我觉得看喜剧缺乏深度,现在我觉得看悲剧是没事儿找事儿。

    I felt that comedies are shallow when I was young ; now I think tragedies are unnecessary .

  25. 由于对这一客观的问题缺乏深度的理解与系统研究,故长期以来我国钢丝制品业的技术进步主要靠经验的摸索,缺乏有力的理论支撑。

    Because of lacking systemic investigation of this problem , technique advancement in steel wire industry was almost experiential .

  26. 但是当罗马赶上希腊的城邦,马其顿缺乏深度和资源就无法与罗马共和国比肩了。

    But with Rome catching up Greek city states Macedonia lacked depth resources to stand up to Roman republic .

  27. 然而,与美国和欧洲市场相比,澳大利亚市场仍然缺乏深度,而且不够成熟。

    However , the Australian market still lacks some of the depth and sophistication of its US and European counterparts .

  28. 你击球的稳定性已提升,可以控制中等球速的来球的方向,但击球仍然缺乏深度与变化。

    You have achieved improved stroke dependability with directional control on moderate shots , but need to develop depth and variety .

  29. 由于时间及自身水平有限,论文研究工作尚缺乏深度,且存在很多不足之处,作者将在后续的研究过程中加以持续改进。

    Due to time and personal limitation , the research may have inadequacies , which will be improved in the follow-up study .

  30. 影评人士对该片的摄影和服装大为赞扬,但对缺乏深度的人物和支离破碎的故事情节提出了批评。

    Critics praised the sequel 's cinematography and costumes but knocked what they described as the movie 's paper-thin characters and incoherent story .