
  1. 儿童社会技能缺陷与教育对策

    On Children 's Defects of Social Skills and Countermeasures of Education

  2. 开展缺陷情景教育提高护理技术操作水平

    Developing Scene Teaching of the Defects to improve the level of nurses ' techniques

  3. 深圳市育龄妇女出生缺陷健康教育效果评价

    Effectiveness evaluation of birth defect health education for childbearing age women in Shenzhen City

  4. 任何教育制度都存在着某种缺陷,教育制度的缺陷导致了教育秩序的僵化,阻碍了人的自由发展。

    In any educational institution exist some drawbacks , which result in the rigidity of educational order , and hinder the free development of human being .

  5. 这些缺陷与教育中存在的理想信念教育薄弱,过于追求功利性,自然科学和人文社会科学相分离等有重大关系。

    These limitations are closely related to the weakness in the education of ideal and faith , their extreme utilitarian pursuit , and the separation of natural science from social and humanity science .

  6. 这些素质缺陷对国防教育往往产生一定程度的抗体,影响教育效果。

    These quality weakness may have side effect to the defense education and have bad influence on the effect of education .

  7. 青少年发展过程中的心理缺陷是影响教育效果的重要因素。

    The psychological defects of the juveniles in the process of their growth serve as important factors that will influence the effects .

  8. 最后展望了将来可能研究的几个重要问题并简单的说明了利用缺陷对于我们教育的启示。

    Finally prospects several important problems may be studied in the future and simply illuminates the utilization deficiency for revelation of education .

  9. 产生这些因素的原因包括法官准入制度存在缺陷,法官教育培训制度存在问题,法官的职业保障制度存在弊端。

    The reasons are that the choice system of judge has some shortcomings and so do the training system and occupation guarantee system .

  10. 第四章从音乐教育的理论与实践两个角度,提出对互联网音乐资源如何扬长避短、弥补缺陷的具体教育对策。

    Chapter 4 from two angles of theories and practice of music education , bring up different education countermeasures for Internet music resources shortcomings .

  11. 然而,在远程教育发展过程中却存在着有效资源数量匮乏和资源质量差等缺陷,远程教育资源建设成为制约远程教育发展的桎梏之一。

    However , in the developing process of distance education , there is much limitation . For example , the scarce of the effective resources and poor quality of the resources .

  12. 并根据其原则,结合当代大学生人格缺陷和人格教育不足之处,创新和总结出当代大学生人格教育的新举措。

    And in accordance with its principles , combined with the contemporary college students ' personality flaws and inadequacies of personality education , innovation and summed up the new initiative of the Contemporary Students ' Personality .

  13. 对于矿工来说,他们是社会弱势群体,有着自身的很多缺陷,例如教育水平不高、缺乏技术、组织分散等等,这些迫使矿工只能获得弱势收益。

    For the miners , they are socially disadvantaged people , has its many defects , such as education level is not high , lack of technical , organizational decentralization , etc. This forced the miner only get a weak return .

  14. 现实中大量个案都表明:未成年人的发展不仅仅是未成年人的问题,更与家长的教育素质有关,家长教育素质的缺陷是家庭教育问题的本质所在。

    In reality , a large number of cases show that : the development of minors is not only a minor issue , and the educational quality of parents , parents education quality defects of family education is the nature of the problem .

  15. 当今高等学校的财务管理体制的缺陷造成了教育经费紧缺,严重阻碍了高等教育的快速发展,因此很多高校选择了负债办学的模式来发展高等教育。

    Today , the deficiencies of university financial management system lead to a shortage of funding for education and a serious impediment to the rapid development of higher education . That is why so many universities have chosen the way of debt to develop the model school .

  16. 社会的发展和教育改革为社会考试的发展打造了良好的生源市场,同时由于自身的缺陷及其它教育形式的快速发展使生源市场竞争日趋激烈。

    Social development and education reforms offer a desirable market for non-academic certificate exams . Meanwhile , the competition for the market resources has become increasingly fierce as a result of the inborn defects with non-academic certificate exams , and the rapid development in other forms of education .

  17. 浅谈特殊环境中CFG桩复合地基的缺陷我国环境教育的缺陷与解决路径分析

    Limitation of applying CFG piles composition foundation in special worksite On Shortcomings and Route of Solution of Chinese Environment Education

  18. 本文主要针对现有网络教学系统存在的缺陷,依据现代教育理论,利用现有信息技术,研究Web环境下的具有个性化教学和协作型学习功能的智能网络教学系统模型。

    In this paper we mainly aimed at exist network teaching system 's disfigurement , based on modern teaching theory and utilized existing information technique , we studied intelligent teaching system model which has individual teaching and cooperative learning function in Web environment .

  19. 大学生心理健康教育方面存在的问题,包括归属不明确、课程设置有缺陷、心理健康教育师资匮乏。

    Mental health problems of undergraduates are unclear attribution , deficient curriculum , lacking mental health education teachers .

  20. 现阶段,由于我国教育制度的体制性缺陷,导致高等教育不公现象的出现。

    At present stage , the systematic defects of the education system lead to the phenomena of inequity in higher education .

  21. 就其消极作用结合独生子女人格发展的心理缺陷,从家庭教育的关系、目标、内容、环境、方式等方面做详细分析。

    This paper analyses relationship , purpose , content , environment and ways of family education , related to psychological defect of the only child .

  22. 我国教育申诉制度所存在的诸多缺陷,可以从教育申诉的受理机构、教育申诉的程序规范及教育申诉后的救济渠道等方面予以完善。

    Educational appeal system needs improving in the way of the appeal organization , the appeal process , and the relief channel after the educational appeal .

  23. 比奈被指派对市内收容所的大量贫苦儿童进行研究,以查明他们究竟是智力缺陷还是仅仅缺乏教育。

    Binet was commissioned to study the large numbers of poor children in the city 's asylums and to find out whether they were mentally incapacitated or simply untaught .

  24. 我,相信一个人不管是怎样的脾气,都免不了有某种短处,这是一种天生的缺陷,即使受教育受得再好,也还是克服不了。

    There is , I believe , in every disposition a tendency to some particular evil , a natural defect , which not even the best education can overcome .

  25. 签证也适用于外籍人员临时来参加一类特殊的教育培训项目,即对身体,智力或精神有缺陷的孩子的教育方面的培训项目。

    The H-3 classification also applies to an alien coming temporarily to participate in a special education training program in the education of children with physical , mental , or emotional disabilities .

  26. 社会的发展,学校管理中存在的缺陷以及当前学校教育的特点决定了学校管理走向学习型组织是一种必然趋势。

    Taking the development of society . drawbacks in the school management , and the characteristics of , contemporary school education into consideration , a shift to the Learning Organization has come to be an inevitable trend .

  27. 传统教学的缺陷在现代学校教育中日益凸显,改革的关键在于人们的观念及其相应的教育行为的转变。

    Shortcomings of the traditional teaching are more and more obvious in the present school education , and in order to change the situation , the key point is to transform people 's ideas and corresponding educational behavior .

  28. 通过调查研究发现,一费制内部的制度性缺陷以及外部义务教育投入与保障体制的不完善是导致一费制学校经费短缺以及各种问题的两大主要原因。

    Through investigation , we find that the internal defects of " the system of one-time payment " and outer drawbacks of the investment system of compulsory education are the tow main reasons that induce so serious problems .

  29. 其行为问题的发生与父母患精神疾病,父亲文化程度低、酗酒、性格内向、很少在家居住及缺陷家庭、父母教育方式不当、亲子关系差有关。

    The occurrence of behavior problems were related to their parents ' mental illness , low degree of education , heavy drinking , introvert personality , long time leaving from family , unsuitable education ways to the children and poor relation with the children .

  30. 的确,师资&这个教育链条中最基本、关键的环节,它的薄弱或缺陷都将会给教育造成不可估量和不可弥补的损失。

    Indeed ,' Teachers ' is the most basic and critical aspect of educational chain . Its weak and defect will cause the immeasurable and irreparable losses on education especially in the development on the quality of teachers of Compulsory Education in the countryside .