
  • 网络Strength Endurance;Power-Endurance;muscular strength
  1. 高校竞走运动员力量耐力训练的理论与实践研究

    Theory and Practice Research on Race Walker 's Strength Endurance Training

  2. 游泳下肢打腿训练器对游泳运动员力量耐力训练效果的研究

    Strength endurance training by using lower limb swimming kick swimmer training apparatus

  3. 800m跑运动员的综合力量耐力训练

    Comprehensive strength and endurance training of 800m racers

  4. 艾灸对大鼠骨骼肌力量耐力的调节作用

    Regulating Effect on circle moxibustion to rice skeletal muscle force endurance

  5. 2008年奥运会中国女子帆板运动员速度力量耐力素质分析

    Rapid endurance of strength of female sailing athletes at 2008 Olympic Games

  6. 但力量耐力手段具有差异性,城运会比世青赛多9种。

    But the power of endurance training with a means of differentiation , World Youth Games more than 9.3 .

  7. 从整个测试中看出,腓肠肌和股四头肌在投掷过程中肌肉用力时非常大的,而三角肌和肱二头肌的持续用力时间较长对力量耐力的要求很高。

    From the test , gastrocnemius and the quadriceps muscle force in the process , but when the very big biceps and triceps lasts for a long time for the high demand for power endurance .

  8. 1985&2005年的20年来,全国学生肺活量水平呈下降趋势;速度、爆发力、力量耐力、耐力素质水平下降;肥胖检出率上升;视力不良检出率居高不下。

    For 20 years during 1985-2005 , nation-wide students ' vital capacity continued to decline ; the level of speed , explosive force , strength endurance , endurance quality further dropped ; detection rate of obesity continues to rise ; detection rate of adverse visual remains high .

  9. 简而言之,外骨骼就是支撑、遮盖和保护使用者的外部设备,为其提供更高水平的力量和耐力。

    In simple terms , an exoskeleton is an external device that supports , covers and protects its user , giving greater levels of strength and endurance .

  10. 京晶:没问题。你主要专注于练哪方面?力量,耐力,还是柔韧性?

    What are you focused on - strength , endurance or flexibility ?

  11. 皮划艇运动要求运动员具有力量、耐力、平衡性、协调性和巨大的决心。

    Canoeing requires strength , stamina , balance , coordination and great determination .

  12. 用等速测力法评定优秀运动员股四头肌和腘绳肌力量和耐力

    Isokinetic strength and endurance of quadriceps and hamstring muscles in elite Chinese athletes

  13. 其体质的程度是保证有足够的力量和耐力,但又不失优雅。

    The degree of substance is sufficient to ensure strength and endurance without sacrificing grace .

  14. 我在跑比赛的时候,我做了一些综合性的包括力量和耐力的训练。

    When I was competing I would have a mixed program of strength and endurance training .

  15. 但对于力量、耐力、速度等方面的影响不是很大。

    But for strength , endurance and speed the influence of such is not very big .

  16. 在任何力量一耐力的比赛中,把宝押在耐力上。&普雷斯科特

    In any contest between power and patience , bet on patience . & W. H. Prescott

  17. 举重运动员需要具有力量、耐力、柔韧性、平衡性、协调性和毅力等素质。

    A weight lifter requires strength , stamina , flexibility , balance , and coordination and determination .

  18. 许多功勋难以置信的力量和耐力已完成的影响下,飞金顶。

    Many unbelievable feats of strength and endurance have been accomplished under the influence of Fly Agaric .

  19. 最常见的材料是牛皮皮革摩托车、选择的力量和耐力。

    The most common material used for motorcycle leathers is Cowhide , chosen for its strength and durability .

  20. 通过把诸如力量、耐力和智力等一些属性用数字外化出来,游戏玩家就建立属于自己的可变角色。

    Players built their alter egos by using numbers to represent characteristics such as strength , toughness and intelligence .

  21. 柔道训练很严格,里色尔说,它包括力量、耐力、以及柔道动作的训练。

    Judo requires a disciplined training regimen , which Ryan says includes strength and endurance training and judo practice .

  22. 在经历了激烈竞争的压力与紧张之后,运动员在力量、耐力和纪律方面都有提高。

    By undergoing the stress and strain of tough competition , the athletes grow in strength , endurance and discipline .

  23. 是一套可以改善学生力量、耐力素质具有实际操作性的健身操。

    Is a set of can improve students ' strength , endurance quality has the actual operational setting-up exercise . 2 .

  24. 研究生物活性肽胶囊对赛艇运动员力量、耐力素质的影响。

    This article mainly studies the activated peptide capsule to the effect on the strength and endurance ability of the rower .

  25. 它能感觉到我想做什么,想上哪儿去,然后提升我的力量和耐力。

    It senses what I want to do , where I want to go , and then augments my strength and endurance .

  26. 这里更重视音乐和编舞,而不是力量和耐力,热情奔放的教练感觉更像是拉拉队长,而不是教练。

    With its emphasis on music and choreography over effort and athleticism , the bubbly instructor felt more like a cheerleader than a coach .

  27. 田径运动是一项结合了速度与力量、耐力与技巧的综合性体育运动,是世界上历史最悠久,普及最广泛的体育运动。

    Track and field sport , as a kind of comprehensive sports , is a combination of speed and , Strength , stamina and skills .

  28. 第一阶段;2001年的基础年,主要是从力量、耐力、对抗能力等综合身体素质进行训练和提高。

    The first phase ; 2001 base year , mainly from the strength , endurance , ability to combat a comprehensive physical training and improvement .

  29. 滑水运动要求运动员具有力量、耐力、柔韧性、协调性、平衡性和时间感等素质。

    Water skiing requires strength , stamina , flexibility , coordination , balance and a sense of timing . a person with poor motor coordination .

  30. 在安排方面,将速度、力量、耐力三大运动素质分别安排在不同训练单元里进行训练。

    As for the assignments of training , it was divided into training in speed , strength and endurance three aspects to form those training units .