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  1. 用三点弯曲实验在万能测力机上测定试件的弯曲强度(MPa),测力机的加载速度为1mm/min;

    Mean flexural strengths ( MPa ) values were determined in a 3-point bend test at a crosshead speed of 1mm / min by using of a universal testing machine .

  2. 500tf(5MN)标准测力机的研制

    Development of the 500 tf ( 5MN ) Hydraulic Standard Machine

  3. 本文概述最近研制的作为国家标准器的500tf(5MN)液压式标准测力机的结构、特点、性能及误差分析。

    The construction , feature , performance and error analysis of the 500 tf ( 5MN ) hydraulic standard machine as a national standard are described in brief .

  4. 液压式标准测力机的有效面积和压力波动

    Effective Area and Pressure Fluctuation of the Hydraulic Standard Force Machine

  5. 专用工作测力机不确定度评定

    Uncertainty Evaluation of Working Force Measuring Machine for Special Purposes

  6. 液压放大式基准测力机液压伺服自动控制系统

    Research on Servo System of Hydraulic Amplified Force Reference Machine

  7. 静压技术在液压式测力机上的应用

    Applications of Hydrostatic Techniques in Hydraulic Force Measurement Machines

  8. 某型发动机承力机匣疲劳载荷谱研究

    Research on Fatigue Load Spectra of an Engine Supporting-case

  9. 复杂受载承力机匣的强度及疲劳寿命

    Strength analysis and fatigue life prediction for load-bearing case of aeroengine under complex loading

  10. 全自动叠加式标准测力机

    Fully Automatic Build-up Force Standard Machine

  11. 标准测力机中砝码选择伺服微电机的正反转控制

    A Study of CW / CCW Rotation Control of Micro Servo-motor for Weight Choice in Standard Force Measurement Instrument

  12. 本实用新型属于测量仪器领域,尤其是大型机械测力机。

    The utility model belongs to a measuring instrument field , in particular to a large scale mechanical force measurement instrument .

  13. 最终得到的承力机匣疲劳载荷谱为后续的强度与疲劳寿命分析及其试验谱的确定提供了依据。

    The entire fatigue load spectra of supporting-case provide the bases for the establishment of intensity , fatigue life analysis and experiment spectra .

  14. 介绍了大力值标准测力机中使用的一种新型静压润滑原理的工作缸塞系统。

    In this paper a new type of loading ram-cylinder system ( LRCS ) by using hydrostatic lubrication technique in large force standard machine is described .

  15. 本文阐述在航空发动机上使用的轮辐框架式承力机匣,在受各种复杂载荷作用下的有限元强度计算方法。

    This paper describes the calculation methods of finite element strength for spokes frame casing , which is used in aero-engine by the actions of various complex loads .

  16. 以某型发动机承力机匣疲劳载荷谱编制为例,介绍了一种基于载荷剖面计算的航空发动机零部件疲劳载荷谱编制方法。

    With the spectra compilation of an engine supporting-case as an example , this paper presents a fatigue load spectra compilation method for engine components based on a load-section calculation .

  17. 因此既要研究结构的整体变化趋势,又要做好局部杆件的受力机理性分析,保证结构的整体可靠性和具部稳定性分析。

    Therefore it is necessary to study the structure of the overall trend , but also do a good job in the local bar by the force of rational analysis to ensure that the overall structure of reliability and stability analysis .

  18. 文章分析了凤力机离心调速系统的稳定性,指出叶片上承受的气动力矩是影响整个系统稳定性的一个重要因素而不能忽略。

    This paper analyzes the stability of centrifugal regulator for windmills It point out that , aerodynamic moment acting on the blades is a significant factor influencing the stabi & lity of the whole system , which can not be neglected .

  19. 基于PC和DSP的力标准机控制系统设计

    Control System of Force Standard Machine Based on PC and DSP

  20. 譬如:在WINDOWS界面下,实现了力标准机的工作状态以及试验数据的实时显示。

    For example , the working state and test data are displayed real-time under the windows interface .

  21. 应用PIV技术对上升流水力分选机流场的试验研究

    Flow Field Experimental Research on Upward Flow Hydraulic Separator Using PIV Technology

  22. 最后将之应用于大型力标准机的电液控制系统和缆张力电液控制系统中,并比较分析了采用COM组件技术所带来的优势。

    Finally , with the method above , the software about electrohydraulic control system is structured and offer nice capability .

  23. 在Gleeble-1500热/力模拟机上测试了用CSP技术生产的低碳钢薄板连铸坯变形后的连续冷却转变曲线,并分析了组织演变规律。

    The transformation of low carbon steel thin slab made by CSP line during continuous cooling was simulated on Gleeble 1500 thermomechanical simulator , and the evolving rule of microstructure was analyzed .

  24. 风巷围岩应力大于机巷围岩应力,两巷的超前采动应力峰值位置在工作面前3~11m;

    The stress in surrounding rock of the ventilation entry is bigger than that of conveyor entry with a peak value of stress at a distance of 3 to 11 meters from the working face .

  25. 在Gleeble-1500热/力模拟机上采用热分析法和热膨胀法测试内磁屏蔽钢在不同试验工艺参数下的相变点,分析不同试验工艺参数对其影响并建立3种试验工艺下的CCT曲线。

    Transformation points of inter-magnetic shielded steel were measured on Gleeble-1500 thermal / mechanical simulator by methods of thermal analysis and thermal expansion , and three kinds of CCT curves were constructed and the effects of different processing parameters were investigated .

  26. 分析了EE1-100型力标准机砝码加载机构的工作原理和砝码挂起后间距偏差对定位检测的影响;

    The operational principle of the poise loading mechanism of EE1-100 normative force measuring instrument and the effect of the space error between loaded poises are analyzed in this paper .

  27. 控制效果达到了预定的目的,使力基准机的工作自动化和信号检测自动化程度得到实现和提高。

    The controlling realizes the automation of working and signal processing .

  28. 压电陶瓷在叠加式力标准机上的应用研究

    The Application Study of Piezoelectric Ceramics on Overlap-type Force Standard Machine

  29. 永力印机,永远是您的力量所在。

    Yongli printing machines , adding extra strength to your company .

  30. 双试棒合金凝固收缩力试验机的研制及应用

    Development and Application of Tester with Twin Bar for Alloy Solidification